Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


Monica signed deeply as she walked into Ace’s room in frustration, slamming the door behind her.

“You’ve got to be kidding me” he remarked stepping out from the bathroom.

“What’s up with all the attitudes babe, you’ve got to loosen up a bit babe..” he clicked his tongue, throwing himself on the bed.

“How can I loosen up, when you’re forcing me to do something which is clearly against my wish” she grunted angrily, how is she going to live like this? She’s a maid for crying out loud.

“It’s a privilege babe, feel free..” he stated,

“It’s not as if anything is going to happen between us, just go on with your normal life, ” he informed,

“Where do I sleep?” She questioned looking round the room, if Ace is already settled on the bed, where will she sleep, cause she will never share a bed with him.

“You can take the sofa…” he replied, as Monica glared at him scoffing in disbelief.

“So I’m going to be uncomfortable when you’re the one who dragged me into this, excuse me Mr Ace Moreau, I’m fine being a maid, at least I can sleep comfortably, alone, in my own bed, not this..” she expressed in sarcasm.

“Then what do you suggest?”

“We share a bed..”

“Feel free to join me, I’m not objecting to that” he invited her, creating space for her on the bed.

“Go to hell…” she cursed, walking away in anger, as she stomped her feet on the ground till she got into the bathroom, slamming the door.




“Good morning mother..”Adia smiled engulfing Celeste in a tight hug, she’s still so shocked on how the woman is looking so young, no one will believe that she’s Sebastian’s mother, speaking of, she has not seen his father in sight, but dared not ask, not wanting to cause any problems.

“How are you my dear?” Celeste asked smiling widely,

“I’m fine, and you, I know you’re fine, you’re looking so pretty” Adia praised as Celeste blushed,

“Spare me that..” she chuckled,

“Have you had breakfast?” She asked Adia.

“Yes I had some in my room” Adia replied, sitting down for breakfast was not a tradition in this house, they’re all vampires and barely feeding human food, she’s very sure the maids were not making food until she came here.

“Hope you enjoyed it, the maids had a hard time trying to make it, I made sure they put in their best..” she stated,

“Yes of course, trust me, it was good..” she replied,

“That’s great to hear..”

Feel free to do whatever you want, hmm, non ones going to hurt you..” she informed Incase Adia was scared of living with vampires.

“Sure, are you going out?” She asked to see that Celeste was dressed.

“Yes, ” she replied,

“I’m meeting up with a friend..” she added,

“Do you mind if I come along?, It’s kind of boring here..” she pouted,

“Sure, my pleasure..”

“Great,” Adia exclaimed happily,

“Alright then, come on and bring a coat with you, it’s cold here..” Celeste informed Adia rushed off to her room.




“Good gracious..” Adia exclaimed admiring the beautiful sight in front of her.

“I must confess, britaris is a very beautiful place..” she wowed, admiring all the tall buildings.

“You can say that again..” Celeste chuckled,

“Wow..” Adia just couldn’t stop admiring the beauty of this place, when he heard of britaris, she thought it would be some old ancient, but this place is far from ancient.

“I’ll take you to the market, later, you can get lots of amazing stuff..” she offered,

“Thanks so much mother,” Adia grinned.

“Come to think of it..” Celeste began,

“Where are you from?” She asked, chuckling.

“I don’t mean to pry though, I’m just curious that’s all” she stated,

“Who are your parents?, And how did you and Sebastian meet?” She queried as Adia shifted uncomfortably.

“I’m sorry if I make you uncomfortable..” Celeste quickly added, noticing her discomfort.

“No no no, it’s not that, it’s just that my parents are dead, abd Sebastian and I met in the most unethical way ever, but what can I say?, It just happened ” she replied,Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I see, I’m so sorry about your parents..” Celeste apologized,

“It’s nothing, ” Adia waved her off, she had come to live with that.

“I’m sure you’ve been with Sebastian long enough to know that you look just like Aisling..” she voiced out,

“For a split second I actually thought you were her,” she confessed, but she knew Adia was not her, they were some difference between them, the only thing they both mostly had in common was the face, the eyes colors were totally different.

“I’m not trying to complicate things, I’m just happy you’re in Sebastian’s life..” she uttered softly.

“My son has changed a lot..” she stated, the Sebastian of Before wouldn’t even bother to spare her a glance they were so distant with each other.

“Aisling was his light, and when she died, that light left with her, and Sebastian became a total darkness, he became bitter, ruthless, he killed people Adia, lots and lots of people, he spilled blood here in britaris, he became feral, blaming everyone for the death of Aisling, I couldn’t even talk to him, then the elders had no choice but to send him on exile to the human world, knowing he can’t kill anyone there” Celeste explained, a vampire can’t kill a human for no reason, there might be consequences, that’s why the elders sent him there, and it seems as if they made a good decision.

“I feel so bad for you Adia..” she choked out.

“And I’m scared for the future,” she said bitterly.

“If you do…” she stopped speaking looking deep in Adia’s eyes.

“I think I’m speaking too much..” she chuckled sheepishly holding Adia’s hands.

“Let’s go, we’ll be going to the market now, you can find lots of amazing things there” she said, dragging Adia away, who just followed along.

The truth was that Celeste was scared, she was scared of what might happen if Adia dies. It’s so clear Sebastian loves her, he’ll out bring doom to the world if she dies, and she is totally scared for that to happen, nobody can stop Sebastian once he goes berserk.

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