
Chapter 13


‘Kaleb’ she had moaned out my name. That’s when I knew I fucked up. I shouldn’t have done that to her. She wasn’t mine to do that to. I got so lost in her that I’d completely lost track of myself. Disappointment ran through me as I shunned myself for my reckless behaviour. I knew better than that. I had never stepped out of line, I’d always stick to the plan yet here I was playing mind games with myself. She was nothing more than a pawn to me, nothing more than a piece of my plan so why couldn’t I get her out of my mind? My cock yearned with the need to be inside her again. To feel her tight ass wrap around my cock and feed me the pleasure I hungered for. I grit my teeth together as I remembered how right she felt writhing against me as I pounded into her over and over again. She had cried the entire time and as the monster I am, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the fact I was hurting her so bad yet she came for me. She moaned out my name like it was the only name that had her trembling with pain and pleasure. I let out a long deep breath, I knew I had to take care of her, make her feel better. She had to be sore. She had to be aching. I made my way back to her room where I had unrestrained her and left her to her empty prison. My eyes fell onto her broken form as she lay there curled up into a ball. She instantly tried to move when she noticed I was in her room, I didn’t need her to get on her knees, she’d had enough torture for one day.

‘Easy’ I tilted my head at her, she knew she was free to stay in her position. She nodded her head and bit down on her bottom lip as her gaze went from me to her hands. I could sense her embarrassment and shyness. There was no need for it. I stepped towards the bed and held up a cream in my hand. She eyed it carefully then looked back to me, awaiting my explanation of what that was.

‘I need you to lay flat on your stomach and hold your ass up.’ I instructed her, the wheels already turning in her head as fear overtook her features. I knew what she was thinking. That I was going to repeat my last mistake. I was about to show her otherwise.

‘I’m not going to hurt you’ I waited patiently for her as she eventually did what I had asked of her. Grabbing her ankles, I pulled her towards the edge of the bed, my action startled her, I could feel her fright without her having to show it. Spreading her ass cheeks I dipped the cream onto my finger. She flinched as I rubbed the cold cream against her. I knew she was melting with shame, it was something I admired about her. She was pure. I massaged the cream in and around her hole. She squirmed beneath my touch. Her discomfort more than visible as I intruded upon her body yet again.

‘All done.’ I stroked her ass then walked towards the bathroom to wash the cream off my fingers. When I came back, she was staring at me, I could see the conflict behind her brown pupils. I didn’t push her. I didn’t need to embarrass her anymore than she was.

‘That should have you feeling better, pet.’ She nodded her head.

‘Viens’ I tested her, to my surprise, she actually got up and walked towards me. I thought after everything that happened, maybe she’d forgotten to revise the commands I taught her in french. When she was a step away from me, I pet her head in approval.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

‘Bonne fille.’ I spoke out. She watched me, waiting for me to translate.

‘It means good girl, now come.’

Her heart was practically jumping out of her chest as she realised I was about to let her out of her four walled prison. I opened the door in her room and took a step out. She hesitated, waiting to see if it was a trap, when she saw no sign of a threat she stepped out to the hallway. Her eyes roamed around the lit up hall, she pressed her bare feet onto the cold white laminate floor. Taking a hold of the chain attached to her collar I guided her towards the stairs that went down to the large living room. I could hear her breathe heavy as she scanned the new scenery. Her pupils locked onto the large windows that covered the white dull walls of the empty living. There wasn’t much to this place, white leather sofas, coffee table, a fireplace, 52inch flatscreen TV, a large modern bookshelf and an open kitchen. She turned her attention to me as she silently asked for permission to go to the windows. I nodded my head at her and that’s all it took for her feet to drag her towards her curiosity. I watched her as her fingers traced over the glass window, her eyes searching for any sign of life behind these walls that defined her hell. I could almost see the light spark behind those brown orbs as she looked deep into the dark atmosphere of the night. It didn’t take a genius to know her thoughts, she must’ve been thinking of how she was going to escape with all of the trees that surrounded this secluded area, that is, if she was ever to escape. Her spirit had been lifted and it amused me that she even thought for a second that she could escape me. I let her melt into her newly found freedom as I prepared dinner. I’d made her, her favourite food that I had learned she liked during those weeks I had watched her and learned her. Veggies, broccoli and chicken breast with her favourite sour cream dip. When the smell hit the air, she gazed at me. Tapping the table, I gestured for her to come over.

‘Hungry?’ I studied her expression as she looked over the meal I had made for her.

‘Yes master.’ She stepped towards the table and took a seat, the one on the far end of the table. Her choice of seating irritated me as she made it very clear she didn’t want to sit next to me but I swallowed it down and let her off the hook. Surely she needed her space after the incident that took place only a couple of hours ago. I could see her struggle as she shifted on her seat, she was still sore. The cream wasn’t a cure, it was just to numb some of her pain. I smiled down at my plate as I thought about the pain I had inflicted on her tight ass.

The meal was ate mainly in silence, I tried to make small talk, although I was genuinely interested in her past life, her family and why she had been so sad before I took her. Her responses came out empty and short. The only thing I’d learned was that her mum had disappeared on her and her father too was no where to be found. I wondered if that was the reason why she cried herself to sleep for most of the nights but I didn’t push her to tell me her painful past for I knew the feeling of having a bad childhood. I looked her over as I knew our meal was coming to an end and she had to return to her room. I could sense her panic as I put the plates away.

‘Please don’t make me go back in there master.’ I gave her a quick glance then focused back onto the plates in my hands, she waited in silence for my response. When I was done I turned to face her, leaning against the counter, my hands crossed over my chest. I tilted my head to side and watched her as she awkwardly stood before me afraid that I’d reject her request.

‘Ok, I won’t.’ I could see her expression soften as I gave her the answer she wanted to hear. Not entirely sure if it was the right answer.

‘On one condition. You are to wear a blindfold at all times, you don’t speak, you don’t move, you don’t bother me.’ Her features fell at my words but she quickly got herself back together.

‘Yes master. I just don’t want to be alone.’ Her voice was barely a whisper, she sounded so childlike, it made me want to keep her and take care of her. I cleared my throat and walked past her, grabbing a cloth from one of the drawers, I wrapped it around her eyes. Taking her hand in mine instead of the chain, I could sense that my action had surprised her for I had never held her hand. I lead her towards the sofa and sat her down.

I found it hard to concentrate on going over the plan that I went over every night, her nude presence was throwing me off track. I felt restless. My fingers ached to touch her as she sat there for the past hour or so in silence, she had barely moved, she’d been so still that for a moment I’d thought she froze. I set the laptop aside and turned to take in her image. Her lips parted every so often as she inhaled the tension in the air. I ran my fingers along her hair, she flinched at my touch. I watched her breathing pick up as I fiddled with her hair, not sure why I was suddenly so interested in her brown strands. Holding her chin lightly between my thumb and index finger, I moved her face to the side so that now she was facing me. I wanted to kiss those lips, I’d never felt like this towards the other females, this one, this one did strange things to me. She took a deep breath as my thumb skimmed past the skin on her lips. Before I had time to register what I was doing, my face was inches away from hers, I was breathing against her breath. Closing my eyes, I pressed my lips against her soft ones, she felt good, she felt great against my mouth. I deepened the kiss all the while my body was flaming with fire. I slipped my tongue against her her lips and awaited entry, when her lips parted I took my chance and slid my tongue into the warmth of her mouth, she inched into my touch as my fingers intertwined with the locks of her hair, I pulled her head closer to me as my mouth devoured the taste of the sweet taste of her tongue, I was losing myself in her scent and the warmth her body radiated against mine, before I knew it, I had pulled her onto my lap, her small legs straddling my waist as I smoked in her hypnotic aura. She moaned against my mouth as my now alert manhood pressed against her stomach, I pressed her body down against me, grunting into her mouth at the fraction her pussy made against my erection. The only thing separating me from entering her was the jeans that shielded her from my lust. My hands slid down her smooth silk skin to her soft ass, I grabbed and squeezed, standing up and carrying her feathered body with me as I strode downstairs and into my room. I had no idea how I ended up on top of her on my bed. I was too indulged in her that I didn’t realise I was already unbuckling my belt, soon after my pants and boxers had been slid down my legs and I had pressed myself against her, my mouth against hers as she let out innocent little moans, my cock raged with greed and desire as I rubbed the tip against her pussy. My body felt like it was going to burn with the fire that was blazing within me. I growled into her soft delicate lips as I rubbed my length on her opening, my growls turned into suffocating breaths that developed into regret and rage. I pulled away from her so fast I could still feel my heart racing in my chest. Realising what the fuck I was doing I pulled my pants back up then paced back and forth then found my knuckles denting into the wall. She jumped up at my sudden burst of anger. I had her in my bed, I had allowed a slave in my room, in my bed. I almost fucked her. Almost took her virginity and ruined every single thing I’d worked for. I turned to look at her in frustration, my cock was still aching with need. Her frightened form was scattered across my bed as she tried to pull herself together, her hands reluctantly covered up her nude body from my predatory gaze. I was so close, so close to failing myself, failing Viktor. I closed my eyes and focused on the rise and fall of my chest, I was heaving with anger and lust. My body was tense, it was on fire. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again and there she was, there she was curled up into a ball, into a mess, a mess I had made her. Her look, innocent and pure. All the rage within my burning blood subsided as I took in her trembling form. I had frightened her, I had turned her into one of my victims and yet I couldn’t keep my hands off of her. I inched closer to her, taking her face in my hands and resting my forehead on hers. I closed my eyes and whispered..

‘I’m sorry.’

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