Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

Warnings and Night Dreaming

Nyx Pov

It’s hard. Visiting my deceased mate with my daughter and my king. Jasmine and I were talking until I felt a sudden breeze around me. The smell of rainwater flooded my nose, and at once, I knew. I somehow knew this was my mate. I looked at Jasmine, my beautiful daughter, getting ready to tell her, when I saw she was looking at me the same way. She knew. She may not have known the significance of the breeze, but she knew it was her mother. I, on the other hand, knew I needed to get in touch with a medium friend of mine. The only way I could feel my mate’s presence somehow is if she was stuck in this realm as a spirit. Sometimes, spirits do not move on unless they have unfinished business, or their graves are disturbed. Seeing as her grave looks fine, that means she has unfinished business. I intend to contact her and find out what.

Jasmine POV

The ride on the plane back home was quiet. Ava, Harmon, and her mate, as well as Ava’s best friend, were all asleep. Being in battle has made them worn out. Samael had his eyes closed but somehow, I knew he wasn’t sleeping. Still, it gave me a chance to study with him. He was indeed incredibly handsome. Maybe even more beautiful than Xavier. I could hear Lunar growing at that thought. I rolled my eyes at her.

Even though he is a dick, he is still our mate. Do not compare anyone else to him.

I closed the link to her. Xavier has still shut off the link to me and I can’t comprehend why. We have so much to talk about. These last few days, I feel we are drifting apart more and more. Stupid Zoe. I would kill her if she wasn’t the first in command of the warrior. I could feel Lunar growling again hearing my thoughts.

I close my eyes to get a few hours of sleep before we land.

Jasmine’s dream

I’m somehow dreaming again about my old pack. I’m not sure how I’m able to, as I don’t remember much. I can see my mother sitting in a chair holding a bundle. I can see from the mark that it was me. My mother looks so happy. I can see my dad come out of the house and kiss her on the head. They look so in love. As I’m enjoying this beautiful sight, I see the same little boy from my dream before appearing out of nowhere. I still can’t see his face, and it’s frustrating that I can’t. Why do I even want to anyway?

It’s because he is our mate. I hear Lunar link me, causing me to startle. I’ve never had Lunar linked with me in my dreams before.

Well, this is new, I told her.

I can enter your dreams whenever I choose to. I just don’t like it either. It’s your privacy, but our goddess Selene told me to look at this one.

I know we have two mates based on the prophecy. Which mate is this one?

This is our true mate. The one we are meant to lead. The one who will change the world. Selene tells me he will have powers even greater than ours once we accept him.

I assume this is what Xavier was looking at, though my dad hasn’t told me if it is or even if he knows Xavier at all. I don’t understand though, haven’t we already accepted Xavier as our true mate once we marked and mated each other?

I can see why you would think so, but the truth is, I have never really accepted Xavier fully. Yes, I accept him as my mate, which is why I allowed him to mark us, but something inside me tells me not to accept him fully in my heart. I know it probably doesn’t make sense, but the prophecy spoke of you having two mates, only one of them being your true mate.

But Xavier is a good mate. He saved us. He has protected me. I trust him.

It is good to trust him, but it is also good to be cautious. We are very powerful, you and me. If we let our guard down, even for a little, we could die. I have watched it happen too many times.

Wait, what do you mean?

You are not my first human Jasmine. Your spirit is the reincarnation of my first human. The first human I had ever been bonded with. Like you and I, we had a prophecy around us when it came to our mates. We ended up trusting the wrong one, and it got us killed as well as our true mates. Therefore, I am cautious. I need to be sure because whoever I accept, will have tremendous power.

Holy shit Lunar. You never told me. I’m sorry and I understand. We need to figure out who our other mate is.

I have a theory, but I will not tell you yet. I need time to see if it’s true.

With that statement, she left my dreams, leaving me. I look at the little boy who is playing with me. His black lightning-shaped scar is standing out to me. I haven’t seen that scar on Xavier, but it doesn’t mean he didn’t have it before.

” Miss Jessica, can I hold her,” he asks. My mom smiles and he sits down on a chair next to her, but his face is blurry. I can’t make out his features. It’s strange. I feel like I’m not meant to see his face yet. Mom puts me in his arms, and I can hear him making baby noises to her while baby me coos at him. Did I already recognize him as my mate as a baby?

” She is so pretty, Miss Jessica. I love her so much already. Is that crazy?” The little boy says, to which my mom smiles widely at, and my dad rolls his eyes. Typical father behavior. I will have to ask my dad for more information when he gets back from wherever he is.

Suddenly my dream pauses. I feel a creepy chill running down my spine. Someone is here watching me somehow; I just know it.

“SHOW YOURSELF” I commanded, only to hear a slight chuckle. It was a deep chuckle that was cold and heartless, and I admit, it scared me shitless.

“Your wolf is smart not to trust anyone, but you will soon claim my son again, just as you have done in your past life, and I will make sure once you do, neither you nor your wolf will come back to life. This I swear to you ISA!” The voice boomed. Everything started to shake until I was jolted awake. Someone was shaking me.

” Hey. hey,” The voice said, bringing me back. I realized it was Samael shaking me. I was breathing hard, and I could feel sweat beading along my neck. Samael grabbed my chin and made me look at his orange eyes, which I could see were full of concern for me. Everyone else was still sleeping.

“What happened?” I asked him as he let go of my face and pulled me into a hug.

” You were having a bad dream, so I woke you up,” he said to me. He grabbed a towel and started dabbing my face and neck with it.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked. Should I tell him that it most likely wasn’t a dream?

” No, not right now, but thank you,” I told him, grabbing the towel away from him. ” Can you talk to me about something to take my mind off it?” I asked him while he sat across from me.

” I can tell you about the she-wolf who I had hoped was my mate”, he suggested, and I nodded, even though I could tell it was a touchy subject for him.

” I was eight the night she was born. From the moment I saw her, I saw my whole life play out before my eyes” he said, smiling to himself. I smiled at him to continue.

” Her mother and father were always letting me come see her and play with her, but after being separated due to forces beyond our control, I had lost contact with her. I thought she was dead. Not a day has gone by when she wasn’t on my mind. I had always known she was strong. The day I found out she was alive made me lose all comprehension. I wanted her in my arms. I craved her. My wolf craved her, but when I found out she had mated with someone else already, I felt like someone stuck a dagger in my heart. I felt like burying myself and not bothering to dig myself up. I couldn’t do it though. Not without hurting Ava and Harmon. Still, I prayed every day to the goddess to bless me with my mate, so that I could put her to the side. I can’t deny how I feel about her, though I try to. This may sound crazy, but I feel like some part of me has known her forever, like even before we were born, in a past life. Does that make sense?” he asks me. I nod, thinking back to what Lunar told me in my dream state of her former life.

” I guess real love follows even after death,” I tell him, to which he smiles his beautiful smile at me.

“Yes, I guess it does,” he says. I feel the plane start to dip down as the pilot tells us we are landing. I looked outside to see the familiar sights of the palace. We wake everyone up and exit the plane, but I do not see Xavier greet us. Instead, I see Lamar and Raymond queen”. They both greeted me and bowed. We started walking to the palace.

“Where is he?” I asked, causing them both too tense briefly.

“There was an important meeting he had to attend. He will be back soon”, Lamar tells me.

” Did anyone go with him?” I asked somehow, already knowing the answer. Why else would they tense up?

” Yes, my queen, just a few warriors,” Raymond said.

” Enough with the formalities, boys, I think we have known each other long enough. By a few warriors, I’m assuming Zoey is with him”, I tell them, and they bow their heads in shame.

” Fucking great” I, growled, causing everyone to bare their necks to me as I walked past them. I hadn’t even noticed Lunar fused with me. I ended up walking to our room.

“I’m going to kill that bitch when they get back” Lunar growls in my head and I try to control her.

” We need to have a real reason to kill her Lunar. We are the queen. We can’t just go killing his subjects no matter who they are. His people could rise against me”, I tell him, to which she rolls her eyes.

“FUCK THEM” She growls again, giving me a headache.

They said he would be back soon. We will have time to talk about it”, I told her as I reached my room. After settling back in, I spend the rest of the day going over paperwork and listening to issues as my duties entail. Samael and Harmon spent time getting Ava, Brandon, and Ava’s friend Katie settled in, since it was decided that they stay until Samael decides to go back, which I assume will be soon now that he has Ava back.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Thinking that he will be leaving soon makes me sad for some reason. I feel like there was always something missing, and I finally felt that piece when he was around me, but the fact that the piece will be gone again makes me depressed a little. What is wrong with me? I ask myself. I need to focus on my mate. Speaking of my mate. I look at the time. It was almost 10 pm. Why is Xavier not back yet?

I was back in my room when someone knocked on the door. A servant. They handed me a letter then left.

I could tell it was from Xavier, as I’ve grown used to his handwriting.

My Mate,

My meeting ran long today. I will be home soon. Don’t wait up.


Strange. Lately, he has been addressing me by a nickname. I decided to take a shower. Harmon, Ava, and Katie came into my room a while later.

” Movie Night!” Harmon cheered on as the rest of us laughed. I knew she could tell I was upset. Xavier had not come home yet and was trying to distract me.

“Sure, why not,” I told her, letting her towel dry my hair. We raced to the movie room in the palace where Samael and Brandon were already waiting. Harmon flopped down onto the long couch between Brandon’s legs, and he started playing in her hair. Ava sat beside them on the right, followed by Katie, then Samael. I sat on Harmon’s left next to Brandon. After about an hour of them arguing, it was decided to watch Tomb Radiator. I couldn’t tell them I had watched this already the other day due to Ava wanting to see it, so let them play it. After a while, I ended up drifting back to sleep.

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