Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

Silent Plea

Flashback continued

“Mom, …. dad he… he is a ….” I panted but she waved her hand to cut me off.

” A demon, I know. Your father had not been himself for some time now. It is my fault for not finding out sooner. You must listen to me. He will be back soon.” She said, hovering above the ground.

As soon as she did, I started hearing the screams of my pack and smelled the blood.

“He is killing them all,” mom said with her sad eyes. You must kill him, Samael. It is your duty now.”

” But mom, I’m only six. I don’t have all my training yet. I can’t go against a demon”, I told her.

“You are much stronger than you know. There is much I haven’t told you, but you are not an ordinary wolf. It is time for you to open your mind”, she said before touching my head. At once, a warm feeling took over my body and I felt warm and very, very powerful. I used the extra strength I had to break free from the chains. I don’t know what mom did, but it was like she just unlocked something inside me.

I looked out at mom and tried to touch her, but my hand passed right through her.

” My precious boy, I love you so much,” she said, putting her hand against my cheek. I didn’t know if she could feel me, but all I felt was cool air. A tear slid down my cheek. She started to ascend.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you”, were my last words to her before she rose higher and higher until she was finally out of sight.

I decided to mourn her later. My dad, or the demon my dad was becoming, was causing a lot of strife and death. I grabbed a knife and found a can of Nephilim blood, which my teacher told me is lethal to demons, and dipped the knife in it. I also grabbed a sword. It was heavy, but I had been practicing with them since I was 4, so it was okay for me. I ran out onto the ground, only to see black smoke everywhere. Dad was killing the last of the few pack warriors. The very last one was my mentor. Master Lui glanced at the sword in my hand and my mind linked to me.

“Use your dagger when I give you the angle,” he said. Even with Master Lui’s training, he was still no match for my dad, whose demon used his skills and combined them with my father. He overpowered Lui and ripped out his heart, but not before Lui kicked both of his legs out, which brought him down. I knew this was it. It was now or nothing. I ran like hell, unaware I was there in the blink of an eye and shoved that sword right into his heart from behind, killing him easily.

It was silent. Erie. Very silent. Everyone was dead and I knew I couldn’t stay there. All this destruction from my father. My demon fathers. I made a promise that I’d hunt all demons down and end them. No mercy for any of them. Save as many people as I can in the process. No matter the cost.

I gathered a go-bag to keep me alive, buried my parents, set the bodies of my pack on fire, and left. I found a cave a few hundred miles away and stayed there until one day, a man traveling came across me with brown hair and purple eyes.

End Of Flashback.

I know firsthand the danger demons possess, but my mate. Watching her fling Ava across the room triggered it all. All the abuse. The killing. Just how strong and powerful demons were. If she were newly turned, maybe we could have banished the demon, but she is progressing fast because of the blood moon. I don’t know how to save her. I have to save her. I was able to kill my dad, but I can’t kill her. I won’t.

My beauty. My light. I must find a way, but I must find her first.

“She is no longer on the island,” My wolf said to me, making me stop in my tracks. That was impossible. There is only one way off the island, and it’s through the hurricane.

“Lunar told me before she left, they were leaving. She said she had to and not to look for her”, he said, which pissed me off.

“And you thought not to fucking tell me this,” I demanded to know. I was seething.

” It’s your fault. She needed us, and you pushed her away. Unlike you, no matter what, I trust my mate. If she needed to leave, I trust she would make the best decision for the situation. I have known Lunar much longer than you have known Jasmine. She does what she needs to do, and I trust her. You need to give her time”. He growled back at me, to which I fell on the ground. I was feeling… helpless.

I tried using my mate’s bond with her through our magic.

“Jasmine. I don’t know if you can hear me, but I can only hope you can. Please. Please come back to me. I’m so sorry and I never should have told you to leave. I didn’t know the whole story and I should have told you the reason why knowing you are a demon hurts so much, but I don’t care about that anymore. I fucking love you so much and I need you. I need you and Lunar both more than I’ve ever needed anything in my entire life. I promise that no matter what happens, I will never give up on you. Please be beautiful. Please… Come back to me” I pleaded, but I received no response. I growled. It was a strong one, with so much raw power, it shook the entire island. My mate. My beautiful, beautiful mate was gone.

Brandon Pov

It was nighttime here on the island of Netilan. Rynyxon and Samaels have been going crazy over trying to locate Jasmine. Even using the island’s tech resources and magic, no one seems to have a clue where she is. We know for sure she is still alive, as Samael can still feel Lunar, but it’s like she disappeared. What if she is hurt? Or in danger, Harmon keeps asking me, driving herself crazy. I try to soothe her as we lay down and relax.

I can feel her guilt and it’s driving both me and my wolf crazy.

“We will find her. I promise”, I told her, even though I’m not sure. Later that night, I had a crazy dream. It was still the same dream I usually had of Jasmine, but there was another scene that played out. It was a woman with the most interesting eyes I had ever seen, and I felt a connection to her at once. I couldn’t explain it.

“We will meet soon”, She told me, and I woke up sweating. It was morning time and Harmon was already awake with red puffy eyes. I could tell it was from a lack of sleep.

” You didn’t wake me up,” I told her, sitting up and hopping out of bed.

“We’re not leaving until a few hours from now. Rynyxon has said we’re traveling to his birth home to present the Jewel so we may get the help we need in the fight ahead.

“Is it the only reason, or is it because you didn’t want me to see this??” I asked her, gripping her face and wiping her swollen eyes. She relaxed in my hand after a while.

“I am okay. I just need to make things right. Besides, you were having a good dream”, She told me.

” If you count getting my heart squeezed to death, yea sure,” I told her, kissing her before pulling back and going to the bathroom. The room we received was a huge purple walled one with a purple, black, and white king-sized bed. The walls were lined with silver. The bathroom was just as elegant, with a walk-in shower holding multiple shower heads and a huge tub.

“Well, you must have had another dream because you have been muttering the same thing over and over for about an hour now.

“What did I mutter?” I asked her. I didn’t know I had been talking in my sleep. I reached to turn on the shower.

“You kept muttering, ” I’m coming mom”, she yelled. That made me pause.


Jasmine Pov

Black. Pure black. Incredible Darkness is all that surrounds me as I float in nothingness hearing the voice in my head, which lets me know I’m alone.

“Who are you?” I asked, only to receive a chuckle. It’s the same little girl’s voice, yet it holds so much raw and unfiltered power.

“Who I am is not important. The real question is who are you Jasmine”, the voice says, and suddenly, I am placed on the ground. The scene changes around me and I am back onto my old packhouse grounds. I see myself and Sabrina, playing in front of Lori and Adam’s house as my mom and dad watch on. Such great memories, I have seemed to have long forgotten. I looked to the right of me and saw the little girl from the forest with a smile on her face.

“You were happy here,” she says matter of factly, and I nod.

“I was,” I told her, looking at my parents and my best friend, who I missed dearly every day.

The scenery changed and suddenly I was watching myself over the years I spent here, being abused and ridiculed by people I had known my whole life. Treating me as nothing. I watched my anger. My hate grew.

“This was one of the darkest chapters of your life. Where did your hate begin? Like the Luna Dynamis, you are supposed to be pure, but you have been tainted. It’s not just the demon blood that has tainted you, it is your dark past. Your weakest moment started with the darkness inside you and every day it grew. It grew more and more until, finally, the darkness found you and now he seeks your power for its own”, She explains. The scenery around me changed and suddenly we were in my dreams of the red sky and Xavier. What was different in this one though, is it was like Brandon’s visions. I was embracing Xavier, instead of rejecting him. Another difference here is, instead of it being Brandon I was killing, it was Samael. My very own mate.

“I’d never do that to him”, I spat at the powerful girl. My heart broke as I tried to reach out to Samael but was unable to reach him.

“You would still hold love for those who have shunned you. Are you certain you wouldn’t want to just…? kill them all?” the girl asked curiously.

“I may be off terms with them right now, but let’s get one thing straight you brat. I will NEVER hurt those I love. So whatever twisted fantasy you’re trying to put in my head won’t work”, I growl at her, my eyes flashing purple and I know Lunar is merging with me as I get into a fighting position.

The little girl smirked at me, unbothered. It didn’t surprise me though, as I could tell her power, whatever it was, was very, very old. Much more than mine.

“You surprised me. Even with the demon blood in your system, I was sure you would give into it. Even now, I know you since I am much older than you, much stronger than you. Much more powerful, and yet, you stand ready to fight over my mere mention of harm to your loved ones. This is good. That means you are almost ready”, she says, and starts to walk off.

Sensing no more danger, I relaxed the merge with Lunar. Always prepare for the unexpected.

The scenery changed and we were thrown into what seemed to be the past. We were in a library, with what seemed like monks with white robes reading out loud from passages of books.

“Why are we here?” I asked the little girl.

“Listen” was all she said, and I did. What I heard them say almost made me faint. There was no way it was possible. I looked at the little girl, who stared at me, waiting for my reaction.

” That’s impossible,” I told her.

“It isn’t. Many things have been hidden from you regarding your true self. Your true power. These things have been hidden from many people,” the little girl said as the words of the monk’s process repeated in my head over and over.

” How,” I asked.

” Your bloodline is special. The only one of your kind to ever exist. Therefore, I tested you earlier. It is because of your bloodline, that you are the only one who can do what it takes. You will need to do what must be done, no matter what”, she explains.

I give it a moment to process what she is saying to me. This piece of information will change everything. I now understood the depth of my visions and their meanings.

” I see you understand now. To save all you love, will you, Lunar Dynamis, perform the ultimate sacrifice?” She asked me and the scenery changed in front of me back to the darkness, but the little girl was now floating in front of me.

“I will,” I told her with certainty. I knew what I must do. I fully understand everything. I must save everyone I love, but to do that……

” Yes Jasmine, you’re correct,” the little girl said, reading my mind.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“To save those you love the most, You Will Have to Die, and Xavier must be the one to do it! “

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