One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 61

Chapter 61 Audrey

As I made my way to the dean's office, my heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my throat. Tina gripped my arm beside me, her eyes wide.

"You know you don't need to come," I said softly as we walked through the halls together. "Whatever it is, I'll take the blame. You and the others won't get in trouble."

Tina shot me a withering look over her shoulder. "Like hell I'll just let you take the fall like that."

"Yeah, well.. I'm the one who let Edwin be our model. You guys didn't even know." I stopped and turned to Tina. Up ahead, the door to the dean's office sat waiting. "Please, Tina. I'll meet you back at the dorms later."

My friend opened her mouth to refuse, but then snapped it shutagain when it was clear that I wasn't going to back down. Finally, she nodded stiffly and turned on her heel, scurrying away down the empty halls. I was glad that classes were in session, leaving me blissfully alone and unseen by prying eyes.

So I could shudder without feeling like I was on display.

Wrapping my arms around myself as if to keep out a sudden chill, I turned back toward the dean's office and steeled myself. Whatever was waiting for me behind those doors, it would all be fine. I was sure of it.

Finally, with a deep breath, I knocked. "Enter, a muffled voice called out. I turned the handle and stepped into the office.

The room felt smaller than I remembered, claustrophobic almost. Mr. Lewis, the dean who rarely left this office, sat behind his imposing oak desk. Ms. Morrie stood to his right, her leopard-print cardigan a stark contrast to the somber mood and her face pinched in an uncharacteristic look of disdain.

And there, off to the side, was Edwin. He wouldn't meet my eyes. Not that I tried to, either.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Miss Thatcher," Mr. Lewis said in a curt tone, gesturing to one of the chairs opposite his desk. "Please, have a seat."

I sat down in the chair on the left of Edwin, my hands trembling slightly. To keep them steady, I clasped them tightly in my lap.

"Is... is everything okay?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

Mr. Lewis leaned forward, his fingers steepled. "Miss Thatcher, were you aware of Professor Brooks' identity when you hired him as your model for the fashion show?"

My stomach dropped. So this was about the photo after all, just as I suspected. I took a deep breath, deciding that honesty was the best policy in this situation. "Yes, sir," I replied. "I was aware."

"I see" Mr. Lewis pressed his lips into a flat line. Beside him, Ms. Morrie scribbled something down on the notepad that was in her hand, which only made my heart pound even harder. "And can you explain why you chose to hire him, knowing who he was?" he continued.

I nodded and swallowed hard, trying to keep my voice steady despite myself. "My original models canceled at the last minute. I was desperate."

1 paused then, glancing over at Edwin, who was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. His eyes remained fixed on the floor, his jaw set so hard that I could see a muscle ticking beneath the skin.


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Mon, Sep 16

Chapter 61

"I was putting up flyers looking for a male model and Professor Brooks offered, so I accepted," I finally said. "I didn't think it would be an issue."

Ms. Morric leaned forward, her eyes narrowed. "You didn't think it would be an issue? Miss Thatcher, surely you must have realized the implications of hiring a judge as your model."

“But he wasn't a judge." I protested, quickly turning to Edwin. "Ed-Professor Brooks, please... Surely you can explain."

Edwin drew in a deep breath through his teeth before nodding "Miss Thatcher is correct. I had no say in the judging for the fashion show."

Mr. Lewis blinked at Edwin for a moment before sighing heavily. "Be that as it may, Professor Brooks, you are the owner of Brooks Designs-the company hosting this year's competition. He turned to me then. "Miss Thatcher, your decision to hire him as your model has led many to believe that the fashion show results were rigged in your favor."

My heart sank. "But that's not true! I won fair and square. My designs-"

"Your designs were impressive." Mr. Lewis interrupted. "But given the circumstances, we have no choice but to recount the scores-excluding you."

"Ex. Excluding me?" I whispered.

Mr. Lewis nodded. His face was grim, although not entirely unempathetic. "I'm afraid that you and your team have been disqualified."

The words hit me like a punch to the gut. I felt the air leave my lungs, and for a moment, I couldn't speak. "But... but I stammered, tears welling up in my eyes. "My team and I worked so hard for this."

"I understand this is difficult," Mr. Lewis said, his tone softening slightly. "But we must maintain the integrity of our programs and competitions."

"But my team. My team had no knowledge of Professor Brooks being our model," I insisted. "Punish me, but not them. They're innocent"

Mr. Lewis inhaled sharply and exchanged a look with Ms. Morrie Upon seeing the desperate look in my eyes, Ms. Morrie cleared her throat. "Perhaps accommodations could be made for her team," she suggested. "Usually only the leader of the winning group is considered for the scholarship, but..."


"My friend Tina," I said. "She was second in charge the entire time-disqualify me, but not them. Please."

The dean nodded toward Ms. Morrie, who jotted something else down on her notepad. Edwin suddenly jerked his head up, his expression pained. He cleared his throat and addressed Mr. Lewis. "Sir, if I may." "Go on."

"While I understand the concerns," Edwin continued, "I can assure you that I had no voice in who was chosen as the winner. I was merely helping Miss Thatcher out of a difficult situation. Nothing more. If you must recount the votes, then I implore you to recount Miss Thatcher's as well. You'll find that there was nothing unsavory going on once you consult the head judge:"

Mr. Lewis raised an eyebrow. "Is that so, Professor Brooks? And you can guarantee that your presence had no influence on the judges' decision?"

"Absolutely, Edwin said firmly. "The judges made their decision based solely on the merits of the designs presented. They didn't even know that I was walking the runway. Only Miss Thatcher knew."



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Chapter 61

Ms. Morrie sighed deeply and set her notepad down. "I want to believe them," she said, addressing the dean before look at Edwin. "I want to believe you."

"Perhaps it might not mean much right now, but you have my word as a professional, as an Alpha, and as an educator," Edwin replied, his voice steadier than mine ever could have been. "I would never compromise the integrity of this competition or this institution."

Mr. Lewis leaned back in his chair and tented his fingers, looking thoughtful. "This is... a complicated situation. Miss Thatcher, Professor Brooks, I think it's best if you both leave me so I can consider this further."

I nodded numbly, rising from my chair on shaky legs. Edwin moved to follow me, but Mr. Lewis's voice stopped him just a we reached the door.

"One moment. Professor Brooks. There's another matter we need to discuss. The rumors about a... romantic entanglement between you and Miss Thatcher."

I froze, my hand on the doorknob. How did they...? Turning slowly, I saw Mr. Lewis's face set stonily from behind his desk.

Edwin's voice was tight when he responded. "I can assure you, there is absolutely no truth to those rumors. My relationship with Miss Thatcher is strictly professional."

For several long moments, it felt as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. I stood frozen, like a statue, although my heart was racing so fast I thought it might burst out of my chest

Finally, Mr. Lewis nodded and waved us away, "You may go now was all he said, not commenting further.

hurried out of the office, Edwin close behind. As soon as the door closed, my knees buckled. The stress, the fear, the disappointment-it all came crashing down on me at once. I would have fallen into the row of lockers against the wall if Edwin hadn't caught me by the elbow.

"Audrey," he said softly, steadying me. "Are you alright?"

I jerked away from his hand, panic rising in my chest just from that one small touch. "Don't, I hissed. "Someone could see."

Edwin's face fell slightly, but he nodded, taking a step back. “I understand. I just... I'm sorry, Audrey. I never meant for any of this to happen.”

For a moment, anger replaced my fear. But it was misplaced; I couldn't be mad at Edwin. Or anyone, really. Just myself. Finally, I took a step back and squared my shoulders. "I have to go," I said, adjusting my bag on my arm.

Edwin nodded stiffly. "Go." He paused as I was turning on my heel, but then called out after me. "And Audrey- We'll figure it out. I promise."

I didn't dare to look back. I didn't want him to see the tears in my eyes.





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