One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 226

Chapter 226

Audrey & Third Person


I held my arm up to shield my face from the onslaught of flashing cameras.

“Look this way, Silver Star!”

“Another kiss for the newspaper!”

“Over here!”

Somewhere through the haze of lights and voices, I felt a warm hand gently tug my hand away from my eyes. “It’s alright,” Edwin’s voice rippled through my mind, instantly soothing me. Just smile and let them get their pictures and they’ll go away.”

I nodded and did as he said, and sure enough, the cameras stopped flashing within a few moments. But I couldn’t help but feel dazed as I watched them scurry away, like I was on display in a museum. And as if the staring earlier wasn’t bad enough, it was even worse now.

“Sorry,” Edwin said, letting out a deep sigh. “I guess I should have thought of that possibility before kissing you in front of everyone.”This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“No. It’s alright.” I managed a watery smile. “I’d rather you kiss me than not. But I think I need a few moments.”

“Of course.” Edwin released his grip on my waist and I pulled away, pushing through the crowd. I located the sign for the bathrooms at the back of the dance hall and began heading in that direction, just needing a few minutes to gather myself.

It was just cameras, I knew; but it was just… a lot tonight. Since we’d been working on spreading the rumors that I’d shifted, wasn’t just a shadow anymore. People recognized me. Revered me, in their own way.

And that also meant that they seemed to think I didn’t need space. That I didn’t deserve privacy.

I hoped that Edwin was right-that the news would grow old soon and people would stop staring and whispering and taking pictures.

But I’d also lived long enough in this world to know how celebrities were treated by the paparazzi, always having to hide their faces and avoid going out in public. Not that I liked thinking of myself as a ‘celebrity’, but… was that my future? Being on display? Constantly?

Shaking my head at my overactive thoughts, I pushed the rest of my way through the crowd. I just needed some water and some air, that was all.

I didn’t make it far, however, before I felt a cold hand wrap around my wrist.

“Silver Star.”

I turned, eyes wide, to see Stella towering over me once more-only this time, her cold gaze was almost… pleading

“Mrs. Brooks,” I said, moving to pull my wrist away from her grip. “Do you need someth—”

But her grip only tightened, “I have back pain,” she growled.

I blinked, confused. “Oh. I’m… sorry?” I stammered out, not really sure what she was getting at or why she was choosing to tell me.

Chapter 226


Stella’s eyes narrowed. “You can heal me, can’t you?” she ground out. “You’ve shifted. I assume you’ve unlocked the rest of your abilities.”

My heart began to pound. Oh. That was why she told me about her pain. But I couldn’t heal her, or anyone for that matter, because my shifting was all just a lie to keep myself from getting abducted.

Forcing a small smile, I said, “I’ve been drinking tonight. I don’t think it’s a good time for me to try to use my powers.”


With that, I moved to pull away again. But Stella didn’t seem to be in much of a mood to let me go. “You must be a little liar, then,” she hissed, yanking me toward her. My feet tangled in the long skirt of my dress, and I nearly stumbled. “I know you haven’t shifted. I can tell.”

My mouth worked uselessly. “I-I-”

“Stammering as usual,” Stella growled before releasing me.


Before I could catch myself, the force of her shoving me back sent me reeling backwards, feet fully tangled in my skirt and arms windmilling through the air. Suddenly, there was a crash and a chorus of gasps as I went sprawling across the ballroom floor-directly into a passing waiter carrying a tray of glasses.

My body hit his, sending glass shattering all across the floor. The surrounding area fell silent as I groaned, sitting up to see that the waiter was soaked in wine and champagne and the hardwood was covered in shards of glass.

My eyes widened. “I’m so sorry-

“Audrey! What happened!”

I looked up to see Edwin rushing toward the mess, a worried look on his face. “I’m fine,” I managed, climbing to my knees and helping the waiter clean up the mess. “I just fell, and—”

“Can she shift or not?” Stella interrupted, pointing her finger at me. “I asked her to heal my back pain and she freaked out. Seems awfully guilty to me.”

Another ripple of gasps worked its way through the nearby crowd, and I felt my face turn beet red. Somewhere in the distance, the rest of the attendees were oblivious to the distraction, and I hoped it stayed that way.

“She grabbed me,” I thought to Edwin through the Mindlink. “I think she knows we’re lying.”

Edwin’s face darkened. “I’ll handle this.”

Crouching to help me to my feet, he glanced at his mother over his shoulder. “It seems to me like you startled the Silver Star. Maybe you shouldn’t sneak up on people and demand things at public events.”

Stella’s cheeks trembled with barely contained rage. “You accuse your own mother of—”

“I don’t know what happened because I wasn’t here,” Edwin said, helping the waiter to his feet now. “Perhaps this young gentleman can be of help.”

The waiter floundered for a moment before nodding and smoothing down his stained uniform. “She was holding the Silver Star’s wrist when I walked by,” he clarified. “She seemed to shove her.”

The crowd gasped again, but all eyes turned to Stella now, who looked fit to be tied. I resisted the urge to let out a sigh of relief and instead said in the calmest voice I could manage, “It was all a misunderstanding.” I turned to the waiter. “I’m sorry I bumped into you. Are you alright?”

The waiter’s cheeks flushed pink and he nodded quickly. “Yes, Miss. I’m alright. Thank you.”



With that, Edwin and I stooped to help him pick up the broken glass, ignoring his protests. Stella must have slipped away in anger at some point, because when I stood and placed the shards on the tray, she was gone-and the crowd had dispersed.

“Well played,” Edwin thought to me. I didn’t need to respond for him to know that I really did need some air now.

The cool marble column was soothing against my bare back as I leaned on it.

“She knows.”

Edwin frowned. “She’s just testing you. There’s no way she can know.”

His words, though meant to be comforting, did nothing to soothe me. “I can tell, Edwin. She knows. And I think she might tell everyone.”

My mate opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again and looked away. He knew as well as I did that more than half of the smarts in his family came from his mother’s side-which meant that she wouldn’t easily be fooled.

“I can’t shift,” I muttered, pushing away from the column and striding over to peer into the calm water of a nearby bird bath. My reflection stared back up at me, eyes glimmering like liquid silver in the moonlight. “Even if she doesn’t ruin our ruse, people are going to start asking for healing. When I can’t provide it to them…”

My voice trailed off, and I bit my lip, turning away from the water. I was met with Edwin’s broad form standing directly behind me, top button of his shirt undone and tie slightly loosened. He looked roguishly handsome tonight, and the sight was enough to ease some of my tension.

But only a little.

“Then we’ll handle it if it comes to that,” he said, reaching

cross that bridge until we get to it.”

wwwp to brush a stray strand of hair out of my eyes. “But we can’t

I sighed, knowing he was right; we couldn’t foretell the future.

But yet again, that suffocating feeling had returned tonight. Just when I was feeling more comfortable with my identity as the Silver Star. I loved it and hated it at the same time. On one hand it was amazing, but on the other…..

Not so much.

Sensing my worry, Edwin pressed a warm kiss to my forehead before stepping away.

“Wait here,” he said. “I’ll be back.”

Third Person

Stella carefully peered around the marble pillar, watching as her son strode back inside. Inching over a little further, she could see that girl still standing by the birdbath, clutching the pearls at her neck.

Such a pretty little liar, wasn’t she?

Stella knew from the beginning that the rumors were fabricated, but overhearing that conversation just solidified it even


At that moment, Stella had an idea-one that would reveal Audrey’s lies and teach her a lesson for touching Erik.

The girl needed to be knocked down a peg. And Stella knew exactly what to do.

08:31 Tue, Oct 15

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