One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 169

Chapter 169 Audrey

Edwin's expression turned serious as he glanced at the door. "Audrey, please just go upstairs," he said, tugging on his pants hastily.

"Why? Who's at the door?" I asked, confused.

"Just go upstairs and take a bath he repeated sternly, tossing me his shirt. When I hesitated, gripping his shirt in my hands, he added a bit exasperatedly. "Please, Audrey. I need you to do this for me." Annoyed at being dismissed, I slipped on his shirt, the fabric warm from sitting in the sunlight. "Fine," I muttered, but as 1 left the room. I didn't head upstairs. Instead, I lingered around the corner, my heart pounding as I listened to Edwin open

the door.

A man's voice, smooth and confident, drifted through the air. "Good morning. Edwin. Where is the Silver Star?”

"What do you want, Peter?"

Peter? I thought to myself, furrowing my brow, I slunk further behind the corner as I heard footsteps echo in the foyer.

"This is a powerful weapon you possess, the man, Peter, said. "With all of this Coldclaw nonsense coming to light. Father isn't so sure if you're up to the task anymore."

Father... Was this one of Edwin's brothers? He had mentioned having three brothers before, but he'd never told me anything about them.

Edwin's voice was tight as he replied. "If our father actually believes that, then he can tell me himself."

"I know she's here." I heard the footsteps grow louder, imagining him pushing past Edwin into the house. "I can smell her, and I see she left her pretty little panties all over the floor. Where is she hiding, brother?"

A low growl emanated from Edwin, the sound making my skin p**kle. "Don't speak about my mate like that. She's not a thing to be seen or possessed."

Peter chuckled, the sound light and carefree, a stark contrast to Erwin's tension, "Come out, come out, wherever you are, Silver Star. I know you're listening. I can hear your heartbeat."

"Don't you dare," I heard Edwin's voice growl in my mind. "I told you to go upstairs."

I shivered a bit at the command in his voice, but it was too late now, this man knew I was here and I wasn't about to hide.

So, I took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the corner. Peter's eyes raked over me, lingering on my bare legs peeking out from beneath Edwin's oversized shirt. I flung my own gaze over him, too.

He looked strikingly similar to Edwin, but younger, with a mischievous glint in his eyes that Edwin lacked. Long, dark hair. was pulled into a tidy bun at the back of his head, muscular shoulders straining against his sweater. He was just as tall as Edwin, but lacking the stubbled, square jaw, his features more lean and sharp.

Peter turned to Edwin with a smirk. "She's a pretty one, isn't she? Short like a Hobbit, but pretty,"


What? I'm just saying that you got lucky, brother. Unlike poor Malakai, whose fated mate turned out to be well, let's just say she won't be gracing any magazine covers with her looks."

Edwin growled again as Peter looked back at me and winked roguishly. I lifted my chin, meeting his eyes deliantly.

08:37 Sat, Sep 21Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Chapter 169

"I'm Audrey," I said, my voice steadier than I felt.

Peter smirked. "I know."

Edwin sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "Audrey, this is Peter. My younger brother."



Peter grinned, making himself comfortable on the sofa as if he owned the place. He leaned down and picked up my panties, dangling them off one finger for a moment before Edwin snarled and s***hed them away. I was too stunned to even blush.

"Charmed. I'm sure, Peter cooed. "I've been dying to meet the woman who had turned my stoic brother into a lovesick puppy."

"I can see now why he hates mentioning you," I retorted. Peter threw his head back and laughed, even though my remark was meant to hurt.

"Brother,” Peter said then, draping one muscular arm over the back of the sofa and tilting his chin up at Edwin, "it's dreadfully early. Do you have any coffee?" Edwin grit his teeth. "Fine. Don't move."

With that, Edwin ushered me to the kitchen in front of him, shoving my panties into my hand. I pulled them on as he hastily began preparing a pot of coffee.

"I told you to go upstairs. It's not safe-

I cut him off before he could finish, frustration bubbling up inside of me. "You were talking about me. I won't be shoved into a room like a child. And I don't appreciate being bossed around, Edwin. Mate or not."

A flicker of admiration crossed Edwin's face before he quickly schooled his expression. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just... I wanted to protect you, Peter can be.... unpredictable."

"I can handle unpredictable," I assured him, thinking back on both Linda and Fiona. "But I can't handle being kept in the dark. You promised we were in this together."

Edwin nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "You're right. As usual. But can you at least get dressed? And I'd like my shirt back, if you don't mind. As much as I enjoy the view, I'd rather not give Peter more to comment on."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling. "Fine. Give me five minutes."

After changing into a cozy cream sweater and my favorite jeans, I rejoined Edwin and Peter in the living room. Snow fell softly outside, big fat flakes floating lazily to the ground. A tray of three steaming cups of coffee sat on the coffee table, as well as a plate of scones.

Ignoring Peter's gaze as I strode into the room, I grabbed a cup of coffee and a scone, taking my seat in the armchair opposite the sofa

Peter leaned forward as I sat, his eyes gleaming. They were gray, just like Edwin's, but less stormy.

"So, Audrey, any powers manifested yet?" he asked, sipping his coffee. "Turn water into wine? Fly? Shoot lasers from your eyes?"

I glanced at Edwin, who merely shrugged

"Nothing quite so dramatic," I said. "I can read memories."

Hm. Intriguing, Peter said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Care to demonstrate? Or are you worried about what you might find lurking in the depths of my mind?"

I hesitated, glancing at Edwin again, who gave me a slight nod this time. Taking a deep breath. I focused on Peter, allowing

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Chapter 169

my consciousness to slip into his mind.

It was different from Edwin's-chaotic, full of swirling thoughts and vibrant memories, whereas Edwin's was more controlled and linear. I sifted through them, looking for something that stood out. 98%1

Finally, I picked one: broken chess pieces. A flipped table. Edwin being blamed for something he didn't do. Peter laughing as their father. I didn't look at that part. Edwin had never mentioned the things his father had done to him as a kid, not to this degree. As soon as I saw the belt, I slipped back into reality.

"When you were eleven," I began, "Edwin beat you at chess. You didn't take it well. You threw a tantrum, breaking the entire chess board and all the pieces. And you let Edwin take the blame Edwin stiffened beside me, and Peter's smile faltered. For a moment, I wondered if I'd struck a nerve.

But then Peter burst out laughing.

"Well done, little star," he said, raising his coffee mug in a mock toast. "You're good at what you do. I'd almost forgotten about that day."

Edwin grit his teeth. "I didn't."

I reached down the bond, offering support, but met a stone wall Edwin wasn't in much of a mood to share his feelings about that memory, it seemed. I couldn't blame him.

Peter stood, stretching like a cat. "Well. As fun as this has been, I should be going." He strode halfway to the door, then stopped, turning to look at Edwin

"Father will want to meet her soon, Edwin," he said. "If his son is truly mated to the Silver Star, we'll need to hold a mating ceremony as soon as possible. Can't risk anyone trying to steal her away, now can we?"

He winked at me at that last comment. I stiffened, gripping the edges of the chair.

"Take care, brother," he said, turning and yanking open the front door. "And Audrey? Welcome to the family. I have a feeling things are about to get very interesting around here."

As the door closed behind Peter, casting the room back into silence, I shivered.

It had nothing to do with the cold.


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