One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 157

Chapter 157 Audrey

I knelt beside Edwin, helping him clean up the splattered sauce. His hands shook slightly as he wiped the floor, and I noticed. how pale he had become. Guilt gnawed at me; I felt like I had violated him by slipping into his mind without permission..

"Edwin, I'm so sorry." I said softly, wringing out the cloth into the sink.

Edwin looked over at me, his eyes still wide with shock, but shook his head. "Audrey, it's okay. I'm not upset with you."

"But I invaded your mind." I insisted, my voice trembling slightly. "I saw your memories without permission."

He shook his head again, curling his fingers around the edge of the counter. He was silent for a long time, and growing worried, I finally murmured, "Edwin?" "Sorry." He leaned back, dropping his arms to his side I'm just fascinated. How did you do that?"

I furrowed my brow. "I... I don't know," I admitted. "One moment I could feel your fear and your pain, and then the next, I was... Inside your memories. Not just seeing them, but living them through your eyes, Was it the mate bond?"

Edwin was silent again for some time before he swallowed and said. "It wasn't the bond. What you just did.. Tve never heard of anything like it." He turned to me, and his face was stony. “Except for one legend My face paled. The Silver Star. "Mind reading?" I whispered.

"Perhaps.” His face softened, and he murmured, “I'm really not upset with you, Audrey"

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. Edwin opened his arms for me, and I stepped into them, inhaling his familiar scent. He held me like that for a few moments, stroking my hair, before he pulled back and leveled me with a steady

*I want you to practice this skill," he said. "It could be the link we need to figure out if you're the Silver Star. You can practice

I hesitated, remembering how Edwin had always prided himself on his private nature. The thought of breaching that barrier again, even with permission, made me uncomfortable. "I don't want to take your privacy from you."

Edwin took my hands in his. "Audrey, listen to me. You're my mate. I would willingly share my entire life with you if you want. There's nothing I want to hide from you. Not anymore."

His words softened me, and I felt a warmth spread through my chest. But before I could respond, my stomach let out another loud growl, breaking the tension.

Edwin chuckled, the sound reverberating through the kitchen. I think that's our cue to finish making dinner. W

about this after we eat. Your new werewolf appetite is quite demanding."


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We finished cleaning up and returned to preparing the meal. The sizzle of meat in the pan and the bubbling of sauce filled the air. As we worked, I couldn't help but think about what I had seen in Edwin's mind. The pain and fear he had felt when he thought he had lost me... it was overwhelming. The memory of it made my heart. ache.

We ate in silence around the kitchen table, both of us still stunned from what had just happened.. and more.

"I'm sorry about Fiona," I said softly.

His jaw clenched at that. "I'd tell you never to do something like that again, but I have a feeling it would be a futile effort" 1/3

08:59 Fri, Sep 20

Chapter 157

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My cheeks heated Edwin added, "But I can't be mad at you. Just If you're going to do something reckless and dangerous in the future, at least send me a text first?"

I chuckled softly, although the sound was thin, even to my own cars, "I can do that." I paused, chewing a piece of pasta, before I mused, "I wonder what she was doing in Coldclaw territory."

Edwin tensed at that. "No clue. Coldclaw is a dark and dangerous place, even for her. And with how elusive she's been lately..." He shuddered slightly. "We'll figure it out. Hopefully before she does something s**d or evil or both."

We are the rest of our dinner in relative silence, both of our minds buzzing with the implications of everything. When we were finished, we cleaned up the dishes and beaded to the living room. My body ached from a night of practicing controlling my senses, and I was looking forward to curling up and reading together or watching a movie.

But Edwin, it seemed. had other plans. He stopped in the doorway

"Would you like to try practicing? We could start small, see if you can pick up on simple thoughts or images. It might help you gain more control over it."

I hesitated, but curiosity won out. The thought of exploring this new ability was both exciting and terrifying "Okay, but.... tell me if it becomes too much. I don't want to overstep."

We settled on the couch, facing each other with our hands clasped. Edwin's thumbs traced soothing circles on my palms, sending little sparks of electricity up my arms.

"I'll think of an image," he said. "Try to follow our bond, then go deeper. Describe what you see in my mind."NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

I closed my eyes, concentrating on the feeling of Edwin's hands in mine, trying to find that connection I had felt earlier. At first, there was nothing but darkness. I furrowed my brow, frustration building as I followed that silver thread deeper and deeper and deeper, but found nothing beyond our usual bond.

"It's not working. I muttered, resisting the urge to open my eyes

"Relax," Edwin said softly, his breath tickling my cheek. He must have leaned in closer. "Don't force it. Just let it come naturally. Focus on our connection, on the bond we share."

I took a deep breath, trying to clear my mind. My mate's scent filled my nostrils, familiar and comforting. Suddenly, I felt a shift, like I was... falling forward into Edwin's consciousness. My stomach flipped as if I'd suddenly fallen down a cliff, and I jolted

But then an image began to form, blurry at first but quickly sharpening into focus

I saw myself through Edwin's eyes, lying on the very couch we were sitting on. My hair was splayed out on the c**n, my cheeks were flushed pink, eyes half-lidded with desire. Edwin's hands were trailing down my body, his fingers tracing patterns on my pale skin.

"I... I see us," I managed, even though my voice sounded thick and far away, like trying to speak in a dream. "We're on the couch. You're... touching me. Your hands are so warm on my skin." The image in Edwin's mind became more vivid then. I watched as he lowered himself between my legs, his lips pressing kisses along my inner thighs, I could feel his desire, his need to taste me. "You're kissing my thighs," I continued, my own breath quickening. My heart was racing in my chest. "Your hands are on my hips, holding me down. I can feel how much you want me."

I saw myself arch my back, a moan escaping my lips as his tongue found its target. The sensation was so real, so intense, that I almost felt it myself. A warmth pooled in my lower belly, my body responding to the vivid imagery.

A finger slipped inside of me, and then-


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"Oh," I suddenly gasped, my eyes flying open. I found Edwin watching me intently, his pupils dilated, the gold in his eyes more prominent than ever. My cheeks burned as I realized how affected I was by what I'd just seen. "That was intense."

A slow grin spread across Edwin's face, his eyes darkening with desire. His voice was husky as he pushed me back against the couch c**ons and murmured, "Would you like to make it a reality?" SEND GIFT

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