One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 130

Chapter 130




I smoothed down my blouse as I entered the upscale restaurant where Claudia and I usually met. The scent of expensive perfume and seared steak filled the air, a sharp contrast to the campus cafeteria lunches I was used to. The hostess recognized me, smiling tightly as she led me to our usual table.

Claudia was already there, rising to greet me with a warm hug,

"Audrey, darling! Congratulations on your piece at Paris Fashion Week. It was absolutely stunning," she gushed, squeezing me so tight I could hardly breathe.

"Thank you," I said, feeling a blush creep up my checks. "I'm just glad it was well-received."

We settled into our seats and ordered our drinks-a glass of white wine for with questions about Paris, the mention of which made my heart pound.

laudia and a soda for me. She peppered me

Little did she know I had slept with her future son-in-law there. Assuming he wasn't able to get out of his engagement to


Edwin had mentioned that Claudia didn't know the truth about his engagement to Fiona. She was under the impression that they, as childhood friends, had fallen in love. And Edwin planned to keep it that way, at least for the time being.

Claudia was too sweet. If she knew what her daughter was truly capable of, it would break her heart. And Edwin, caring deeply for Claudia as if she were his own mother, couldn't bear to see that happen. Neither could I. Claudia and I had grown incredibly close since we had met; o a bit of myself in her-or maybe it was the other way around.

connection was profound. Sometimes, I saw

I pulled out my portfolio as we waited for our meals. "I've been working on some designs for our collection," I said, flipping to the right page. My heart raced a little as I slid it across the table; no matter how many times I showed my work to Claudia, it always felt like a test.

Claudia leaned in, her eyes scanning the sketches with the sharp focus of a seasoned designer.

"Oh, Audrey," she breathed, her finger tracing the lines of one design. "These are marvelous. I especially love this one here."

She pointed to my favorite design, a sleek black evening gown with intricate beadwork. I had developed an interest in beading since I had been working on my piece for Paris Fashion Week all summer. "I'm so glad you like it," I said, my shoulders slumping with relief. "I was worried it might be too elegant for the collection we had in mind."

Claudia shook her head. "Not at all. It's a classic silhouette, but the beading is also fresh and exciting. Though, perhaps we could adjust the neckline slightly..." She grabbed a pen, making a few quick marks on the sketch. "There. What do you think?"

I studied the changes, taking note of the new neckline-an off-shoulder silhouette rather than a sweetheart shape. I liked it. We spent the next hour discussing the designs, our food growing cold as we lost ourselves in our own little world. Claudia offered suggestions and praise in equal measure, her expertise guiding me without stifling my creativity.

As we finally turned our attention back to our meal, Claudia suddenly brightened.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I'm having a c**ail party for my fiftieth birthday next month, and I would love for you to come." My face fell before I could stop it. I should have been happy to go, elated even that my childhood hero had invited me to


Chapter 130



her personal birthday party.


But if Claudia was there, that meant Fiona would be too. The thought of seeing her, of having to play nice while she smirked at me, especially after what Edwin and I had done... It made my stomach churn. Claudia's smile faded, concern creasing her brow before I could properly school my face back into neutrality. "Oh... You don't want to come?" she asked, c**ing her head.

I quickly backpedaled, feeling guilty. "No, no, it's not that," I said, "I would love to come. It's just... I might be busy with school. Senior year and all, you know? The workload is pretty intense."

"Ah. Of course," Claudia nodded understandingly, although I could see the disappointment in her eyes. "Well, it's over a three-day weekend, so perhaps you'll have time. But if you can't make it, I understand. I know how demanding senior year can be.”

She reached into her purse and pulled out an RSVP card. "Here are the details, just in case. I would really love for you to be there if you can manage it. It would mean a lot to me."

I took the card, forcing a smile even as guilt gnawed at me. "Thank you, Claudia. I'll definitely try to make it work. It sounds like it'll be a wonderful party."

As we said our goodbyes, I couldn't shake the knot of anxiety in my stomach. I stared at the card as I left the restaurant, the elegant script blurring in front of my eyes.

I hated to disappoint Claudia, hated the thought of hurting her in any way... But being stuck with Fiona for hours on end sounded like a nightmare.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the person in front of me until I walked right into their sturdy frame.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't-" I started to apologize, then froze as I recognized that stubbled jawline angled down at me. "Oh. Edwin."

His gray eyes met mine, and I felt my knees go weak. There was that d**able scent again, nearly making me pass out on the sidewalk. I'd have to ask him to stop wearing that cologne; somehow it had seeped into my brain. I felt like Pavlov's dog, salivating whenever I smelled it.

"Audrey," he said, his voice low. "We really need to stop meeting like this."

I glanced around, suddenly aware once again that we were in public. People were passing by, any of whom could recognize Edwin or overhear us. "Right, sorry. I should go."

"Wait," Edwin said, his eyes flicking to the card in my hand. "Is that for Claudia's party?"

I nodded, turning it over in my hand. "Yeah. You're going, I take it?"

He nodded. "You?"

I shrugged, pressing my lips into a thin line. "Probably not. It might be... complicated. With Fiona there and all."

Edwin's face blackened at the mention of her name, as if the sound of it pained him.

"I understand your concern," he said, "but Fiona wouldn't dare do anything in front of her mother. And this party means a lot to Claudia. She really cares about you, you know. You should go."

I bit my lip, considering. The idea of seeing Fiona made me want to run, but disappointing Claudia... "I don't know..."

"If it helps," Edwin added, his voice dropping even lower, forcing me to lean in slightly to hear him, "I won't let Fiona anywhere near you. Consider me your shield."


Wed, Sep 18

Chapter 130

My heart s**d a beat at the thought of that. My shield. My love....

"I'll think about it," I said finally, my voice hardly more than a whisper.

Edwin nodded, straightening again. "That's all I ask."

With that, we brushed past each other, and I could feel the heat radiating off his body, smell the cologne that had haunted

out, catching my wrist. I froze, my heart leaping my dreams, as we passed. But before could step away, Edwin's hand sh into my throat just at that small point of contact.

He turned slightly, speaking over his shoulder so that to anyone passing by, it wouldn't look like we were talking.

"Are you free tonight?"

I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly dry as I stared at the sidewalk ahead. "Yes."


"There's an unused storeroom on campus. Room 004 in the Wilson building. The passcode is 5829." His fingers tightened slightly on my wrist, the heat of his skin burning through the thin fabric of my blouse. "I'll be there at ten o'clock tonight. If you want to come, I'll be waiting."

Without another word, he released my wrist and walked away, disappearing into the aurant.

It was all I could do to will my legs to move again-they were already trembling with anticipation of what was sure to come


I would be going to that storeroom tonight. But I supposed that went without saying.

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