One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 128

Chapter 128

69% +5


We left a trail of clothes as we went, ripping and tearing like animals. I think I even heard the sound of a few buttons popping and clattering to the floor, but neither of us cared in our haste. We were too concerned with making it to the bed. And if we didn't make it that far, then we would settle for the floor, or the round table by the window.


Edwin dug his fingers into my bare waist, pressing me up against the end of the bed. My legs hit the soft mattress, and he pushed me down, dropping to a crouch in front of me. "I've been waiting for this," he growled, nudging one leg aside with his mouth, then the other. "I can't stop thinking about you."NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

I swallowed hard, any words that would have come having been lost to me as he dipped his head between my thighs. My body shuddered with pleasure, my back arching and hips twisting as he plunged his face into me, his tongue thick and warm against my c**t.

"I-" Another shudder, and this time a whimper. "I can't stop thinking about you, either," I managed.

As Edwin feasted on me, I kept the latter half of the truth to myself-that I didn't just think about him, but rather dreamed about him. His presence had plagued my mind these past months, like a flickering candle that I couldn't blow out.

And now, his tongue was flicking and swirling around all of my most sensitive parts as his claws dug into my thighs.

Not nails, but claws; they had extended at some point during our frenzy, sharp talons digging into my flesh. But it didn't hurt. He was painstakingly gentle with me despite his hunger. Even when I felt one of his fangs brush my inner thigh, it was with the utmost care, nothing more than a soft tease.

I shuddered again as he rose to his full height, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His fangs glinted in the light, and he saw me staring.

"I can hide them," he said softly, crawling onto the bed between my legs. "If you want."

I shivered and shook my head as his hand came up to pin one of my wrists to the pillow. "I... I like them," I whispered.

Edwin **d an eyebrow. "Humans don't usually prefer the claws and fangs and... other things..."

Again, I shook my head. His member was painfully close now, pressing gently against me but burning me like it was made of fire. I blinked, and recalled that day in the forest-his fur had felt so soft, so silky, wrapped around me.

So... right.

"I like them," I repeated. I took my free hand and gently raked my own nails along his back, watching as he shivered. Slowly, too slowly, he inched himself into me. It took me a moment to adjust myself to the considerable size of him. "I like all of you."

"Even this?" he asked, and he let out a low, guttural growl that was so deep I could feel its vibrations in my chest.

I whimpered softly, biting my lip, and nodded again. "Yes," I whispered. "Especially that." Edwin's face split into a grin, and he pushed that last inch into me. He lingered for a moment, letting me squirm and writhe on him, as he lowered himself until the broad planes of his body were pressed up against me, crushing me against the bed.

His other hand came up to grip my free one, tangling his fingers with mine and pushing it into the blanket. He had me fully pressed to the bed now-helpless in the most delicious of ways.

His breath tickled my ear as he whispered, "Good."

13:05 Wed, Sep 189

Chapter 128


I woke


to the sensation of warm sunlight on my cheek and the distant sound of church bells.

For a moment, I smiled, the bells reminding me of last night's... adventure. Running through the streets of Paris. Popped buttons. Tangled sheets. The sensation of his hips grinding against me until the sun had begun to peek over the **on.

We had gone at it like animals all night. Edwin was insatiable as the wolf inside of him.

I rolled over, expecting to feel his warm body beside me. There would still be time before we had to part ways. One last


But the bed was empty.

My eyes snapped open. The bathroom door was wide open, and Edwin was nowhere to be seen. Even his clothes, which had made a trail from the door to the bed last night, were gone. My own clothes had been folded and placed neatly on the dresser for me.

A pang shot through my chest. Sitting up, I noticed a note on the bedside table. I grabbed it without hesitation, expecting it to say that he had just popped out for some coffee for us, that he would return shortly. "Thank you for the amazing night. -E"

I felt an undeniable ache of disappointment as I read those words. That was it? I read it again and turned the scrap of paper over, hoping I had missed something. But no, that was all he had written. "Seriously?" I muttered, crumpling the note in my fist as I clutched the sheets to my bare chest with the other hand. I knew our relationship was complicated, even dangerous. Maybe there were reasons he had to leave early.

But he couldn't have written more than that? Or just woken me up to say goodbye?

A bitter taste filled my mouth

as a horrible thought crossed my mind. What if last night had just been about sex for him?


Edwin... He wouldn't-

I didn't want to believe that was the case. Not Edwin,

The shrill ring of my phone startled me out of my thoughts. I grabbed it, seeing several missed calls and messages.

"S**t," I hissed, seeing the time. My flight was in two hours.

I rushed through my morning routine, throwing my things haphazardly into my suitcase. I didn't even dare to take one last look at the lavish hotel room as I rushed out, but it wasn't for a lack of time. I couldn't bear to look back there, to see the remnants of a passion-filled night that had ended with nothing more than a note.

I made it to the airport just as they were calling final boarding for my flight. The other designers looked at me curiously as I rushed onto the plane, out of breath and disheveled.

"What took you so long?" Hanna asked as I slid into my seat, her eyebrows raised.

"I, uh... Lost track of time," I lied, forcing a smile. "Jet lag."

"Uh-huh," she said, clearly not buying it. "And you're sure it has nothing to do with that mysterious man I saw you with last night?"

I felt my cheeks flush. At least she didn't recognize him. "I don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled, busying myself with my seatbelt.

Hanna laughed. "Sure you don't. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

The week after returning home passed in a blur of unpacking and preparing for the new semester, Despite checking my


13:05 Wed, Sep 18

Chapter 128


phone obsessively, I didn't hear from Edwin once. Each day that passed without a message felt like a tiny knife in my heart.

With each passing day, the memory of our night together felt more like a dream. Or maybe a nightmare, considering how it had ended. I tried not to think that Edwin had just used me for a fun night before returning to his 'normal' life, but it was

hard not to.

The day before classes started, I found myself at Avis's new apartment, helping her set up her sewing room for her new tailoring business. Her parents had taken her plans surprisingly well, and had even gifted her with enough money to rent a place for a year to help her get started. The space was small but airy, with large windows letting in plenty of natural light.

"Where do you want this mannequin?" I asked, struggling with the awkward shape. It kept catching on things as I tried to maneuver it through the crowded room.

Avis looked up from where she was organizing fabric swatches, her mousy hair a mess from working all day. "Over by the window, please. The light's better there."

As I positioned the mannequin, nearly knocking over a stack of boxes in the process, Tina approached me with a concerned look on her face.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked quietly, helping me steady the mannequin. "You've seemed a bit... off since you got back from Paris."

I forced a smile, hoping it looked more convincing than it felt. "I'm fine," I lied. "Just nervous about the new semester, I guess."

Tina eyed me suspiciously, her head tilted to one side. "Are you sure? Because you've been checking your phone every five minutes and sighing a lot. Did something happen in Paris?"

I opened my mouth to deny it again, but before I could, we were interrupted by a loud pop, followed by the sound of shattering glass. We all turned to see Gavin standing sheepishly next to a broken vase, an open champagne bottle in his hand.

"Oops," he said, his face red as a tomato. "Sorry, Avis. The cork kind of... got away from me."

Avis sighed, picking up her notebook from a nearby table. "No worries," she said, jotting something down on her to-do list. "Get... new... vase..."

We all stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. The tension that had been building in the room evaporated, and blissfully, Tina seemed to have forgotten about her question.

I shook my head, grinning. "Come on, you disasters. Let's have that champagne before Gavin breaks anything else."

As we gathered around, passing out glasses, I felt some of the tension from the past week start to melt away. These were my friends, my family. Whatever was going on with Edwin, at least I had them. Gavin raised his glass, the golden liquid sparkling in the afternoon sunlight. "To new beginnings," he said. "And to Avis, for being brave enough to follow her dreams."

"To new beginnings," we echoed, clinking our glasses together.



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