One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 124

Chapter 124


We all sat up in unison, our eyes wide with shock,

"WHAT?!" 1 practically shouted, then cleared my throat and lowered my voice. "You're... You're not coming to Grayspring in

the fall?"

Avis looked around at our stunned about it for a while now."

"er expression a bit sheepish. "I know it seerns sudden, but I've been thinking

"Why wait so long to tell us?" Betty asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"I thought we were all going to graduate together," Tina practically whispered.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Avis took a deep breath, her small fingers fidgeting with a blade of grass. "I've just always struggled with school," she admitted quietly. "I've always had to drag myself through, barely scraping by with a C average. It just never clicked for me."

"You know you could always come to one of us for tutoring, Gavin said. "Why didn't you ever tell us you were having these issues?"

"I don't know." Avis shrugged. "Shame, I guess. Truthfully, I have had tutors all throughout college. They've never helped much.

She paused, glancing up at us sheepishly again. "I just don't think academia is for me, guys. I thought I had to get through school because it was expected of me, but I never enjoyed it. Not really." "So what are you going to do instead?" I asked.

A small smile played on Avis's lips. "I waited to tell you guys about this just in case it didn't work out, but now that the paperwork has gone through: I'm starting my own tailoring business. And someday, I want to expand into a boutique selling my own handmade clothes."

There was a moment of silence as we all processed this information. Avis pulled out her phone, swiping on the screen a few times until she had pulled up an email. The title read: "Confirmation of LLC: Avis Tailoring."

Finally, Tina was the first to say, "Avis, this is.. Amazing!"

Avis's smile grew wider, and she let out a sigh of relief. "You guys really think so? You're not disappointed in me?"

"Absolutely not," Gavin chimed in, sitting up straighter. "Remember that jacket you altered for me before spring break? It fits better than anything I've ever bought in a store. You have a real gift." Tina nodded enthusiastically, her earlier shock replaced by genuine happiness for our friend. "You could totally make a career out of this, Avis. So long as it makes you happy.”

Avis's eyes were misted over with tears. "Thank you all so much was so worried you would be disappointed in me for not finishing school."

"Disappointed?" 1 scoffed. "How could we be disappointed in you for following your dreams? It's the bravest thing anyone can do,"

"Exactly, Tina said. "We're your friends. We want you to be happy, not miserable trying to fit into some mold that doesn't work for you. "And successful Gavin added with a grin. "Which you will be. I'm sure of it."


13:03 Wed, Sep 18 Chapter 124

Avis looked around at all of us, her smile trembling slightly as she pushed a lock of mousy blonde hair out of her eyes. "So... we can still be friends? Even though I won't be at ayspring?" "Of course we can, you idiot," Betty said, pulling Avis into a tight hug. The force of it nearly knocked them both over onto the damp grass, and Avis giggled tearfully.

We all piled in, wrapping our arms around Avis in a group hug, felt a lump form in my throat as I realized how much I was going to miss seeing Avis every day at school, but I was also incredibly proud of her for taking this leap.

"We'll still hang out all the time. I promised, my voice mu**ed against someone's shoulder. "And we'll help you get your business started. You're not getting rid of us that easily."

"I can help with the finances," Gavin suggested. "Make sure you're not underselling yourself. We'll make sure you're charging what you're worth."

"And I can help with marketing." Tina offered. "I can even make you a website if you need help.

Avis laughed, wiping away a tear that had escaped down her cheek. "You guys are the best. I don't know what I'd do without you. I was so scared to tell you, but I should have known you'd support me."

We spent the rest of the night talking about Avis's plans, brainstorming ideas for her business, and reminiscing about our summer. Eventually, the sky turned from dim blue to soft pink, the first rays of sunlight peeking over the **n. Only then did we finally drag ourselves to bed.

As we made our way back into the house, my eyes met Gavin's from across the hall. He shot me the subtlest of nods, and I felt my heart flutter slightly.

Avis wasn't the only one who had friends who supported her. We all had each other's backs. And for that, I was grateful.

Two weeks later, I found myself standing on the cobblestone streets of Paris, looking around in awe. I was still at the airport, but already it was everything I had ever dreamed of. Even the air here smelled exactly as I hoped it would.

I checked my watch for the third time in the past few minutes, then scanned the street again for my ride.

Edwin's Beta, Charles, had sent me an email last night insisting an sending a car for me, despite my protests that I could just take a cab to my hotel. Part of me couldn't help but wonder if there was a reason for that-would Edwin be at my hotel, perhaps? Waiting for me, arms open, after all this time?

"I finally ended things with Fiona," I imagined he would say. "We're safe now. We can be together."

There would be the matter of our different statuses at Grayspring, of course. But in just a couple of weeks, I would officially be a senior. We'd only have to keep our relationship private for eight months after that. I could handle eight months.

But I was getting ahead of myself, I realized, as I watched a sleek black town car pull up to the curb. The driver stepped out and approached me. "Mademoiselle Thatcher?"

1 nodded, suddenly feeling too small and too far from home to manage using the bit of French I had been learning all


The driver smiled and took my bags. "Welcome to Paris. I hope you had a pleasant flight?"

es, thank you," I replied, sliding into the back seat of the car.

As we drove through the city. I couldn't stop staring out the window. Everything was so beautiful. The architecture, the cafes with their outdoor seating, the stylish people walking down the sidewalks-it was just like every postcard and movie I had

13:03 Wed, Sep 18

Chapter 124


When we pulled up to the hotel, my jaw dropped. It was even more elegant than I had expected, all wrought iron balconies and cream-colored stone. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. And it also looked... expensive.

Very expensive.

"This can't be right," I said to the driver as he pulled up to the curb. "Are you sure this is where I'm staying?"

"Oui, mademoiselle. Mr. Brooks was very specific about the arrangements. He wanted to ensure you had the best experience. possible."

I felt my cheeks flush at the mention of Edwin's name. Of course he would go overboard like this. It was sweet, but also a bit overwhelming.

The bellhop took my bags, and I followed him up to my room in a daze. When he opened the door, I couldn't hold back the small gasp that echoed in the sp***us room.

Edwin wasn't here as I had fantasized, but the room was incredible nonetheless.

Huge windows overlooked the city, providing a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower in the distance. The bed looked like it was made of clouds, covered in plush white linens that I was almost afraid to touch for fear of ruining them.

There was even a small sitting area with elegant armchairs that looked perfect for sketching or reading, and a small balcony overlooking the street below.

As soon as the bellhop left, I wandered around the room, running my hands over the luxurious furnishings. It must have cost a fortune. I bit my lip as I looked about, wondering exactly what Edwin was getting at by renting this room for me.

That was when I noticed the note on the table. I walked over, and my heart sk**ed a beat as I immediately recognized Edwin's handwriting

"I hope you like it wail to see your look at the fashion show. -E

I clutched the note to my chest, my heart fluttering. It had been so long since I had heard from him, let alone seen him. Just those few written words were enough to bring all my feelings rushing back like a tidal


"I wonder if I'll see him at the fashion show," I whispered, turning to gaze up at the Eiffel Tower through my window.

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