One Night With My Alpha Professor

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Audrey

I jolted awake to the sound of my alarm blaring, my heart racing as I realized I had fallen asleep while working. Blinking groggily, I found myself tangled in a mess of soft, maroon-colored yarn. I groaned, carefully extricating myself from the web of wool that I had accidentally tangled around myself during my sleep.

"Oh no," I mumbled, fumbling for my phone to silence the incessant beeping. "What time is it?"

As my eyes focused on the screen, I saw it was already 7:30 AM. The fashion show was in just a few hours, and I had spent the entire night working on...

My gaze fell on the finished product that was lying across my lap. A simple red scarf, nothing fancy, but I had poured my heart and soul into every stitch. It was my way of thanking Edwin for everything he had done for me.

I held it up, inspecting it critically. The stitches were even, the pattern intricate but not overly complex. It wasn't much, but I hoped that Edwin would love it all the same.

"Crap, I need to get ready," I muttered, scrambling out of bed.

I rushed through my morning routine, barely taking time to gulp down a cup of coffee before I was out the door. As I hurried toward the showroom where the fashion show would be held, I carefully wrapped the scarf and tucked it into my bag. I would give it to Edwin after the show, a little celebration gift regardless of how we placed.

When I arrived backstage, my friends were already there. Judging from the nervous looks on their faces-and the countless texts on my phone-they had been waiting for some time, and they were worried.

"Audrey!" Tina exclaimed over her shoulder, rushing over to the fitting area with her hair and makeup already done for the show. "Where the hell have you been? We were starting to worry!"Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Sorry, sorry," I said, setting down my bag. "I overslept. But I'm here now. How's everything looking?"

Avis bit her lip. "We're still worried about the model situation. Did you manage to find anyone?"

I nodded, a small smile playing on my lips. "I did, actually. He should be here soon."

Betty raised an eyebrow at me. "Who is it?"

Before I could answer, Tina emerged from behind the changing screen, dressed in our female outfit-a plaid skirt and vest set with a structured white blouse underneath.

She looked absolutely stunning, the wool fabric both hugging her curves in all the right places and puffing out in all of the right areas. The pleated skirt that I had painstakingly made last-minute looked perfect on her; I couldn't have been happier. "Tina, you look amazing!" I gushed, running up to her.

"Thanks," she muttered, her fingers worrying one of the buttons on her vest. "But I'm still nervous. I've never modeled before."

Nodding, I reached into my bag and pulled out a delicate Venetian-style mask. "Here, put this on. It might help you feel more confident if you're a little disguised."

Tina looked confused, but took the mask anyway. Little did she know that it was just a way to minimize questions over why Edwin would be arriving in his own mask. "Um, okay. If you say so."

As she was adjusting the mask, the backstage door opened as if on cue. We all turned to see a tall, masked figure enter, already dressed in our male outfit. Edwin.

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Chapter 54

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I heard audible gasps from my friends as he waded through the thick throng of other teams preparing for the show.

"Oh my god," Avis whispered. "Is that him?"

I nodded, trying to hide my smirk. Edwin looked absolutely incredible in the suit he was wearing. The mask covered the entirety of his face, a Venetian-style bird mask, but it really only added to the entire look.

"Morning," he said, his voice slightly mu**d by the mask. He was clearly making an effort to change his voice as well, so as as not to be easily recognized. And he was wearing colored contacts: a deep brown instead of his usual stormy gray. "I hope I'm not late." "N-no, you're right on time," Betty stammered, her cheeks flushing red as she toyed with the end of her braid.

Edwin nodded, maintaining a careful distance from the group. His eyes met mine briefly, and I saw a flicker of amusement in them. I offered him a tiny smile and a nod.

"Alright, everyone," I said, clapping my hands together. "Let's do some final checks. Tina, Gary, are you both comfortable in your outfits?"

They both nodded, and I could see Tina eyeing Edwin with a mix of curiosity and attraction. Gary was the name I had chosen on the spot for Edwin's fake persona, and I could clearly see the gears turning in Tina's head as she tried to figure out who he was I felt a twinge of... something in my chest when I saw the heated look she gave him, but I pushed it aside. This wasn't the time for that.

As we made our final preparations, I could hear the crowd gathering in the main hall. The anticipation was building, and my heart was pounding faster and faster with each passing moment.

Holding my breath, I carefully peered around the curtain. The crowd was far thicker than I had anticipated-the runway flanked on either side by bustling crowds. Up ahead, at the end, the judges were seated at a long table.

"Okay, it's showtime," I said, taking a deep breath as I returned my attention to my friends. "Tina, Gary, you're up. Remember, confidence is key. You both look amazing, so just go out there and show everyone what we've created."

Tina nodded nervously and adjusted her mask, while Edwin gave a short, confident nod. As they walked toward the stage entrance, I couldn't help but admire how well they both carried themselves.

The music started, and Tina stepped out onto the catwalk. From my vantage point backstage, I could see the crowd's reaction. There were murmurs of appreciation, and I saw several of the judges nodding approvingly.

Then it was Edwin's turn. As soon as he stepped out, the crowd went wild. There were gasps and whispers, and I even heard a few wolf whistles. Edwin walked with a confidence and grace that took my breath away. He owned that catwalk, showing off the outfit perfectly.

I felt stars in my eyes as I watched him. It was hard to believe this was the same stern, gruff professor I knew. Out there, he was a different person entirely-charismatic, magnetic, and... impossible to look away from.

As Edwin and Tina finished their walk and came back to the backstage area, I could feel the energy in the air. We had done it. We had pulled off an amazing show against all odds, although it was over faster than I could blink.

"That was incredible!" Avis squealed, hugging Tina as soon as she was within reach.

I turned to Edwin, wanting to congratulate him, but he had turned his attention to the rest of the teams' models through the curtain. I took a halting step toward him, but was quickly stopped as the last teams' models returned and the show came to



"Attention, designers," a voice called over the loudspeaker. "Please prepare to come on stage with your models for scoring."

21:03 Mon, Sep 16 BO

Chapter 54

"Team Audrey!" the stage manager called out, waving us to the stage. "It's go time!"

We all looked at each other, our faces pale and our eyes wide, but smiling nonetheless. This was it.

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As we walked out onto the stage, I noticed with a start that Linda's team was missing. I remembered someone mentioning they had been disqualified due to Linda's behavior, although I had gotten so caught up in preparations that I had all but forgotten. A wave of cheers and applause, however, quickly diverted my attention. As we approached the judges' table, the announcer strode up to us, microphone in hand.

"Team Audrey," he said, his voice ringing through the microphone. "Your team has exhibited some amazing pieces today. But first, let's see what the judges think."

We all held our breath, waiting for the judges to hold up their cards....


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