Olympiad is Falling, The Rise of Artemis

Chapter 7- Daylen

Rubble rolled off me. What the hell was that? Hera’s soldiers are getting stronger. This one chose the wrong challenge. She peered her head to see where my body landed in the building. Without drawing my wings, I shot into the air. Landing behind her, I grabbed her hand.

She growled. Her fist burned bright amber. I pulled back, the scent of burning flesh smacked my face. She thrust her legs forward. I hurled a ball of light that flew into a building. The two-storey apartment blew up, bricks and wood collapsed into the alley.

She turned around her brown eyes fixed on me before she slammed her wrists together. Another flamed arrowed shot at me. I raised my shield. The arrow cracked the centre of my protection. The collision sent my feet sliding in the gravel.

‘Stop! I haven’t done anything wrong.’

I stared at the building she hurled me through and cocked my head to the side. She bit her lip. I fisted the soil beneath me and pulled myself up.

She held her hand up, ‘I didn’t come to hurt anyone.’

‘Why don’t I believe that?’

‘I’m warning you.’ Her eyes furrowed.

I rolled my burning shoulder. I raised my arms and the rubble rocked and rose mid-air. Her face lit up as if a flame hurled at her.

She raised her hands over her head. I launched the stones. Power and earth collided, thrusting us both backwards. My bones cracked as I emerged from the debris.

‘Damn it, what the hell is she?’ I grunted

Dust consumed the streets. Cries filled the night air, homes crumbled, rocks lined the road. Where had she landed? A busted street lamp flicked ahead of me. A fit of coughs came meters from my feet.

She was alive. I reached for her, she stuck out her hand, catching me in the face.

‘Shit,’ I spat.

She wobbled and attempted to run. I caught her arm and brought her back. Fearing another blast, I yanked her wrist. Locking her by my side I looked to the skies and asked for Paradis to open. We left the wholes in the earth and mutilation behind.


‘Let me go! Where are we?’

We struggled all the way to my condo. Marcus opened the door and it was sweet relief for my muscles. I let her go like a hot pan and stormed to the bar.

‘Well, well what do we have here?’ Marcus grinned and crossed his legs at the bottom.

‘Ugh, she blew up an entire city block.’ The gold liquor burned my throat as it went down.

Marcus’ eyes widened at the petite girl hugging her shoulders.

‘I didn’t do it alone,’ she frowned.

I poured the glass half full and staggered to the white couch.

Marcus chuckled, ‘Why’d you bring her here then?’

‘Because Hera’s court won’t persecute her and I want to know what you are.’

Marcus guided her to the couch. She pressed herself together, I don’t know if she wanted the couch to consume her or not. Maybe she was a witch and she’d vanish in front of us. Unfortunately, for her my house was magic proof. I couldn’t tell if the spell would hold against whatever arrow shit she used against me in Laurelle.

‘What are you?’ I demanded.

She didn’t flinch, didn’t shiver at my glare. ‘I’m not from here! I was running from pirates with my best friend Stella when you attacked me!’

‘You were alone when I found you.’

‘Makes sense mate,’ Marcus said.

I glared at him. I wasn’t buying her story. I saw the pirates though.

‘So, what are you doing here?’ Marcus asked.

She bit her lower lip and sank back in the couch. I rubbed my forehead. I didn’t have time for games.

‘Who are you working with? Hera or the dark angels?’ Only either two could hold that much power.

Marcus shot me an annoyed look. ‘Listen, we’re the good guys. Daylen’s a member in Queen Solaris’ court and I’m a royal guard. If you weren’t doing anything wrong, we can’t arrest you.’ He shrugged.

Her shoulders slumped and she leaned forward. ‘I’m looking for my sister she was kidnapped… back in the human world.’

I shook my head and headed to the bar. Marcus joined me.

She relayed her entire story and by the end of it I couldn’t conclude what she could be. She was as blank as us. She wasn’t one of us, nor an angel of darkness. As our natural opposites we had the power to discern them.

Pounding blasted at the door. I scrawled. I didn’t do visitors. Marcus spared me and peeped through the little hole.

‘Who is it?’ I grumbled.

‘Jason, what do we do?’ He looked at Artemis.

Oh great, his royal highness decided today was a good day to pay me a visit.

An explosion of pain rippled through my limbs when I reached for Artemis’ arm. Jason couldn’t see her neither could anyone else. Not yet at least. I hid her in my room and warned her not to make a sound.

I found Jason in his royal white attire, silver cape touching the floor, golden crown dawned on his head. Completely unnecessary, he only needed to wear them on royal occasions.

‘To what do I owe the pleasure of his royal highness’ presence in my home.’ I fought the groan in my tone, but it won.

Two guards stood at the door in attention. Jason smirked. He eyed the tears on my clothes and the bloodied state of my face.

‘The whole court knows of the incident in Laurelle-‘

‘Why does it matter? It was an incident with a mage?’ I snapped.

Jason shook his head; the grin ever present. ‘It did involve a member of The Queen’s court and you did blow up an entire city block. Injuring dozens. General Storm wants the mage responsible in custody.’

‘Have you become an errand boy now Jason? They sent you just to tell me that?’

That wiped the arrogance off his face. ‘I can have your head Daylen. I’m a prince address me as such.’

I turned away. Jason was nothing but a spoiled prince. Full of himself and countless insecurities. The door swung open and two armed guards pranced in ahead of General Storm.

I rubbed my face. The smirk on Jason’s face returned. Storm stood tall, chest pushed out, arm tucked behind his back and his yellow cape flowing. Completely unnecessary.

‘I believe you apprehended the culprit.’ It wasn’t a question.

‘I handled it.’ I muttered.

‘I don’t see anyone else here Daylen, where is the scum?’

I narrowed my eyes at him, pompous arrogant bastard. ‘He got away. Dark Fae just looking for trouble.’ I looked away.

‘Then you’ve handled nothing! The mage court want to hold you accountable too! You disgrace Paradis, Daylen.’

I held myself back. He could say what he wanted. The veins in his neck bulged but I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t know Artemis, but I couldn’t let her power land in Hera’s hands.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

‘Like I said General Storm he got away.’ I straightened my back.

Storm sneered. He drew his cape around him then rushed out his guards marched behind him. I kicked the door behind Jason’s guards.

Thunder roared outside the window. Lighting flashed and struck the ground, a sign of Zeus’ rage.

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