Olympiad is Falling, The Rise of Artemis

Chapter 24- Daylen

I flew back to the castle. I let her slip through my fingers. I knew not to trust him damn it. Now how did I get her back. My mind was spinning I barely knew where my legs were taking me. I couldn’t ask my mother she would see this as an opportunity to get Artemis out of my life.

Another locator spell. I wouldn’t let her out of my sight after I found her. I still didn’t want her here, but losing her was killing me. I bumped into someone and nearly knocked my glasses off my face.

“Sorry,” I waved my hand in front of myself.

I looked up and realized it was Marcus. He frowned at me. I hadn’t seen him since he got his ass kicked.

“Oh,” I said.

“You’re in a rush.” Marcus said, his voice laced with venom.

“No, actually I need help. It’s urgent.”

Marcus shook his head, “I don’t get you man-”

“I don’t have time to explain now Marcus. I know you’re mad at me for what happened, but I wasn’t the one that beat you up.”

“No, but you didn’t arrest the girl that did!”

I rubbed my forehead. The longer I stood here arguing with Marcus the more ground I lost on Artemis and Orion. If only I knew what kind of creature, he was. It would give me a head start.

“Look I can’t do that. I won’t lie to you.”

Marcus looked around then settled his quizzical stare on me. “What do you want? To fuck around with the queen or this mystical mage?”

I groaned and stepped back, “You have no idea how disgusting that is. I would never sleep with the queen.”

“Solaris isn’t that bad. She’s quite sexy for a woman her age.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn’t want to hear anyone calling my mother sexy.

“Please don’t. I’m not doing anything with her. I wouldn’t dream of it. The only woman I want in my bed is Artemis. It’s hard to admit, but she has me in her net. Now I’ve lost her.”

“What do you mean lost her?”

“Orion took her. He pulled her into a portal and I have no bloody idea where he took her.”

“Can’t say I feel awful for her, but I can’t get a hold of Stella either.”

I shook my head, “They weren’t together when I found her.”

“Damn it, something must have happened to her too then. She always answers my calls. I haven’t heard from her since the fight at the bar.”

“Marcus can we put our differences aside to try and find them?”

Marcus leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “Stella and I aren’t even exclusive. I could just report her missing.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. Who was he kidding. “You’ve never slept with the same girl more than once. You’re in love or she put a spell on you.”

Marcus’s shoulders slumped, “Could be both dude. I miss her fire.”

“Now you know how I feel. We don’t have time to lose.”

“I think I know where to look.”


“Hera’s kingdom?” I asked.

Marcus and I had already passed through the portal to the evil queen’s private land. She ruled the whole of the mage dimension, but this little village was where her castle was.

“You suspect Orion was working with Hera, right? Naturally he would have brought here.”

We stared at the imposing gates of the queen’s castle. I hoped I wasn’t too late.

“Well, are you coming with me?” I asked.

Marcus shuddered, “Go ahead. I’m just a guard, she won’t take me seriously. You’re a member of the Queen’s Royal Court. At least she’ll accept your audience. She’ll throw me in jail.”

I nodded. He had a point. Then again she could still lock me up.

“I’ll go, but be ready I might need back up.”

Marcus nodded, “Count on it.”

I received nasty glares from the gargoyle guards. It didn’t stop me marching to the front of the castle. I demanded an audience with Hera in the name of Queen Solaris. Even though they were both queens, Solaris had more power and authority than Hera. Goddess Sophia had more authority than Solaris.

I stood in the ball room in front of her golden throne with horns sticking out of it and a hundred swords. Not another throne in sight. Hera ruled alone. She had never been married at least not to my knowledge or had any kids. The ball room was empty nothing but cold marble floors and high top ceiling depicting love affairs among gods.

“A member of Solaris’s royal court? How lucky am I to receive such a visitor?” Hera giggled on her walk to her throne.

Her skin was flawless with a supernatural glow to it. Evidence that she had consumed power recently. It better not be from Artemis, because I would murder here with my own hands. Footsteps came from heavy boots and the ball room was full of nearly fifty soldiers. Hera smiled and waved them away.

“Come on, he’s our friend. He’s from my dear friend Solaris’s court. He poses no threat.”

Still the soldiers never left. Her words were more of a warning to me. My actions depended on what she told me. Hera flipped her waterfall of chestnut hair over her shoulder and gave me a sugary smile. The army green gown she worn hid her feet and caressed the marble floor. I knew her power kept her looking young while in actual fact no one knew how old she was.

“Of course, your highness.” I folded my arms behind my back.

“Tell me, what brings such a handsome man like you to my castle?”

I cleared my throat. “I’m looking for a mage.”

“A woman.”

“Yes, I believe you have her.”

Hera smiled, “She must have been extremely naughty for me to have her. I don’t usually give up prisoners. Unless you change my mind.” Her emerald eyes got a shade brighter.

I had to remember she was capable of harvesting my powers too.

“I can assure you she hasn’t done anything wrong. She is… however a very strong mage.”

Her smile went from sugary to menacing, challenging even. “Powerful, huh?”

“Yes. Healing, destruction she has it all.”

Hera laughed, “I see you found yourself quite the woman. The mage dimension has been a dangerous place lately and as you can expect me to know all my prisoners.”

“I’m sure you don’t send bounty hunters for all your prisoners.”

Hera laughed harder, “A bounty hunter? Me? I don’t think so.”

“Hera, I know you sent Orion and the shadow creatures.”

Why would she send them both to bring the same person? They just got in each other’s way. Or did the shadow creatures work for someone else? Hera raised her hand and I went flying across the room. I grappled with thin air. I cursed when my back hit the door.

Her sugary smile was back. “I admire men who love their women with immense passion. Tell me, what are you willing to do for her.”

I grunted, “Move Paradis and earth. Bring your castle to ruins.”

She placed her hand on her chest and pouted. It was all an act. “How poetic. We need more men like you.”

I growled and got to my feet. “Where is she?”

She toyed her chestnut hair and raised her gaze to meet me. She thought everything was a game. “I think it’s time for you to leave. Guards.”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

My arms were ceased before I could flinch. Two guards gripped me tight. I lurched forward, but they held back.

“Perhaps you could tell me her name. I’ll keep an eye out for her.” She grinned.

“Go to hell! You better hope she’s okay or else I’ll destroy everything you’ve built.”

I was kneed in the back. Damn them. They dragged me out the door. I couldn’t leave without her. Hera would kill her.

“Oh, Daylen. I’ll tell Artemis you said hi when I see her.”

My eyes went wide as the ballroom doors shut between Hera and I.

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