Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me

Chapter 627

Chapter 627

Having been dragged over to Heather’s room for no reason, Everly stared at the monitor on the desk.

There was a drawing of a woman on the screen.

“Do you recall this woman at all?” Heather asked as she pointed at the incomplete drawing.

Everly squinted, taking in the picture. However, the drawing wasn’t detailed enough. After mulling it for

a while, she still couldn’t figure out who the woman might be.

“Let’s put our heads together,” Heather said like she was a psychologist.

Everly looked at Heather in curiosity, wondering why the latter was in such a rush to get her up into her

room. What was going on?

“Is there a girl at your university who has pretty good looks and good grades, but isn’t from a well-off

family? Someone who’s working part-time when she’s not in class.” That was all Heather could


Everly looked at Heather in a confused manner—that was too broad of a description. Everly shook her

head, for she had no clue as to who that might be.

“Look at this picture. Is there a girl who fits the criteria I mentioned and looks like this?” Heather

berated herself for being unable to draw that woman’s picture accurately. She had a clear image of the

woman’s face, but why had it become so hazy now?

Once again, Everly shifted her gaze to the computer and studied the picture’s every detail. She knew

that Heather was on the edge, so she didn’t dare to lie to her cousin.

“I really don’t know any girls like that in my circle,” Everly said helplessly. She wanted to help, but there

wasn’t a single scrap of information about the woman in her head.

Everly’s friends were all wealthy or powerful, so how would they cross paths with a girl from an

unwealthy family? Moreover, Everly hadn’t heard about any students from less well-off families who

had excellent grades.

“Please think about it again. Ask your classmates to figure it out too.” Heather didn’t want to sit around

and wait for things to turn even more dire; she had to do something about it, for she believed that there

must be someone at Everly’s university who would know of such a woman.

However, Heather had forgotten about something—if there truly was something off about that woman,

she might be faking her background too. However, Heather couldn’t think of any other possible leads,

so all she could do was pursue the only lead she had.

“Me? Ask my classmates?” Everly repeated. She hadn’t tried to search for someone before, and she

thought that she’d end up becoming unpopular if she bothered her classmates about this.

“Think of it as a favor for your cousin sister,” Heather said to Everly with a pleading expression. Right

now, she had pushed half her hopes onto Everly.

“You don’t have to treat me like such a stranger, Heather. I’ll definitely help you find that girl.” It was

rare for Heather to ask for Everly’s help. Naturally, she would do her best to complete this task.

A grateful smile made its way onto Heather’s face. “In that case, I’ll leave it to you. She might not be

from your school, and she could be from a different university. As long as you find someone who

matches the description I’ve given you, you must find a way to get some basic information about her.”

All Heather could do now that she had given Everly her instructions was to wait and hope for the best.

“Got it. Don’t worry.” Everly felt like she had a heavy responsibility, but she was inexplicably pleased

that Heather had come looking for her help. If she could actually help her cousin out, that pleased

feeling would rise to new heights.

Everly took her leave, but right before she left the room, Heather reminded her to keep as low a profile

as possible. Since the kidnappers were currently watching Heather, they might also have their eyes on

Leon, Matthias, or Tony. In other words, Heather’s hope was on the Langstons.

Heather determined that the kidnappers knew Myra’s relationships like the back of their hand. As such,

the kidnappers must think that Heather was not on close terms with the other Langstons, assuming that

she wouldn’t get another Langston to investigate this matter.

The rest would depend on Everly’s findings and if she could get a clear target. Meanwhile, Heather

began to look into her other leads.

After all, she couldn’t put all her eggs into the same basket by placing all hopes onto one single lead.

Besides, it was just a guess; no one knew what the actual situation was.

Perhaps there wasn’t anything off about the girl that Heather had seen at Myra’s home the other day,

and she was just overthinking it. Still, she couldn’t dismiss any possibilities now.

Heather began to look for the glass room, and she kept poring over the videos that the kidnappers had

sent to her in an attempt to find out where they were keeping Myra. However, she had to be quick

about this—she wasn’t sure if the kidnappers would move Myra elsewhere. With that, Heather

searched the entire city to look for a glass room that fit the one she knew about.

In order to do so, Heather needed to borrow some satellites. She was prepared to search every corner,

but unfortunately, Bradfort City was huge. Who knew how long it would take for her to find the glass

room? Moreover, she would be illegally using those satellites. Although it was against the law, Heather

couldn’t be bothered about the legality of it all.

She stared closely at her computer, uncaring of the growls coming from her stomach. Heather looked

at her screen unblinkingly, afraid that she would miss a new lead. Luckily for her, she still had some

instant noodles in her room that she had bought a while ago. Heather’s body was currently winding

down, and she needed some food in her.

The butler was initially about to send some dinner up to Heather’s room himself, but Robert’s condition

flared up again, so he couldn’t leave to do that. Since he was too busy caring for Robert, he had no

time to bring Heather’s dinner to her.

Meanwhile, Robert had kept insisting for the butler to keep his illness a secret from the rest of his

family. Hence, he and the butler were the only ones in his room as the latter busied himself.

Robert was envious as he watched the butler walk around with his healthy body. The butler was only

eight years younger than him, yet there was a marked difference in their health.

“How I wish I can be as healthy as you,” Robert said to the butler. His body was currently in so much

pain that it had become numb, so he had to find a way to distract himself.

“Old Master, I just hope that my body will still be as healthy when I get to your age,” the butler consoled

Robert. The elderly were like that; year after year would pass, and no one knew where all that time had


“You’re so much healthier than me,” Robert lamented, regretting that he had been so careless about

his health when he was younger. Now that he was older, numerous conditions kept popping up.

The two old men commiserated together.

Meanwhile, the starving Heather had dug up all the snacks in her room and placed them by her

computer. The instant noodles were not the slightest bit filling, but Heather didn’t want to waste her

time. Eating right now would lose precious seconds, and she was scared that something bad might

happen to Myra.

She repeated the kidnapper’s words again and again. She could hear the kidnapper’s enmity toward

Tony in his voice; if this was an act of revenge, this kidnapping was awfully tricky.

Still, Myra seemed to be okay for now. From the looks of it, the kidnapper was conflicted. Could there

be someone who forbade the kidnapper from touching a hair on Myra’s head?

With that, Heather began to wonder who was behind the kidnapping. The first person she thought of

was Caleb Moriarty, but logically speaking, the grudge between the Moriarty Family and the Harts

wasn’t enough to eclipse their appreciation for each other. Even if they opted for a kidnapping, they

should’ve gone for someone from the Langstons. Besides, the Moriarty Family weren’t saints, but they

weren’t as morally bankrupt as to stoop to kidnapping.

Still, the word ‘criminals’ kept needling Heather; it would be a piece of cake for the Moriarty Family to Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

hire some criminals outside the law with their influence.

Heather was now at a dead end. No matter how she dissected everything, she couldn’t find a way out.

In fact, she felt that she was running around in circles.

Right then, Heather thought of taking a risk out of desperation—she would attempt to contact someone

else. The first person she thought of was Tony, but she still had her suspicions about him. After all,

there was no way he’d be unaware of Myra’s kidnapping.

After a long period of hesitation, Heather ended up dialing Tony’s number. However, Tony didn’t pick up

the first time although his phone had been ringing for a long while. It was only on her third try that her

call got through. Just then, a woman’s voice came over her phone’s speakers. “Hello, may I ask who

you are? Are you looking for Tony?”

Heather frowned. Why would Tony’s phone be with another woman? Moreover, that woman even called

him affectionately as ‘Tony’.

What was their relationship? Could she be Tony’s older sister?

Heather did her best not to think of the worst scenario.

“Who are you? Can you get Tony to answer the call?” Heather stamped her anger down, deciding to

ascertain the situation first.

“Sorry, Tony’s still asleep,” the woman said in a seductive tone, making it seem as though Tony was

currently sleeping next to her.

“Who in the world are you?” Heather asked the woman, trying to figure out her identity.

“Tee hee.” The woman let loose a tinkling, pleasant laugh. “I don’t know who you are either.” As soon

as she finished her sentence, she cut the call off immediately.

Heather was unwilling to admit defeat, so she called Tony again. Unfortunately, his phone had been

switched off. It was then that Heather somewhat understood Matthias’s thoughts.

In other words, karma came very soon.

Heather didn’t bother calling Tony anymore after three more tries. Right now, she had no time to waste

on futile endeavors like this.

Heather had managed to record her conversation with the mystery woman earlier, but she couldn’t get

through Tony’s cell phone right now. She bit her lip in careful thought; Tony seemed to be having an

affair on the surface, yet Heather felt that something wasn’t quite right. Even if he was cheating, he

wouldn’t possibly do it so brazenly. Everyone knew how nice Tony was to Myra, and Heather believed

that he wouldn’t do something that would hurt Myra.

Once again, Heather played her conversation with the mystery woman, guessing that this wasn’t an

act. Just as Heather was puzzled over the situation, Tony called her. Once she immediately answered

his call, Tony’s rich and sensuous tone came over her phone.

“Heather, did you call me earlier?” Tony put a hand to his forehead. He still had no idea where he was.

Who was the woman with the bare upper body next to him? Tony had a splitting headache, and he

couldn’t remember what had happened last night.

The woman had a fawning smile on her face as she attempted to get close to him, only to have Tony

immediately rebuff her. “Get out.”

Meanwhile, Heather heard Tony’s voice on the other end.

Don’t tell me that he’s really with another woman right now? Heather began to wonder.

Just as Heather had pricked her ears up in an attempt to listen in on more of their conversation, the call

ended. Before the call was cut off, she vaguely heard the mystery woman say ‘Mr. Hart’ in a sensual


That voice was indeed from the woman who had ended Heather’s earlier call.

Heather stiffly put her phone down. What did the current situation mean? Either Tony was actually

cheating on Myra, or someone had also set Tony up. Nonetheless, Heather couldn’t imagine that

someone had managed to involve Tony in such a scheme. Just who in the world was powerful enough

to be capable of this?

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