Not Your Regular CEO Husband

Chapter 21 I would do anything for you


It’s been two weeks since our marriage, Kade hasn’t spoken to me since the kids came back and he’s been spending a lot of time at work too, leaving very early and coming back home very late. 

I get that he felt awkward about how I found out that he really is the father of my children but we aren’t kids, we’re adults. I expected him to call me for a brief discussion so we would find a way to explain the situation to the kids who were obviously confused.

Derrick was the one who warmed up to me first. He was slowly turning to be my favorite and I didn’t like that, I wished Damien and Dani would be more understanding but they weren’t. They would go to school early as well and come back in the afternoon, have lunch and go straight into their room where they would cause a lot a mayhem leaving Valora tired and exhausted.

“I need an extra hand, school is hard for me with them around – I don’t mean to sound rude.”She has said to me yesterday. I decided I would get Victoria to join us and Valora was relieved. 

It was a good thing that Kade got her homeschooled while she was working for us. I didn’t think he’d care about her education but he did. When she wasn’t cleaning or cooking she was studying hard. She says she wants to be a lawyer, I found moments where we’d argue over a matter very entertaining. 

Living with Kade was definitely better than whatever life I would’ve lived as Klyde’s wife because here I had Derrick, Valora and Zeus. 

“Viola…”Valora said to me as she entered my room. I noticed she was still uncomfortable calling me by my name but she would have to get used to it.

“Yes dear?”I said as flipped through a magazine that I’d been so engrossed in all day. It had the pictures of a lot of amazing art pieces and I found it calming to read what was going through the minds of the artists while painting.

“There’s been a little problem,”she said and I turned around to look at her.

“Well, what is it?”I asked.

“Someone beat up Dani at school and she’s at the school sickbay receiving treatment.”Valora said and I swear I tried not to seem angry but my motherly instincts betrayed me.

“Who the fuck touched her?!”I asked angrily.

“I don’t know. It seems the school wants to handle the matter privately. Master Kade is in Florida right now so he can’t go.” 

“Oh I’ll go and I sure as hell won’t let this get buried!”I said as I got up and left with Valora following me closely.

When we got the school, I was filled with too much anger to care about how sophisticated it looked on the outside. “Harold high school?”I said to myself, wondering how I didn’t know the Harold’s owned a school. 

I walked straight into the school and it took barely a second and some students flocked around me asking for pictures. What on Earth was this about? It’s not like I’m a celebrity or anything like that. 

“Aren’t you Mrs Viola Walden?”a teen girl said to me and I adjusted my sunglasses and nodded as I smiled at her.

“I just want one picture with you please!”she begged and I tried to speak but the other students started protesting when I reached out to take the girl’s phone.

“Okay, Okay, listen! I’m actually here to attend to important business but the only thing I can do for you is we all take a group photo. How does that sound?”I asked and some of them glared at me before walking away with a great deal of ego. I wasn’t even surprised, what do you expect from a bunch of rich, spoiled children.

“Good riddance”I muttered before I took a group photo with the few students left and headed straight to the children’s section to find the principal. 

“It’s over here.”The student I befriended to show me around said. She was really kind to me, something I didn’t expect since I thought most of them hated me. 

“Before you go in, I just wanted to say that I really admire you.”She said and I stared at her, completely thrown off guard by her comment.

“That’s …” 

“– surprising, I know. It’s just that I really don’t believe all the lies people say about you. I don’t know anything for sure but I know you’re a good person.”She said, looking at the ground the entire time she spoke. 

“What’s your name?”I asked, she looked surprised that I would ask.

“Kaitlyn”she said. 

“I don’t suppose people realize what a gem you are around here,”I said and she nodded. 

“What’s wrong with your glasses by the way?”

“I get bullied a lot here, my glasses is the first target. It just got thrown into the trash some hours ago.”She said, looking a little embarrassed. 

“Well, that’s their loss. I just made a very valuable friend. Do you mind?”I asked as I motioned to take a picture with her. She shook her head and smiled brightly as I took a selfie of both of us on my phone.

“Woah, I actually look good in that selfie… weird.”She said chuckling nervously.

“of course you do, do you think it’s easy to rock a pixie cut with glasses? You’re a beautiful come on!”I teased and she laughed. 

“Don’t worry I won’t post it.”I said when I started to see her get a little worried. 

“Oh, thanks. That’s a very unique phone.”She said and I nodded ,”Yeah it’s Kade’s – I mean my husband got it for me.”I said and she smiled.

“okay…bye!”she said enthusiastically before she ran off. 

I was grateful that the girl set me in a better mood, if it weren’t for her kind words I would’ve done something nasty. I knocked on the door and entered the office immediately after.

“Mrs Harold!”the plump man said as he got up from his seat and extended his hand to me for a hand shake. I really wanted to be a bitch and leave him hanging but my natural manners failed me. I shook his hands and sat down when he offered me a seat. 

I was surprised to see Dani sitting down in the seat beside me with a band-aid on her forehead. That really got me worried but I knew that if I tried to inspect it she would remove my hands and say I’m not her mother a million times.

“How are you doing?”he asked with a smile but I couldn’t fake any positive response to that dumb question. He cleared his throat uncomfortably and said, “I know you must be upset about what you heard but the thing is, the matter is a lot more complicated than what was said on the phone.” 

“I’m listening…”I said, waiting for him to explain himself better before I react.

“Your daughter got into a fight with a boy at school who actually has never hurt a fly before. His parents had a divorce and when he came to school today he was really down. He couldn’t even do any of his school work because of it and when the teacher asked him what the matter was, he said his parents got a divorce and burst into tears.”He paused and watched my reaction but I had a very blank expression so he just continued.

“Your daughter, Dani said something really vile to him about it and it was very disturbing what she said.” 

My heart was pounding as I wondered what Dani could’ve said to that poor child that earned her a beating like that. The girl never listens, she’s too stubborn!

“She said, ‘ I bet they got divorced cause your dad is not really your dad but it’s your uncle that’s your dad’. Mrs Harold, where did that child learn that kind of thing?”he asked as he clasped his hands and looked at me. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What did the boy do to her when she said that?”I asked instead, keeping a straight face even though I was so furious with Dani. 

“Well he kept insisting that it was a lie but Dani kept pressuring her so he kicked her in the face… with his shoe.” 

I blinked and stared at him for a while before I said, “You mean the really thick, leather shoes that feels like it was made from dragon’s skin?!”I asked, almost raising my voice and he chuckled nervously.

“Dragon’s skin? That’s a little exaggerated, don’t you think?”he said, while still smiling nervously but I shook my head in disagreement.

“Look here Mr Ryan.”I said, reading the nameplate on his desk. 

“I’m not going to judge based on what you said. I’llask Dani first,”

“Dani, did you really say something like that?”I asked and she said nothing at first before she nodded. Something wasn’t right, she wasn’t looking me in the eye while confessing to her crime like she usually does to annoy me. 

I took a quick glance at the principal and found Mr Ryan giving her a threatening look. Was he really threatening my child right in front of me?!

“You heard her, she said something like that.”He said and I nodded.

“Who is this boy? You should bring him in so I can properly apologize on behalf of Dani.”I said and he smiled.

“I’m glad you’re handling this the right way. I’ll call him in.”he said and I took in a deep breath as he spoke through the intercom.

“Can Jeffery Ryan come into the principal’s office.” 

I smiled when I noticed that the boy shared a surname with him, maybe it was his son or a relative. The boy walked in the office and I couldn’t hold back the sarcastic laugh dying to come out of me since he called the boy’s name.

“You’re telling me that my daughter bullied this boy about his parent’s divorce – this huge kid! He looks like he should be in three grades ahead of my daughter of even more!”I said as I stared at the huge kid standing in front of the door.

I could tell he was trouble, he was tall for a seven year old. He must’ve been eleven at least and he looked so rough – as if he fought all day long at school.

“Now Dani look at me and tell me the truth!”I said, giving Dani a stern gaze.

She opened her mouth to speak but when she looked at him she closed her mouth and said nothing. 

Valora soon came in with at least for children who I had texted her to bring to the office to serve as witnesses.

“What are you doing? These children aren’t supposed to be here!”He protested but I hit my hand on the table and he sat on his seat quietly.

“They’ll be here if I say so. My husband is part of the owners of the school and you will do whatever the hell I say.”

“Thomas, what did Dani say to him that made him beat her.”Valora asked. 

“Well, he said something mean about you. Dani got mad and slapped him on the face, that’s when he totally gave her a karate kick across her head. Very ungentlemanly if you ask me.”The boy said and adjusted his glasses.

“What did he say about me?”I asked and saw the boy giving a stern glare at them so they won’t say a word. I got so disgusted at how a child could be so manipulative!

“What the hell did you say about me you little –”

“– get your hands of me you bitch. You be sleeping around like a whore and you think I’ll let you touch me!”the boy exploded as he released himself from my grip violently. 

“There you go! Is this the so called quiet boy that has never done a thing to anyone?”I asked and Mr Ryan shifted uncomfortably on his seat.

“Who is this mannerless kid to you anyway? Why would you threaten my daughter and make her take the blame for something she didn’t do?”I lashed out at him. 

“Mrs Harold I’m sorry, it’s just that his father is a very dangerous man… I was afraid of what he would do to me if I disciplined him. Several times I did that, his father would send people to attack me and –”

“– I don’t give a damn about that! You’re not fit to one the principal at this school. Expel this boy right now and resign immediately. You’re not better than this boy if you think you can threaten another kid just to save your sorry ass.”I said grabbing him by the collar and then throwing him back in his seat.

“I’m sorry Mrs Harold, please give me a second chance.”He pleaded desperately on his knees.

“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”I snapped at him and he instantly turned to Dani but she shrieked and clinged unto me. 

“Leave me alone! You’re a meanie!”she yelled and I carried her in my arms while she buried her little face in my hair as she cried.

“You’re so dead when my husband hears of this. You better find the most secluded massive rock to hide because he would break every inch of London to find you after what you did.”I said before I walked out of his office with Dani in my arms. By the time I came out, school had already closed and Dani’s brothers were outside with a gloomy look on their faces as they talked to another student outside.

“Dani!”they both said when they saw me coming towards them.

“are you okay?”Damien asked worriedly and she sniffed before she nodded and said, “Mom took care of it.” 

I almost jumped with excitement when she called me mom but I kept my cool and said to them, “come on, let’s go home.” 

On the ride home, Dani didn’t leave my arms through out. She kept sniffling and sobbing silently and I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Dani, your Dad will definitely deal with that boy and his crazy father so don’t worry, he and I have your back. Stop crying okay?” 

“I’m not crying because of that.”She said in between sobs and I wiped her tears with my hands and kissed her forehead.

“then why are you crying?”I asked. She shared a knowing look with her brothers before she said, “Clinton said that you threw us away…because you hated us. He said me and my brother’s are mistakes and we weren’t even supposed to exist.”

My heart was so broken, I wished I had given that boy a very good slap across his face for saying something so evil.

“listen to me all of you..”I said and they all looked at me intently.

“I never wanted to let you go. You were taken away from the second I gave birth to you three, I didn’t even get to hold you! I was so sad that I wasn’t allowed to visit you where you were living. All I ever wanted was to be with the three of you – that’s all I ever wanted. So don’t you for a second think I don’t love you because I love you even more than I love myself, I would do anything for you! I promise you that.”I said to them firmly and got extremely surprised when they all started crying and hugged me. 

I tried to pacify them by telling them I loved them but it made them cry even more. Was I too soon with my confession? I asked the driver to stop at an ice cream store on the way and after eating some ice cream they were happier. 

They even struggled with each other for who I would carry on my laps but they lost to Dani. “she’s such a crybaby, we should let her sit there cause we’re big boys.”Damien said to Derrick who just scoffed and said, we’re all crybabies – you more than all of us.”I ended up laughing so hard that the tears I had been holding trickled through my eyes and they smiled at me.

“I’m not a crybaby though.”Derrick declared vehemently while I patted him on the head and said ,”of course you’re not.” 

When we got home, they all ran into the house excite and paused for a second looking at each other and then at Valora and me. 

“Why do they look confused?”I asked and Valora shrugged and entered the house first. 

She screamed at the top of her lungs so I ran inside to see what the cause of her scream was, sighing in relief when I saw her and Victoria hugging like their life depended on it.

“Are they twins?” Derrick asked Dani and she straight up nodded and said, “they most definitely are. There’s no way they’re not.”

“That was so weird.”Damien said and they laughed. 

“Viola, we need to talk.”I heard Kade say as he folded his arms and glared at me. When did he come back? I wondered and also, what did I do now?

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