Nanny and the Alpha Daddy

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

#Chapter 244: Healing Touch


“Can you trust me to take care of him?” I asked.

Ella began to sob, but I somehow knew exactly what to do. It all felt so natural now… I didn’t even really need to think about it. I just knew to wrap my arms around Ella and comfort her, although whether it was my abilities or simply my nurturing instincts, I couldn’t be entirely sure.

Suddenly, Ella stopped crying.

“Okay,” she whimpered after a moment, stepping back and wiping her tears out of her eyes. “I trust you. Please take good care of my daddy.”

I managed a weak smile and nodded at Ella, taking her little hands in mine. “I will take good care of him,” I whispered as I looked into her eyes, still using my pacifying ability to keep her calm. “Don’t you worry.”

Ella nodded and stepped away, allowing the security guards and me to get back to work on taking care of Edrick. My ability to pacify children was always strong even before my wolf emerged, but it was even stronger now. I felt as though I could command Ella to do somersaults if I wanted to, although I knew that I would never abuse my powers.

With a collective deep breath, the security guards and I gathered around the table again while Ella ran over to the maids and the rest of them looked on in horror.

“Moana, are you sure about this?” Selina called, her voice shaking a bit from nervousness.

I looked up to see the elderly housekeeper standing off to the side and wringing her hands nervously. I smiled at her, just as I did at Ella, and nodded. “I’ll be fine,” I said. Even though I felt like I would pass out, it was a risk that I was willing to take.

The security guards and I circled around Edrick. Each of us held our hands out and pressed them on Edrick’s limp body, then began to work at healing him.

I closed my eyes and focused my energy, feeling the power surge through my body again, traveling down my arms and into my hands and my fingers with that strange tingling sensation. I started to feel a little more lightheaded but I pushed through it and just focused on healing Edrick.

However, something was wrong. I opened my eyes to see that Edrick’s wounds didn’t seem to be healing very well. Every so often they would start to close up, but then they would reopen. I didn’t know if it was just that his wounds were deep or if it was because the Golden Knife had created some of his wounds. Either way, it was worrisome.

Noticing our struggle, Selina rushed over and rolled up her sleeves. I watched in awe as she put her hands on him and squeezed her eyes shut, focusing intensely on him.

But it still wasn’t working. Edrick would start to stir, but then he would quickly lose conscious again as his wounds began to reopen.

“It will take the Golden Wolf’s healing powers to heal any wounds created by the Golden Knife,” Mina said. “But you’re getting weaker. You’re running out of energy, and so am I. I’m not sure if we can do it.”

I cursed under my breath and focused harder. “Just try,” I said to Mina in my head. “We can do it. I made a promise to Ella. We have to do it.”

I felt Mina’s power surge a bit, but not for long.

“It’s not working,” one of the security guards said. “We need more power.”

I shook my head. “I need more power. It has to be the Golden Wolf who heals him because it was the Golden Knife that injured him. But I just don’t have the strength…” Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Suddenly, I felt a tiny hand on my arm. I looked down to see Ella standing beside me. She was looking intensely at her father, but then tilted her head back to look up at me.

“I’m here, mom,” she said quietly.

I felt my heart skip. At the same time, I felt my wolf’s power surge greatly. Suddenly, all of the aching and nausea that I felt melted away as though it had never even been there, and I blinked back tears as I nodded and returned my gaze toward Edrick.

I closed my eyes, and let my wolf’s power surge through me.

Just a little more…

I practically leaped for joy as I felt Edrick’s body twitch slightly beneath my touch. His breathing, which had just been strained and hoarse, seemed to be returning to normal. I squeezed my eyes shut even harder and focused even more energy on healing him as I felt Ella’s little hand grip my arm.

All of a sudden, I felt a huge amount of movement that nearly knocked me back. But before I could stumble backwards or even open my eyes, I suddenly felt warm lips pressed against mine, and I felt two warm hands cup either side of my face.

My body felt so light that I was certain that I would fly away. I smiled against Edrick’s lips and threw my arms around his neck, hearing the sound of everyone around me letting out a collective sigh of relief.

“Daddy!” Ella shouted.

Edrick and I pulled away. I laughed as I wiped the tears out of my eyes.

“Hey, Princess,” Edrick cooed, scooping Ella up into his arms.

Ella giggled. “You’re alright! See? I knew mom would take good care of you!”

I was speechless as I watched Edrick hug Ella tightly, and so was everyone else. With a grin, he held his free arm out and pulled me in as well, and the three of us held each other. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to laugh or cry. My dizziness returned almost immediately, but I didn’t care.

“Oh, thank goodness,” I heard Selina say. “Thank you, Moana.”

I shook my head. “Don’t thank me,” I said. “Thank Ella for lending me her strength.”

Ella, however, just giggled. “I didn’t use any of my powers,” she said with a laugh.

My eyes widened. Was it possible, then, that Ella simply calling me ‘mom’ was enough to give me strength?

“You’re both superheroes,” Edrick said. His voice was still slightly hoarse, but there was color in his face and a wide smile spread across his lips as he sat on the edge of the dining table. He looked around then, and especially looked me up and down for a long few moments.

“Are you alright?” he whispered. “Are you hurt?”

I shook my head. “I’m fine. Just a little tired.”

“Come on.” Edrick stood, still holding Ella. “Let’s get you two some rest. We’re all safe now…”

I started to follow Edrick over to the stairs. But just as we reached the stairwell, my ears suddenly picked up a strange sound. All of us stopped and looked at each other in confusion; even Selina, the

maids, and the security guards seemed baffled at the strange shuffling and groaning noises coming from the back patio.

My eyes widened, and so did Edrick’s eyes as we stared at each other in disbelief.

“It can’t be…” I whispered.

Edrick just stared at me with a wide-eyed gaze, and clenched his jaw as the groaning noises continued to grow closer.

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