Mystery Bride's Revenge (Selina)

Mystey Chapter 95

Chapter 95

"I would never lay a finger on a woman, no matter what, Manuel declared firmly, his voice carrying a mix of resolve and elegance that seemed intrinsic to his character. "Selina, that's just the line a man should never cross."

With that, Manuel turned on his heel and strode away. Left in hi wake, Renee had no choice but to hurry after him, her footsteps echoing his departure.

Their exit was greeted by a chorus of disdainful sneers and jeers amplifying the already sour atmosphere.

Lydia rolled her eyes so far back it was as if she was trying to inspect her brain. "First time seeing a guy who's such a coward yet loves to play Mr. Nice Guy, she scoffed, the words dripping with sarcasm. "It's the biggest eye-opener, I swear. Lucky for you, Selina, that you saw through these losers in time and cut them off. Imagine the bad influence they might've had on


"Yeah, lucky, indeed..." Selina murmured, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully. It was a realization that dawned on her a tad late, but Selina was grateful nonetheless-because she had the chance to start over.

Once Manuel and Renee were well away from the Starlight Club, Renee looked over at Manuel with concern etched on her face. "Manuel, you need to change your clothes..."

He averted his face, a frosty barrier coming down between them. "You go on ahead, Renee. I don't need you worrying a

1. me.


"Manuel, I'm sorry, I had no idea Selina would be at the Starlight Club tonight. I just thought... we haven't seen each other in salong, and with Jennifer's gig happening there, it seemed like a good chance to loosen up and have some fun," Renee tried to explain, her voice trembling with unshed tears and regret.

"Renee, I have thought about it, and I'm clear-beaded now. I don't have feelings for you. We agreed to give it a try, but let's just be friends," Manuel said, his tone devoid of warmth.

His cold words struck Renee like a physical blow, rendering her speechless as a wave of profound loss overwhelmed her. Her lips quivered uncontrollably. "Manuel, did... did I do something wrong? I can change! I swear I can! I really love you. I'd give up everything for you-please, don't leave me."

"I'm sorry, Renee, but you can't force these things. You should go he said, steeling his heart against the sight of her tearful gaze. With that, Manuel walked away without a backward glance, leaving Renee crying alone in the street. Unbeknownst to Selina inside the Starlight Club, she recounted the events as if they were a mere joke to those who joined them later.

The way others saw Selina and her friends changed; some hot guys even came up to try and strike up a conversation with Selina and Lydia after they recognized them as the lead guitarist and drummer from The Rose, hoping to befriend them.

Lydia flat-out rejected the invitation, but Selina's response left everyone intrigued. "Taken," was all she said. With that simple word, the expressions of everyone at the table changed.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Thomas and the others thought about the recent outdoor music festival, the mysterious guest who appeared to present an award and seemed to have a special rapport with Selina. Their interactions had not gone unnoticed.

Elaine was over the moon, her face the picture of gossip as she sidled up to Selina, "Hey Selina, is your boyfriend that hottie who showed up at the festival to present you the award? Spill the beans! I totally ship you guys together! Not just for the looks, but that vibe when you two locked eyes... pure chemistry! So, spill it!"

"Secret, Selina teased. "When the time comes, you'll all be in the know. For now, let me keep you guessing"

She took a sip from her signature drink, the Stardust served at the Starlight Club, the blue glowing liquid swirling between sweetness and the kick of alcohol. That's a solid nine out of ten


Chapter 95

"Oh, you're so bad, Selinal Elaine chuckled..

After a few drinks, Elaine stopped probing for gossip and started insisting that Thomas and Luke, drink with her. They learned their lesson and stuck to the lower alcohol content of fruit wines this time around. Elaine, on the other hand, was taking down the Stardust one after another, thoroughly enjoying herself. Lydia leaned close to Selina and whispered, "Selina, you and Trevon aren't, by any chance, turning the fake into reality, are you?"

"You think I'd go back on a deal?" Selina quipped, a playful smirk curving her lips. "Trevon and I agreed on a one-year marriage contract. Since he gives me my freedom, I respect our agreement. And... if by chance the pretend did get real, Trevon would be worthy, right?" "Oh! Knew it! Feelings are brewing," Lydia sighed, not surprised. She'd always had a hunch about Selina and Trevon, who was a big shot in the Brady family. Having seen him firsthand, Lydia felt that Trevon was like an addiction, hard to shake off the closer you got, especially someone as rational as Selina would be vulnerable over time.

"Selina, I'm not against you dating. The boys and I might spoil you rotten, and they'd be furious to see you snatched up. quickly, but in the end, they'd just want you to be happy, as long as Trevon passes our test, of course. This is your life, and we're all here to watch out for you. We've been through enough with the Harvey fiasco, and won't let that kind of thing happen to you again"

"You know me," Selina retorted, smiling warmly. Tve already warned Trevon. If things get serious, facing your test is a given. But for now, it's time for me to dart. Enjoy the rest of your night

"Is that the maturity of a married woman you're showing? Lydia teased, reluctant to end their night of fun. Selina tapped Lydia's lips with a fingertip. "Exactly"

She paid the bill with her exclusive black card and stepped out of the Starlight Club, taking in a breath of fresh air. Maybe it was the joy of being with friends, or the thrill of bringing Manuel down a peg, but she was riding a high.

Checking her phone, Selina noticed the lack of messages from Trevon: "It's ten o'clock already. Hubby's being oddly patient today, not rushing me home."

Thinking about it, she smirked. The Starlight Club was Trevon's turf, and no security had been riled up during tonight's drama. Guess that explained the silence.

Selina walked to her Lamborghini in the open-air parking lot and arranged for a driver through an app. A figure appeared beside her.

Without fear, she sneered, "Manuel, since when did a high-and-mighty Harvey like you become a stalker? Or are you just itching for another beating?"

"I told you, I don't fight with women. Selina, Manuel retorted, having clearly been waiting for some time. He remembered clearly how Selina tricked him into the police station at the Lamborghini dealership and knew she'd eventually come for her "I'm here to ask you one thing." Manuel continued. "Did your design get approved by Cartier for the Summer Starlight

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