My Unwanted Billionaire


The following day, in the afternoon, I got ready to meet up with Mrs. Sullivan for lunch. I was not looking forward to it at all, but I was prepared to face her today. Once I am done applying my makeup, I take a good look at myself in the mirror before I walk out of my bedroom to meet Jason so he can drive me to the restaurant. Jason asked to drop me off, I could drive myself there, but he wanted to drop me off.

Jason compliments my outfit once he sees me. I am wearing an olive green silk slip dress. I matched it with a pair of see-through heels and a black handbag. I dressed a little formal but not too much. I don’t want to give Jason’s grandmother a reason to insult me. I thank him as we walk outside to the car.

The car comes to a halt after a few minutes of driving. I kiss Jason goodbye and walk inside the restaurant to meet Mrs. Sullivan. I find her seated at the right-end corner. I take a deep breath before I walk towards her.

“Hello, Mrs. Sullivan,” I say once I reach her table. I pull out the seat across hers and take my seat.

“Hi, Eleanor, how are you doing?” She asks, with a smile on her face, an evil smile

“I am good. How about you?” I ask as I get comfortable in my seat

“Good too. I am surprised you accepted my offer to meet today.”

“You shouldn’t be when you surprised both of us by inviting me to have lunch with you.”

“That’s true, and how is Jason?”

“He is fine.”

“That’s wonderful to hear, and how are things at the office.”

“Mrs. Sullivan, you don’t have to pretend like you care about how work is going for me. Jason is not here, so you don’t have to pretend. You can just go straight to the point and tell me why you asked me to have lunch with you.”

“Wow, you keep surprising me every time. Since we both know that I didn’t ask you to meet up to apologize, I will go straight to the point like you asked.” She says, reaching into her bag to get something. Before she can bring it out, I stop her.

“I hope what you are bringing out of your bag is not a cheque.”

“How did you know?” She asks, surprised

“Are you kidding me, Mrs. Sullivan? This is 2021. Are you really going to use that old trick to split Jason and I up”

“What trick are you talking about?”

“You know very well that I won’t accept that cheque from you, but you don’t need me to. All you need is a picture of my hand on the cheque, which I will put when I am sliding the cheque back to you, but that’s not what the pictures will say when you show Jason.”

“It will say what.”

“It will show my hand on the cheque, and that will say I collected the cheque even though I didn’t, but I won’t be able to prove it since my hands touched it. Mrs. Sullivan, did you really think I won’t know your plan.”

“Bravo,” She says, clapping her hands. “It’s not air that is filled up in that brain of yours.”

“No, it’s not, and if you wish to split Jason and me, you will have to work harder because Mrs. Sullivan, I like your grandson, and I am not going anywhere,” I say, feeling proud of myself. I love the way I am fighting for Jason. I never thought a day like this would come, and I am happy I am handling it well.

“You might have won this time, but don’t be so sure my plan next time won’t work.”

“Mrs. Sullivan”


“Why would you go through such troubles to ruin your grandson’s happiness” I can’t understand why she is so bent on separating Jason and I.

“I am not trying to ruin his happiness. You are the one who is trying to ruin his happiness. You think I can’t see through your façade. First, you tried Clinton but found out he did not date a young girl, so you went and seduced Jason. I know how to deal with girls like you. I will never let Jason repeat the mistake he made years ago.” She referred to Mr. Crawford by his first name, Clinton. I can’t believe she thought I wanted to be with Mr. Crawford. I see the man as my own grandfather. What is wrong with people always assuming I am after his money? I wonder what mistake Jason made years ago that she is talking about.

“I don’t know what I have to do to prove I am not after Jason’s money, but I am not. If you knew the things Jason did to me before we got together, you would know I am not after his money. You will know that I truly like your grandson, and that’s why I am with him.”

“Fortunately, I won’t believe anything you say.”

“It’s not, fortunately, it’s unfortunate because if you do end up splitting Jason and I and he finds out, it’s you who caused it, not because you were right about me, which you are not because I am not after Jason’s money. He is going to hate you. I know what I mean to your grandson, and trust me, you don’t want to split us up.”

“I know what you mean to him, and that’s why I need to split you guys up.”

“Suit yourself, Mrs. Sullivan, and since I have said all, I wanted to say I will take my leave. Goodbye, I hope to not see you soon,” I say, standing up to leave.

I walk out of the restaurant and hail a cab home. I am so happy with the way our meeting went. I expected it to go bad, but it didn’t. I am happy I told her my mind today. I just wish she would stop trying to split Jason and me. We already have problems of our own. We barely survived our last issue, and now she wants to add to our problems. Hopefully, one day she will realize my feelings for her grandson are sincere and allow us to be happy together.

I walk into the house after paying the taxi man. I walk into the living room to find Uncle Jack preparing to go out.

“Don’t you have to work today?” I ask, sitting down on the couch

“I don’t. I took the day off.”

“Why, are you sick?” I ask, worried.

“No, I have a date.”

“With the same woman from last time.”


“That’s nice. Things must be getting serious between you guys.”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“You could say that.”

“I am so happy you are dating again.”

“Me too, and I can’t wait for you to meet her. You will love her,” He says, smiling.

“I can’t also wait to meet her. The smile on your face right now tells me how happy she makes you, and I like that.”

“Me too, and how are things between Jason and you? I hope everything is good.”

“Everything is great between us. I am even supposed to be on my way to his place. I came home to change,” I say, standing up from the couch to walk to my room.

When Jason and I started going out, I was a little worried Uncle Jack would disapprove of our relationship because Jason is far older than me and my boss, but he didn’t. He said those things didn’t matter. All that matters is if Jason makes me happy or not, and he does so; he said he is fine with me dating Jason. He still told me to be careful and to follow my heart regarding things in our relationship. He is just the best uncle and guardian in the world. I am so lucky to have uncle jack as my uncle and guardian.

Jason asked me to stop by his place after lunch with his grandmother. I came home to change into something more comfortable to watch TV all day at his place. That’s basically what I do most of the time. I visit him at his home. I use his huge TV to watch my series; it’s way better than watching them on mine. We haven’t gone on a date in a while, but I don’t mind spending our weekends together in each other’s arms binge-watching series.

“That’s good to hear, and can I borrow your car.”

“Of course, you don’t even have to ask me. Let me quickly change so you can drop me off at Jason’s place then you can be on your way to meet your date. What is her name, by the way?” I ask, walking into my room.

“Thank you, dear, and it’s Vivienne.”


“Yes, is there something wrong?”

“No, nothing is wrong. I don’t know if you remember, but that’s the same name of Mr. Jason’s main secretary.”

“I remember, and trust me, it’s not her. She is nothing like the Vivienne you work with.”

“I guess so because for you to be dating a woman named Vivienne, there is no way in hell she is like the Vivienne I work with.”

“Yeah, it’s definitely not the same person. I would know immediately from all the things you have told me about her”

“Yeah, you would”

I quickly change out of my dress and into blue boyfriend jeans and a brown ruched blouse. I put on my black puma sneakers and walk out of my room to meet Uncle Jack.

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