My Unwanted Billionaire

54. Tracy

“Oh, Eleanor, you are back? This is my girlfriend Vivienne, the one I told you about. I hope you don’t mind her joining us for dinner.”

“What did you just call her?”

“My girlfriend”

“You must be joking,” I say, finding his words too unbelievable to accept. There is no way Vivienne is dating Uncle Jack. My precious Uncle, dating Vivienne, I forbid it. Even though her behavior towards me at the office has changed. I still know the type of woman she is, and I would never allow Uncle Jack to be with someone like her.

“Why would I be joking?”

“Because she is the same woman I work with.”

“That’s not possible; my Vivienne is nothing like that woman you work with.”

“Your Vivienne, somebody, please wake me up. I think I am having the worst nightmare of my life. Jason got someone pregnant, and now this. Are you kidding me, God” I say, feeling frustrated with everything happening today.

“Jason got someone pregnant,” Vivienne says, surprised

“That is not important right now. Why did my Uncle call you his girlfriend?”

“Eleanor, I know we started off on the wrong foot, but I truly like your Uncle.”

I am about to speak but get cut off by Uncle Jack.

“Wait, you work with Eleanor, and you didn’t tell me. Why” Uncle Jack sounds hurt that Vivienne lied to him

“I didn’t tell you because if you knew who I was, you would have never gone out with me.”

“Yes, I wouldn’t have. You mistreated my niece at work. I would never date such a woman. I think you should leave. I am starting to wonder what other things you lied to me about.”

“Jackson, I am sorry I didn’t tell you, but my feelings for you are real. I didn’t lie about anything else.”

“I find that hard to believe. I am not sure the Vivienne I know is the same Vivienne Eleanor knows. Please leave”

“Jackson, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to hide it from you.”

“But you did.”

“Yes, I did, and I am sorry.”

“I heard you the first time. I still want you to leave”

“Okay, I will leave. I am sorry I lied to you, but I want you to remember my feelings are real. I really like you, Jackson. Goodbye,” She says, walking to the front door.

As Vivienne walks out, I look at Uncle Jack, and I can see the hurt and betrayal in his eyes because of Vivienne. I know it might not seem like a big deal. She didn’t tell him, but it is. There is no way in hell he would have dated her, and she knew that, and that’s why she didn’t tell him. I don’t want to judge, but I won’t even be surprised if she dated Uncle Jack to hurt me. They started dating right after she attempted to kill me and begged Jason to take her back. As much as I want to give her the benefit of doubt, I can’t

“I am sorry, Eleanor; I would have never dated her if I knew.”

“I know; you don’t have to apologize.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“It’s fine.”

I walk to my room and change out of my work clothes. I walk back out and join Uncle Jack at the dining table for dinner.

“Eleanor, there was something you said that caught my attention while you were speaking earlier.”

“What did I say?”

“You said Jason got someone pregnant. Did he cheat on you?”

“No, he didn’t; they slept together before we started dating.”

“Oh, and I am sure it’s not going to be easy, but I know you can handle it.”

“I am thinking of leaving Jason because of it.”


“He and Tracy have known each other for a long time. I want to give them the chance to try and build a family for the baby. I don’t want to be the reason for that not happening. I feel I owe it to the innocent child.”

“Your reason is valid, but these days. People end up growing up well even without both parents been together. I raised you alone, and you turned out great.”

“My case is different; my parents are dead.”

“That’s true, but what did Jason say when you told him you want to leave him.”

“I haven’t told him because he asked me not to leave him. He wants me to be with him and help him raise the child.”

“That’s actually amazing of him.”


“Eleanor, you don’t see it.”

“See what”

“Jason won’t ask you to help him raise his child if he didn’t think you were the best person to help him do it. He might not have said it, but he wishes you to be in his life for a long time.”

“I didn’t see it like that. I just felt he didn’t want to lose me. That’s why he asked me to stay with him.”

“Of course, that’s the main reason. Asking someone to help you raise your child is a big responsibility. You won’t ask someone you wish to break up with in a few months. I even think Jason is in love with you. He might not even know it himself”

“You really think he might be in love with me,” I ask, wide-eyed. I can’t believe Uncle Jack believes Jason is in love with me.

“Yes, I believe so.”

“Wow, I don’t even know if I am in love with him.”

“You don’t have to know now, but trust me on this, Eleanor. Jason is either already in love with you or is falling in love with you.”

“Isn’t it too soon”

“It’s not soon, Eleanor. The man has been crazy about you for a while. It’s just now he is accepting his feelings for you.”

“How are you so sure?”

“I am sure because I am a man. A man is never possessive over someone he does not value or want. Jason has wanted you for a long time, dear” I used to tell Uncle Jack some things Jason used to say to me before. I never told him the bad ones, but I mentioned one or two rules Jason always gave me.

“Hmm, wow, I never would have thought this way.”

“I know, and as I have said, all these things. I want you to rethink your decision about leaving him. Jason needs you right now more than ever. Raising a child is not easy.”

“You are right; it’s not. I don’t know Tracy that well, but I can bet she is not the best support system to help Jason. I will think about my decision again. Thank you for advising me well.”

“You don’t have to thank me, we are family. I am always here whenever you need me.”

“I am truly lucky, aren’t I,” I say, smiling

“You are my dear,” He says, smiling

As I lie in bed, I switch on my phone. I switched it off because I needed some time away from Jason. The way I left his house must have made him a little worried. I know switching off my phone made it worse, but I needed to decide without his influence. I dial his number and wait for him to answer.

“Eleanor, finally, are you alright? I have been worried sick about you.”

“I know, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry, but I needed some time to myself.”This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

“I understand. The result from the DNA test was a lot to take in.”

“Yes, it was; I am sure you must want to know if I will stay with you or not.”

“I do, but I will understand if you need more time to think.”

“I will give you my answer tomorrow at work” I haven’t thought about it yet. I just wanted to call him to let him know I was fine so he could stop worrying.

“Alright, I will see you tomorrow at work then.”

“Yeah, and before you go, Jason, how are you doing? You didn’t plan to have a child this way. I know this must not be easy for you.”

“As you said, I didn’t plan to have a child this way, but since it has happened. There is nothing more I can do than to love the child with all my heart. His mother might not be the best person in the world to have a child with, but he or she is still mine, and I will be there for them.”

“That’s so amazing of you. That child is lucky to have you as the father.”

“I hope so.”

“Yes, they are; goodnight, I will see you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight, sweetheart,” He says, hanging up the phone.

As I am stepping out of my car, the most horrific thing happens before my eyes the following day. I don’t know if she was not looking at where she was going or what. Right now, that’s not important. I just hope they are fine. I quickly run to the road to find out if she is okay. We have an underground parking lot and one in front of the building. I felt like parking in the one in front of the building today. I think God made me do it so I could see the accident that just happened before my eyes. I wonder what she is even doing here so early.

“Tracy, wake up, Tracy, oh my God, there is so much blood,” I say, looking at my hands that are filled with Tracy’s blood as I shake her body. She was using her phone while crossing the road. Who does that, for God’s sake?

“Please, someone should call an ambulance. This woman is dying here,” I scream to the crowd around me.

“I have; they will be here soon,” Someone in the crowd replies.

“Thank you so much. Tracy, do you hear that the ambulance is on its way? Please stay with me,” I say, putting pressure on her bleeding wound. The car knocked her off the street. She is badly injured. God, please don’t make her die. She is carrying my boyfriend’s baby. I know I wished for the baby not to be his, but this is not what I meant by God. Please save Tracy’s life.

“It-tit” Tracy tries to speak to me.

“What?” I say, moving my ears close to her mouth so I can hear her properly.

“It-it hurts,” She manages to say

“I know but don’t worry, help will be here soon.”

“What is taking the ambulance time?” I ask, no one in particular.

“I think you should put pressure on her belly instead of her leg?” A stranger standing close to us says.

“Why is she bleeding there,” I ask, lifting up her blouse to check

“Oh, my God” I use my bloody hand to cover my mouth the moment I see her stomach. It’s so horrific that I didn’t care that blood was already on my hands and touched my face. Tracy’s body hit the windshield. Some of the glass that broke got pierced into her stomach. Oh my God, how is the baby going to survive? I can’t even put pressure on the wound. I can only watch her bleed to death. I can’t believe this is happening.

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