My Unwanted Billionaire

52. I am a billionaire

I look at Tracy’s stomach, praying to God that the bump on it is because she is fat, but I know that’s not true. A woman like Tracy would never allow herself to get fat. I don’t even know what I am going to do. Should I call Jason and let him know his ex-girlfriend is pregnant. That’s if Tracy was his ex-girlfriend. I think she was just one of his usual flings. That’s not even important right now. Do I call Jason or wait for him to come back before I tell him. If I wait for him to come back, Tracy might even tell him herself. My train of thought is interrupted when Tracy speaks to me.

“Eleanor,” She says, snapping her fingers in my face

“Sorry, did you say something?”

“I said, you will have to call Jason and let him know. He blocked my number, so I can’t call him.”

“Sure, no problem, I will tell him.”

“Thank you, I will be expecting Jason’s call any day now. Goodbye,” She says, walking to the elevator.

“Bye,” I say before she disappears.

The whole day at work, I was unable to focus and do anything right. I could not stop thinking about Tracy and the fact that she is pregnant with Jason’s baby. I know it might sound evil, but I am praying hard that baby does not belong to Jason. I have no right to judge, but Tracy looks like the type of woman who sleeps around. There is a possibility of it not been Jason’s child.

I walk inside the house, still thinking about it. I take a shower and lie on my bed. I look at the ceiling, thinking about what would happen if the baby is his. What will happen to Jason and I? Will I have to leave him? Would he ask me to leave him so he can marry Tracy? Do I leave on my own? I haven’t even told Jason. I decided to wait for him to come back from his trip before I tell him. I know how important this trip is to him, and he is almost done with his work over there. I don’t want to tell him, so he won’t come back sooner than he planned or make him get distracted while he works. I come back to earth once I hear my phone ringing. I check the caller ID; it’s Jason. I don’t know if I should pick or not. I don’t want him to sense something is wrong when I talk to him, but if I don’t answer, he will know for sure something is wrong.

“Hi honey,” I say, answering the phone

“Hi, sweetheart, how are you doing?”

“I am good, and you?”

“I am good, but you don’t sound so good. Is something wrong?” He asks, sounding concerned. I can’t believe he still noticed even as I tried my best to not sound down.

“Nothing is wrong; how is work?”

“Work is fine, dear. Are you sure nothing is wrong?”

“Yes, everything is fine.”

“Have you eaten? Maybe you should eat? I know food always makes you happy” It seems no matter how many times I say nothing is wrong, he won’t believe me. I feel a little guilty to be talking to him and not mention that Tracy claims he is the father of her baby.

“No, I haven’t. Once I am done talking to you, I will”

“You should go and eat now. I can bet you are hungry. That’s why you sound down.”

“Yeah, probably” If only he knew it was something else.

“Alright, call me once you are done eating, bye sweetheart,” He says and is about to hang up, but I stop him.

“There is actually something wrong.” I could not hold it in anymore. The guilt was eating me alive.

“I knew it. What’s wrong.”

“Tracy came by the office today.”

“Did you kick her out?”

“I couldn’t.”


“Ummm……” Oh, God, how am I going to tell him this

“Why Eleanor”

“She is pregnant.”


That was definitely not what I expected him to say, and he does not sound shocked at all.

“I said Tracy is pregnant.”

“I heard you; I wish her and the father of her baby the best.”

“That’s the thing; she claims you are the father.”

“Really, she did,” He says, chuckling. Is something wrong with Jason? I just told him someone claims he is the father of their baby, and he is chuckling. He does not even sound surprised at all.

“Yes, she did.”

“No problem, let her know that I will be back in California in a week.”

“You won’t fly back sooner.”


“Really” I am beyond shocked with the way he took the news



“You must be shocked with the way I took the news.”

“Yes, very shocked.”

“Eleanor, this is not the first time a woman is claiming I am the father of her baby.”


“Yes, I am a billionaire. I am the father of every baby of every woman who ends up in my bed even though I never sleep with these women raw.”

“Oh, so what are you going to do when you get back.”

“I will run a DNA test, but I am sure I am not the father.”


“Yes, so you have nothing to worry about.”

“But what if it’s your baby.”

“We will figure that out if the baby is mine, but it’s not”


“I have to run, Goodbye sweetheart,”

“Bye, honey,” I say, hanging up.

During the week, I meet up with Amber for dinner at a nice restaurant. We wanted to meet outside the house for a change.

“Hey, cupcake,” She says as I walk over to her

“Hi, Amber,” I say, taking a seat across her

“How are you doing?”

“I am good, you?” I say, opening the menu.

“I am great,” She says, smiling

“You sound happy. Did something good happen”

“Yes, and it’s all because of you.”

“Me, what did I do to make you happy.”

“You were there when I needed you, and your advice is paying off right now.”

“Did Evan’s father change his perception about you?” I ask, hoping he did

“No, he didn’t, but something even better happened.”

“Tell me”

“Evan told me he loved me.”

“Oh, my God, I am so happy for you. I knew he was going to fall in love with you,” I say, smiling, standing up from my chair to pull her in for a hug.

“I know you did, and that’s why I said it’s because of you. You advised me to take a chance with Evan, and I did. I know if you didn’t, I would have never found the love of my life,” She says, hugging me back.

“You love Evan back,” I say, sitting back down. I can feel tears of joy pooling in my eyes.

“Yes, I do, and I told him,” She says, smiling

“I am so happy for you guys.”

“Thank you, and he also told me that even if his father never approves of me. He won’t leave me.”

“Oh my God, that’s wonderful. I am so happy for you guys,” I say, tearing up a little. I quickly wipe it away. I can be so emotional.

“Thank you again and enough about me. What did you want to talk about?”

“My news is not so great as yours.”

“Did something bad happen between you and Jason?”

“I won’t call it bad. One of his flings came to the office claiming he is the father of her baby.”

“Wow,” Amber says, shocked.

“I know, and the worst part is I don’t know what I am going to do if the baby is his”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“You haven’t found out yet?”

“No, we haven’t. Jason is not around.”

“Yes, that’s true. He is in Dubai.”

“Yes, Amber, what will I do if the baby is his?”

“I wish I could tell you what to do, but even if I was in your situation, I wouldn’t know what to do, to be honest.”

“I am thinking of leaving him if the baby is his”


“I will have to give him a chance to make it work with Tracy for the baby.”

“Eleanor, this is 2021. The father and mother of a child don’t have to be together.”

“I know, but what if they can be together and because he is with me. That child won’t grow up with their both parents living together.”

“You just said she was one of his flings. I doubt he would want to date someone like her.”

“He never tried, and from what I know, Tracy has been in his life for a while.”

“Even though I don’t think you should leave Jason if he turns out to be the father. I even think that’s why you should stay with him so you can help him through it. Been a father is not an easy thing.”

“So you are saying I should become a mother earlier than I want to and help someone else raise their child.”

“It’s not just someone else; it’s Jason.”

“Amber raising a child is not an easy job. I am not ready to do it.”

“Are you ready to leave Jason then?”

“No, I don’t want to, but you know the possibility of things not working out between us is high now.”

“I do, and why don’t you make your decision once you know he is the father.”

“Alright, I will”

“Good, and hopefully, he is not.”

“I pray so too.”

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