My Two Alphas

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Tyson POV

“Do you think this is her way of rejecting us without rejecting us?” Ace asks me after she cut off the

mindlink. I had no idea what was going on with her anymore. She was always so guarded, always

putting on a front and it was hard to get her to drop it. She doesn't need to hide from us, we would love

her anyway.

“She said she would come see us on the weekend” I tell him and he nods sipping his beer. I

wanted to give her space but it was killing me, knowing she now knew what we are to her. Now she

knows it made the time away from her a bigger struggle. When she was oblivious to the bond it was

easier because I used that as an excuse to remain calm reminding myself she doesn't know but now

she does and it was eating away at me and Tyrant that she kept her distance.


The next three days went by quickly and I was becoming fed up. She said she wasn’t avoiding us

yet she always blocked us out or made excuses. I was about to mindlink her when I felt Rayan force

the link instead opening it up to me.

“Hey buddy, what's up?” I ask him.

“Nothing but can you do something for me?” He asks.

“Depends, why aren't you asking Jacob or your father?”

“Lucy doesn’t want them know but she keeps saying she was going to ask you but I noticed she

hasn’t and I am tired of her keeping me up at night”

“What do you mean?”

“Doesn't matter but can you meet at school today? I will sneak out early” He says.

“Fine text me what time and I will be there” I go to cut the link when I reopen it.

“Is Lucy ok?” I ask him.

“Lucy is coping” He says, for some reason that wasn't the answer I was hoping for. What the heck

did he mean by it. Before I could ask he closed the link before I got a text message telling me where to

meet him. All day I kept mindlinking her but she always said she was busy, making me wonder what

she was busy doing?

“Ace, I am going to meet Rayan. Do you want to come?” I ask him. I hear him grab his keys before

walking toward me.

“I’m driving” He says and I growl. He drives like a maniac, I hated when he drove but followed after

him anyway. We arrived at the school and Rayan was waiting in the park across the road.

“How do you get out all the time?” I ask him.

“Alpha’s son has its perks” He says before handing me something. I look at it and find them to be


“Lucy ran out 2 days ago and she won’t go to the pack doctor to get more because she worried

mum would find out. I would have got them for her but the pharmacist isn’t going to give me a class A

drug seeing as I am a kid” He says and I could tell it irked him that he couldn't sway a doctor to his will.

“Okay I will get them for her” Ace says, grabbing the bottle from my hands before pulling his phone

out to ring the pack doctor as he walks back to the car.

“What did you mean earlier when you said she is coping?”

“That every night she is awoken by nightmares, I usually end up jammed on the trundle with her,

and I noticed without her meds she has a tendency to sleep walk probably not the best thing when

mum is off her meds” Rayan says.

“Your dad still had no luck?” I ask him and he shakes his head.

“Jacob told Lucy she was on medication” He says.

“Lucy is her daughter, she has the right to know” I tell him.

“Yeah but if she finds out she is the reason why mum went off the deep end I worry for Lucy, she

isn’t in the best place”

“What do you mean?” I ask him, confused.

“Nothing it's just Amanda, she was always nuts but it doesn’t matter but can you bring her pills

tomorrow please” He says before yawning.

“I better go, I have to meet Lucy soon and I don’t want her to know I gave you those, she would be


“She is coming to meet you?” I ask him.

“Yeah she goes to school across the road, didn’t she tell you?” He asks and I look at the


“No she didn’t” I tell him before nodding, I wondered why she kept that from us.

“I will see you tomorrow, maybe stay at ours on the weekend, Lucy might actually come over if she

knows you will be there” I tell him and he nods.

“Sounds good” He says as the bells ring. He ushers us to leave and I see Jacobs car pull up as we

are reversing out of the parking lot. He waves looking confused before sitting on the swing beside


“I have a feeling there is a lot we don't know” Ace says and I had to agree. We stopped and picked

up Lucy's medication on the way home.

For the majority of the night I tried to get a hold of her but once again she shoved us out after a

few words. When it hit midnight though I could sense Rayan was up the buzz of the teether when I

reached out to him was alert before I pushed forward.

"Why are you up?" I ask him.

"Lucy sleep walking again, did you get her pills?"

"Yeah, I will come over" I tell him and he is silent and I could tell he was trying to figure out whether

to agree or not.

"Dad is trying to walk her back to bed without waking her, she attacked me last night when I

accidentally woke trying to get her back to her room" he says.

"Be there soon." I tell I'm cutting the link. She never sleep walked when here, it made me wonder if

it was because she was stressed being back home. It took me 20 minutes to get there but Ryker was

waiting out the front. Rayan must have told him.

"Finally you're here. I need to go to bed, don't wake her she isn't lucid when you do" Ryker says


"Where is she?"

" Back in bed, I got her to lay back down but for how long I don't know between her and Reika I am This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

exhausted and so is Rayan" he says pushing the door open wider. I walk in heading for her room when

Ryker points at Rayan which was my old room I shared with Ace when I lived here.

"Don't ask" he says, walking to the next level to his room. I step inside to find her asleep on the

trundle. Rayan yawns and I place the bottle of pills on his bedside table before laying down next to her.

"You told your father" I whisper.

"Not about the pills, he helped me yesterday when Lucy freaked when I woke her" he says fluffing

his pillow. I tug the blanket up around her and she rolls picking up my scent. Even in her sleep her

heart was racing. Her hands go underneath my shirt seeking the bond so I pull it off before tucking her

against me. Her heart rate slows and her breathing evens out. Tyrant relaxes inside me, finding her

closeness soothing.

"I want her home where she belongs" Tyrant tells me, his longing and sadness slipping into me

despite her being in my arms.

"I love you Lucy" I whisper to her kissing her forehead but she remains asleep and I snuggle closer

enjoying the warmth her skin provides.

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