My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

Chapter 64: An Entirely Different CEO

Woods Corporation.


Inside the boardroom meeting, Sebastian kept looking at his $3. 9 Million Patek Philippe 5004T wristwatch almost every 60 seconds, impatiently waiting for the time to strike 6 pm.

He found himself missing his dear wife and couldn’t wait to be out of this boring, annoying-ass meeting!

He also kept tapping his pen against the mahogany table, his mind drifting to the fact that he used to relish staying in the office until 11 pm daily, tirelessly working on deals and projects. Back then, his mansion was empty and devoid of life. There was really nothing to go back home to, so why bother?

But now, all he could think about was heading straight home to his wife, Kourtney.

This time, he had someone to go back home to.

It’s crazy how things changed so fast and so unexpectedly……..

The memory of her slipping out of bed that morning, leaving him alone with nothing but the faint scent of her, brought a wry smile to his face.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Kourtney had practically abandoned him in his sleep and ran off to work like a scared little kitten afraid of being caged. Sebastian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at her silliness.

He chuckled as he remembered how she darted out of bed like a deer caught in headlights, her messy hair and sleepy eyes, a stark contrast to her usual confident demeanor. She didn’t know it, but he was awake all through her hurried quest to get away.

It was funny watching her panic movements and silent tiptoes around the room as she tried desperately not to “wake him up.”

The woman was something else!

She was a force of nature, a temptress he couldn’t resist, even when she drove him to the brink of madness with her antics. She was a mystery that both fascinated and frustrated him.

But no matter how exasperating she could be, he couldn’t imagine his life without her right now. Despite her quirks and unpredictability, she was the missing piece in his life that he never knew he needed.

All the grayness in his life started to fade the minute Kourtney stepped into it through accident…….

His mind drifted back to the moment he first laid eyes on Kourtney. She was a whirlwind of energy, beauty, and intelligence, and from that moment on, he knew he had to make her HIS.

He couldn’t wait to go home to see that pretty face where he could not even find a single flaw.

He longed to hold her in his arms, to be wrapped inside her sweet folds, to lose himself in the depths of her emerald-green eyes, to see her blushed cheeks whenever he teased her, and to enjoy the warmth of her smile.

She was truly his light!

The light that had brightened his once dark and empty existence……

As the meeting dragged on, the executives in the boardroom couldn’t help but notice Sebastian’s restlessness.

His usual composed demeanor was replaced by a giddy excitement that was palpable in the air. Murmurs spread throughout the room as they exchanged curious glances, wondering what could possibly be causing their usually stoic, cold, and “lifeless” boss to act so out of character.

Among the boardroom higher-ups, Rachael Lind felt a pang of bitterness as she watched Sebastian fidget in his seat, his mind clearly elsewhere. There was an obvious twinkle in his eye that hadn’t been there before.

It was driving her crazy!

She leaned over to her colleague, a hint of jealousy tingeing her voice. “Did you see how different he’s been lately? Ever since he got hitched to god knows who, he’s like a different man.”

Her colleague, Benjamin Myres, raised an eyebrow, shooting a knowing look in Sebastian’s direction. “Looks like someone’s feeling the heat. Maybe he’s finally found the one who can tame that stone-cold heart of his.”

“Well, whoever she is, I hope she knows how lucky she is,” Rachel scoffed, her gaze never leaving Sebastian.

She hated the fact that everyone else could also notice the changes in his behavior, a cruel indication that he was indeed feeling the butterflies for someone.

She missed the old Sebastian- the one who never showed a hint of emotion or weakness all day long……

Finally, as the clock struck 6 pm, Sebastian’s face lit up with a rare smile. “Gentlemen, Ladies, I believe we’ve covered enough for today. Let’s reconvene tomorrow morning to finalize our strategy,” he announced, his voice betraying a hint of eagerness.

The whole boardroom exchanged curious and surprised glances at each other, shocked by Sebastian’s abrupt decision.

They were unsure of what to make of his sudden behavior change. It was as if they were looking at an entirely different CEO.

Since when did the CEO ever let them off work without finalizing every detail? He would usually keep their asses seated until every “i” was dotted and every “t” was crossed.

Working for Sebastian Woods was no walk in the park. It was demanding, grueling, and sometimes felt downright impossible. But the salary was high and extremely life-changing, so they counted themselves lucky to be part of his team.

Sebastian was a force to be reckoned with in the business world-ruthless, uncompromising, and relentless in his pursuit of success. He never accepted incompetence and had a reputation for firing people on the spot if they didn’t meet his standards.

His reputation as a ruthless and stony-hearted CEO was well-known in the industry, and his employees walked on eggshells around him, always striving to meet his high expectations.

Not once had he ever postponed a meeting without first finalizing the outcome. Not once!

Mainly because he couldn’t care less if his employees had other things in their lives to attend to. He had never been this kind and lenient, so doing it now left everyone feeling puzzled.

After a continuous wave of murmuring and doubts, one particular, brave soul dared to speak up, feeling the need to clarify, “President Woods, are we….. really done? For the day?”

Sebastian chuckled darkly, a mischievous glint in his eye. He could tell what they were all thinking.

“Yes, you are all free to go. Enjoy your evening,” he nodded.

The executives filed out of the boardroom, still in a state of shock. They couldn’t believe their luck. Whatever was happening with their boss, they liked it and hoped it would continue like this.

“Did you see the way he smiled? What’s gotten into him?” one executive muttered to another.

They were all still in a state of bewilderment, and whispers filled the corridor outside.

“Well, he got married. So maybe he’s finally realized there’s more to life than just work…work…work,” another chimed in excitedly. “Whoever this Mrs Woods is, we owe her some thanks!”

To them, it seemed that their boss’s wife had unlocked a new side of him, one that was as alluring as it was unexpected, and they were grateful for it. They knew that working for Sebastian Woods was about to become a whole lot more interesting.

As everyone else left in a happy mood, Rachel lingered behind, her heart heavy with envy and longing. She watched as Sebastian made his way to his private elevator, a smile playing on his lips that spoke of a happiness she knew she could never give him.

She hated that she was just another face in the crowd, invisible to the man who held her heart captive………

Meanwhile, Sebastian stepped into the elevator, his thoughts consumed by the anticipation of seeing Kourtney again. As the elevator doors closed, he whispered her name, a silent prayer on his lips for the woman who had turned his world upside down.

As the sun dipped below the city skyline, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets, Sebastian sat in his sleek, black, luxury Maybach car. Thankfully, the drive back to Serenity Villa was smooth and fast.

When he arrived home, only the servants greeted him.

Disappointment gnawed at his heartstrings as Kourtney did not come to greet him personally, as a wife typically would. She should have been home by now, considering that Skyline Events closes earlier at 5 pm every day.

“Where is my wife?” Sebastian inquired, noticing the restlessness and discomfort in the servants’ expressions.

“The… the Madame went straight to the master’s bedroom and said she didn’t want to be disturbed,” one of the senior servants finally replied.

Their uneasy glances revealed more than their words did. They feared that he would blame them because Kourtney had refused to allow them to tend to her swollen face.

Sebastian’s brow furrowed slightly at the cryptic response, but he nodded in acknowledgment and made his way upstairs, humming thoughtfully.

A sense of foreboding began to bite him as he made his way up the grand staircase, each step echoing in the luxury space. The moment he came face-to-face with the heavy oak door to the master bedroom, he pushed it open in haste.

Upon entering the room, he was taken aback by the sight of Kourtney. His heart lurched in his chest as he witnessed her form, crumpled on the bed like a discarded note. She seemed lost in her thoughts, unaware of his presence, still dressed in her work attire.

Her eyes, usually bright with mischief, were now vacant and haunted. Sebastian’s breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of her disheveled appearance.

She was looking like a broken doll!

Approaching her, Sebastian called out her name softly, stepping closer to the king-sized bed.


Startled, Kourtney sat up and turned towards him in fright.

Her sudden startle and the look of fear in her eyes took him aback, but what truly shocked him were her red, swollen cheeks.

Surprised by her appearance, Sebastian couldn’t contain his concern.

“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE????” he exclaimed, his voice laced with worry, anger, and disbelief.

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