My Son's Mom Will Be My Wife

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 61

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 61

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 61–An astonished Silas narrowed his eyes and said furiously: “That’s not up to you. If you refuse to hand over the

software, I’ll have you locked up until you do! Don’t underestimate the ways I can force your

hand, boy!

Timothy laughed dryly as he sneered, “That sounds like you; It is ok. It seems that you are still

The same vile person you were all those years ago. Your shamelessness disgusts me!” He looked at Silas with

reproach. “I have told you that I will never give you the rights to the software, not even if I die. ¡One

Scum like you does not deserve to own any part of my creation!”

“You, useless piece of garbage! Try me one more time and see if I don’t give you a good beating!” he snapped.

Silas, his chest rose and fell rapidly from anger as he raised his hand, ready to slap

Timothy in the face.

However, Timothy simply closed his eyes and walked away, decisively treating Silas as if

Out flimsy air while stubbornly ignoring the man.

Meanwhile, Tessa was unaware of everything that had happened. It was only at night when

She returned home, tired from the rigorous rehearsal, and noticed that Timothy was not in sight as she thought,

Hmm, that’s weird.

“Isn’t Timothy supposed to be making dinner by now? Why isn’t he at home when he already

is it so late? Are you being held at school? Tessa murmured, as if the answers to her

Questions could come out of nowhere.

Still racking his brains for the reasons he might be late, he put down the violin and

He carefully supported the place where he belonged.

Then, he took out his phone and called Timothy. They communicated it after two bells and, without waiting for a

greeting, asked: “Timothy, where are you? Why aren’t you home yet?

Tessa didn’t expect a harsh and familiar voice to respond on the other end of the line. “He’s not going to go back to


Hearing this, he bristled, and his eyes widened in shock. Of course I would recognize this

voice; It was the same voice that had become the basis of her and Timothy’s nightmares! Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

Looking gloomy, she didn’t bother with subtleties as she demanded belligerently: “Why do you answer the

telephone? Where is Timothy?

Silas’s thick baritone tone sounded petulant as he slurred the words maliciously:

“I brought your brother home and he will stay with us for the next few days, for the old people.

Times. Now, if you don’t have anything important to say, stop calling.”

The old days? As if anyone could believe that! Tessa pressed angrily: “Why the ****

brought Timothy, Silas? What do you want with it? I warn you: if you put a finger on it, I will do it to you.


Silas simplemente resopló ante su amenaza. “Tessa, te sugiero que dejes de regañar. Solo quería ver a mi

hijo y alcanzarlo después de todos estos años; Seguramente no tengo que llamarte para

decírtelo. ¡Además, no olvides que soy tu padre, así que cuida tu tono cuando me hables, jovencita


Con eso, colgó bruscamente el teléfono.

En ese momento, el rostro de Tessa se torció en una mueca maliciosa.

Su supuesto padre solo tenía ojos para el dinero y nada más. Más concretamente, los Reinhart nunca

habían mostrado ninguna preocupación por ella y Timothy. Entonces, ¿por qué empezar ahora? ¡Deben

estar tramando algo


Timothy era la única familia que tenía, y no podía dejarlo sufrir un falso encarcelamiento en casa de los

Reinhart sin hacer nada para salvarlo.

Como tal, agarró sus cosas y se dirigió a la Residencia Reinhart.

Sin embargo, por algún cruel giro del destino, Tessa acababa de salir del complejo de apartamentos

cuando el auto de Nicholas se detuvo con Gregory felizmente en el asiento trasero.

Nicholas se veía tan guapo e intocable como siempre, incluso cuando la frustración y la resignación se

reflejaban en su rostro cincelado.

Gregory había estado de mal humor todo el día desde que regresó del hospital. Se había negado a

hablar y apenas almorzó tampoco. Era como si su alma hubiera abandonado su pequeño cuerpo.

Naturalmente, todos en la familia habían estado muy preocupados.

Cuando se trataba de la cena, Nicholas le había pedido específicamente al personal de la cocina que

preparara todas las cosas que a Gregory le gustaba comer, sin preocuparse en absoluto por estar

saludable como le había advertido el médico anteriormente.

Por desgracia, el pequeño solo había tomado dos bocados de la cena antes de vomitar y el proyectil

lleno lo dejó mortalmente pálido.

Nicholas había entrado en pánico, pensando que podría ser un efecto secundario de las toxinas, pero al

The next second, the fatigued and upset boy decided to throw a tantrum just after vomiting in the


With all the power he could muster, he swept all the food and dishes off the table with his little ones.

hands. He didn’t stop even when the hot soup spilled on his delicate skin.

Pouting, he could no longer contain his sadness as he burst into tears, sobbing, “For

What? Why doesn’t Miss Pretty Lady like me anymore? Dad, tell me why, please! Did I do anything?

Not good? Why doesn’t she love me…?

He had burst into incoherent crying after that, his chubby little hands rubbing.

Furiously his face as thick tears rolled down his cheeks.

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