My savior. My Lover

Love ride


Lucia met with the receptionist at the floor of the building who gave her a sweet smile making her nerves calm down immediately .

” Good day Miss . How do I help you ” she asked .

” Hmm the CEO asked me to give you this ” she said handing her the card Lucien gave to her .

The receptionist collected it and nodded as she read the simple information on the card and stood up immediately .

” Ok follow me ” she said and Lucia followed her walking briskly and holding her bag firm .

They entered a hall where everyone was at their desk and Lucia felt all eyes on her making her unease .

” Wow she’s hot ” she heard a lady said giggling .

” Wow see those legs ” she heard another commenter and on and on it went till they entered the elevator to the fifth and she didn’t know when she let out a nervous breath.

” Nervous ahhn ” the receptionist said and she nodded .

” You don’t have to be because you would be seeing more of them often ” she said and Lucia felt her head spin .

” Why would I see them more often ”

” Are you not going to come to the office and leave daily because that’s the only route . Only the boss has another route and he doesn’t even use it atimes. ” She said and Lucia nodded and just immediately the elevator opened preventing the receptionist from saying another word ..

They came face to face to face with a door that read Human Resources at the entrance.

” You can go in . Good luck ” she said and immediately left Lucia alone to her fate .NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

Lucia took in a deep breath before knocking on the door and waited for a response before coming inside . .. . . .

The more chilled air coming from inside the office greeted her as she saw a brown skinned lady sitting by her laptop .

” Good morning Miss ” Lucia greeted.

” Good morning. You must be Lucia , the new assistant Human Resources Manager . ” The lady said and she nodded .

” Ok I am Patricia the Human Resources Manager and it would be nice working with you . ”

” Yes it would be ” Lucia said looking around .

” Well your space is just by that corner to give you your privacy that’s why I arranged the space that way . ” She said and she nodded smiling happily .

” Thank you and I appreciate your kind words ma. ” Lucia said before walking over to the table she had earlier pointed at .

Patricia smiled happily as she knew the work would be less strenuous for her , both employing staffs and others would be more easier with an assistant around and this assistant would really helped her .

She palmed her face as she remembered that she had forgotten to ask her name and so she stood up and walked to her table .

She met Lucia placing her bag properly before taking a cup of water from the dispenser by her side .

Lucia was surprised to see her.

” Any problem ma’am” she asked .

” No not at all . And my name is not Ma ,.” Patricia asked giving her a light frown .

” Sorry about that . So do you need me to do anything for you ” she asked .

” That would be after you settle down . I just came to ask you your name so i can add you to our payroll ” she said and Lucia nodded .

” Ok my name is Lucia ” she said and Patricia nodded .

” Just Lucia , no other names ” she asked .

” No not at all . Lucia ” she said with a small smile .

” Ok I will go to my desk now . After you settle down you can come so I can brief you about your job ” she said and Lucia nodded and watched her retreating figure before trashing the empty disposable cup into the trash can by the side there .

She sat down and opened the laptop before booting it on .

She waited for it to finish booting and clicked on the company’s website there to find out the pay of an assistant Human Resources Manager since she has not been informed .

She scrolled through the different jobs which were arranged in alphabetical order till she got to the letter H .

She saw the different jobs till she got to Human Resources Manager and found out the pay was a thousand dollars and some allowance which amounts to two hundred dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

She searched for Human Resources Manager assistant but it was not showing or present .

That means there was not space for that .

Does it mean ….

No it couldn’t be .

Does it mean that Lucien created the space because of her … . were the thoughts that ran through her head .

Immediately her telephone started ringing and she picked it up and shook at the effect the voice gave her as he spoke .

” Settled in yet ” Lucien asked and Lucia got a hold of herself before answering .

” Yes I am trying to but Lucien .. sorry boss ” she corrected herself and hated how he chuckled at her silliness .

” So you were saying ” Lucien asked since she wasn’t talking anymore. .

” I want to ask what my pay is ” she asked calmly .

” Check the company’s website on your laptop ” he said and Lucia scoffed .

” I am not a fool go not check that already ” she said and Lucien giggled at the anger she was feeling .

” Ok I can’t talk about your pay over the phone so why don’t you come to my office. ” He said and Lucia felt her belly churn with two feelings.

She wasn’t ready to see him not until it was closing .

” Ok how do I locate your office ” she asked .

” Silly . My office is at the sixth floor by your left after a few turnings or better still ask the HR to direct you ” he said and Lucia nodded as if he could see her.

” See you soon ” he said before disconnecting the call .



She stood up immediately he dropped the phone before walking out of the office .

She didn’t find the HR on desk so she dropped a little note for her before entering the elevator to the sixth floor .

She got there and asked the direction from someone she met on the floor .

She found her way to the office and found a lady at the adjoining office who stared at her with a mean face which scared her but she was quick to wave it off before knocking on the door and Lucien asked her to come in .

Cara fished her palm as she felt her face go wrong.

She is finding it funny what’s going on between Lucien and the lady .

First it was at his house . Then with a car and now she works here.

What was going on ??

She is ever ready to crush anyone who stands in her way to get Lucien and she wasn’t an exception.


Cara. Ghennghen

Who’s ready for our two weeks love ride between Lucien and Lucia.

Say Yay of you are …

Well I am.

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