My Hockey Alpha

Chapter 459

Chapter 0459

"Nina... Follow me..."

I knew it wasn't real. I knew that it was just an illusion, a machination of my own mind. But damn it, if it didn't feel more real than anything at that moment.

The air around me grew colder, and an eerie silence enveloped the room. The chatter, the laughter, the music coming from downstairs-all of it almost seemed to have been swallowed by an engulfing void.

As I continued to gaze at the figure, its features became more distinct. It looked menacing, its eyes gleaming with malevolence. The corners of its lips curled into a malicious grin, revealing a set of impossibly white, razor-sharp teeth.

My heart raced, my palms growing sweaty against my knees. I felt an icy grip of fear clutching at my insides.

Then, just as my panic began to peak, the figure did something wholly unexpected-it took a running leap off the cliff, plummeting into the abyss of the ocean below.

"Come with me..."

I jumped, a sharp intake of breath escaping my lips. The suddenness of its disappearance left me reeling. I pressed my hand to my chest, trying to quell the pounding of my heart.

"Nina... Earth to Nina."

Enzo's voice pulled me back to reality. I blinked, the room coming back into focus, the comforting sounds of the party from downstairs filling my ears once more.

His dark brown eyes studied me, concern etching his handsome features. "You okay? You looked like you were a million miles away just now."

I hesitated, grappling with the weight of what I had just witnessed. Should I confide in him? Tell him that the shadow figure reared its ugly head once again?

The last thing I wanted was to cast a shadow over the celebrations. Enzo had been so looking forward to this evening, and I didn't want to ruin it for him, so I decided to keep it to myself and bottle it up even further.

*Just lost in thought," I replied with a forced smile, hoping he wouldn't press the issue further.

He quirked an eyebrow, clearly not entirely convinced, but he let it slide. "You sure you're okay?"

The moon's soft glow had faded behind a thick curtain of clouds, casting dim shadows around the room. Here I was, seated cozily between two of the most important men in my life, and yet I felt as though I was alone, adrift at sea. It was an uncanny feeling, and one that I still hadn't quite gotten used to over the months.

*Maybe I'm just not feeling well, I began hesitantly, trying to bring some levity to the tense atmosphere. "I was a bit sick earlier today and... well, maybe it's just... that time of the month. You know, hormonal and all?

Luke's brow furrowed, his gaze intensifying as it settled on me. "Nina," he began cautiously, "if you're not feeling well, especially after everything that's happened, you should consider getting checked out."

I forced a smile, trying to brush away his concern. "Honestly, Luke, it's just a bad period. Nothing out of the ordinary. I've had worse."

The look he gave me, skeptical and concerned, made me want to roll my eyes. But before I could, Enzo's hand found mine, fingers intertwining with a comforting pressure.

"Well, whatever it is," he murmured, his eyes lacking onto mine with such intensity that the world seemed to fade away, "I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel better."

The sincerity in his voice, coupled with his undying commitment, left me momentarily speechless. My heart thudded, a warmth spreading across my face.

Sensing the emotional weight of the moment, Enzo continued, "But for now, let's not dwell on the future. We have a party going on, remember? Let's go out there and enjoy ourselves. My departure is months away, in the fall. Let's live in the present, yeah?"

His optimism was infectious. I found myself nodding, allowing Enzo's words to chase away the shadow of doubt that had loomed over me.

"You're right," I admitted, offering a grateful smile. "Let's go out and have some fun."

The three of us made our way through the expansive house, hand in hand. The muted sounds of chatter and laughter grew louder, guiding us to the main living area, where the party was in full swing.

Lively music was playing on the stereo, and people were dancing around the center of the room. Off to the side, some of the hockey team had gathered for a card game, and behind them stood Lori and Jessica, arguing over who could eat the last cupcake.

"Dance with me?" Enzo whispered in my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

Without waiting for an answer, he pulled me back onto the dance floor. The world around us blurred as we swayed to the rhythm of the music. Every so often, Enzo would twirl me around, earning delighted squeals from onlookers.

After a while, the pack's younger members decided to bring out a few games. A game of charades had everyone in splits, with some of the most dignified pack members making the most ridiculous gestures. It felt good to be surrounded by laughter and light-heartedness, especially after the emotional roller-coaster of the evening.

As the night drew on, someone had the brilliant idea to move the party outdoors. The sprawling pool in the backyard, illuminated by soft lanterns, beckoned invitingly in the warm early summer air. Enzo had turned on the pool heater and the hot tub earlier that night, and people were already stripping out of their party clothes and climbing in.

Before I knew it, the sounds of splashing and delighted laughter filled the air as one by one, guests began jumping into the pool. Enzo, always the instigator, was among the first, pulling off his party outfit to the laughter of the hockey team, taking a running leap and creating a massive splash.

I hesitated at the pool's edge, the cool breeze teasing the loose tendrils of my hair. Luke, ever the protective friend, approached.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

"You sure you're okay to swim?" he asked, nudging me gently.

I nodded, my eyes gleaming with mischief. "Race you?" I challenged.

With a playful smirk, Luke took off, and I was hot on his heels. We hit the water almost simultaneously, the coolness of the pool enveloping us in a refreshing embrace. When I emerged from the water, gasping for air, I felt cleansed of my previous pain.

"Nina!" Jessica cried from the edge of the pool, where she was delicately sitting and dipping her feet in. "You'll ruin your makeup!"

"Aww, c'mon, Jess," Lori teased, swimming up next to Jessica and slyly wrapping her hand around Jessica's ankle beneath the water. "It's just makeup."

With a sudden and unexpected tug. Lori yanked her girlfriend into the water. Jessica disappeared momentarily, coming back up a moment later with a shriek and a splash. The party roared with laughter, as did I.

As the night wore on, the water was filled with joyous splashes and echoing laughter. At one point, I found myself floating on my back, staring up at the moon, which had peeked out from behind the clouds once more. The sounds of the party surrounded me, and I felt a deep sense of contentment.

Despite the uncertainties of the future, this moment was perfect.

And as Enzo swam over, pulling me into his embrace, I couldn't help but feel that no matter what lay ahead, together, we'd face it head-on. Together, as husband and wife-as fated mates.

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