My Fake Lover




I looked at the caller id to see Emily calling him. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as I answered the phone.

“Emily?” I asked.

“Oh, Lexi, thank god.” She said in relief. “I called you about a hundred times!”

“Oh shit, I forgot my phone at home. I’m so sorry.” I apologized.

“Oh, so your not home?” I just could see the smirk coming from her lips.

Oh, she must have thought Tyler was at my house.

I smiled. “I’m at Tyler’s, he’s still sleeping and I answered the phone. When I saw that it was you, for a second I thought it was his baby your having and that’s why your calling.” I laughed.

“Lexi!” She yelled, making me cringe and bring the phone away from my ear. And I think she was loud enough to even wake Tyler up. He tiredly got up and looked at me, confused.

‘Emily.’ I mouthed before he nodded and walked into the bathroom, grabbing a towel on the process, obviously going to take a shower.

“I’m sorry.” I said softly when I brought the phone back to my ear.

“I’m not a slut!” She yelled, but not as loud as before. “And I’m especially not Courtney.”

“I know, but we both didn’t think for a second that she would turn out like that. And besides, I was only joking.” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, okay.” Emily said quietly.

“So why did you try and call me in the first place?” I asked, trying to bring up the mood by changing the subject.

“Well, I called Tyler to see if he was with you because you wouldn’t answer any of my calls. I was worried, and… I told my parents about the baby.” She said softly. “I had to. The baby bump is going to grow soon.”

“Oh god, and how did they take it?” I asked.

“Well, they’re upset, but they’ll learn to except the fact. And they said they want to kill Caleb, but I’m also going to make them forgive him too.”

I nodded even though she couldn’t see it.

“Well, I’ll see you later.” She said quietly.

“Wait, can you do me a favor?” I asked before she had the chance to hang up. “Can you maybe call ask Caleb if he can drop my moms car back at my house? He’ll listen to you.” I pleaded. “And I want to ride to school with Tyler.”

“Isn’t he staying at Tyler’s house?”

“Yeah but…” I trailed off.

“All right lazy ass.” Emily laughed, making me smile. I just loved hearing her happy. She hasn’t been for weeks. “I’ll tell him so you can a quickie with Tyler.” I just could picture her smirk right now.

“Emily!” I yelled as my face turned tomato red.

Before I had the chance to say anything else, she hung up, laughing like an idiot.

I rolled my eyes and put the phone down on the nightstand. I waited for Tyler to get out he bathroom, as I lay my head on the comfy pillow, not wanting to ever leave it.

It took Tyler about thirteen minutes to get out of the shower. And when he did, I couldn’t get my eyes off him.

He was shirtless and he was flexing his muscles as he was going through his wet hair with a white towel. Geez, how did a girl like me even end up with a hottie like him.

So dreamy…

“Done staring?” He asked.

My eyes snapped up form his abs to his face that had a knowing smirk. Geez, I didn’t even realize what I was doing!

“No-I mean yeah. I mean I wasn’t staring.” I blushed and put the pillow over my head to cover it.

God, the things he did to me.

I heard his foot steps as he walked over to me and pulled away the pillow, towering over my laying position with a smile on his face and hands on either side of my head.

Breathe Lexi!

He leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips then pulled away. “Did I ever tell you that I love when you blush like that?” He didn’t wait for a reply. He leaned back down and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss.

A small moan escaped my lips before his tongue entered my mouth. I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my hands into his wet hair, kissing him in hunger and so did he.

To my disappointment, Tyler pulled away and rested down next to me. “We have to go to school.” He said quietly.

I sighed in stress. I just hate school!

“Okay.” I said quietly. I tried to lean up and get my lazy ass off the bed, but Tyler stopped me.

“Wait,” I took my hand in his. “Before we go, I want to ask you something.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I slightly nodded, waiting for him to continue.

“I want to make this official before we go to school. So, will you be my girlfriend? My real girlfriend?” He put on his heart melting smile.

And I swear, my heart nearly stopped. Who couldn’t say no after looking at his gorgeous face and smile and body- okay that enough Lexi. Just answer the damn question!

“Yeah.” I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck so I could bring him over. I kissed him on the lips feeling him smile into it.

I just can’t believe any of this. It’s like a dream. I liked Tyler when I was a little girl, and he liked me back but I never knew it. As we grew older, we became enemies. And I never thought we’ll ever end up together. In fact, if anyone told me that this would happen, I’d laugh in there face and say that they’re out of they’re freaking mind.

But it all ended like that, but this is just the beginning.

#Lexi’s POV


*Four Months Later*


Everything was perfect. Tyler was all mine. Emily’s stomach was showing and her parents were finally excepting the fact that there daughter is going to have a daughter. Yup, it’s a girl and they’re going to name her Gracie. It took a long time for Caleb and Emily to finally decide on one name.

I don’t know why they came up with a name so early. Emily’s only four months and a few weeks pregnant, but whatever makes them happy, makes me happy.

“This is so exciting!” Emily squealed as she gripped her cap. “This day finally came!”

“I know.” I laughed, feeling more excited just looking at her excitement.

“Oh no, your makeup smeared.” Emily went through her purse, trying to find the make up materials she needed to fix my ‘messed up’ makeup.

“Come on babe, it’s barely noticeable.” Caleb stopped Emily before she had the chance to pull out her stuff. “We have to take our seats.”

Emily shrugged before taking Caleb’s hand and dragged him towards the seats as I followed close behind.

“Where’s Tyler?” I asked before a pair of arms slid around my waist. I immediately smiled at the touch, knowing who it was.

“I’m right here.” He said into my ear, giving be tingles, before giving me a peck on the cheek.

“Can you believe we’re finally graduating?!” I turned around so I was facing him.

He laughed. “Yeah, we’re finally leaving this hellhole.”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I laughed as I grabbed his hands as we made our way towards the seats.

The graduation ceremony was held outside, since it was really nice out -Thank the lord.

“Hey, we need to take a photo!” Emily came running back to me, dragging Caleb along with her. Poor guy, he’s already caring for a child. Emily may be a graduating senior, but she doesn’t act like one. That’s a cute thing about her. But it’s still scary that she’s going to be a mom in like six months.

When Emily first found out she was having Caleb’s baby, Caleb’s parents let him transfer from his other school and move here with us. So now he got to graduate with us.

Emily gathered us together and stuck her phone in the air. We all smiled at the camera, genuinely happy that we’re finally leaving high school and was ready for college.

Just as Emily clicked the picture, our principal spoke through the microphone.

“Good afternoon Rosewood High!” He said in excitement. “Ready to leave this place?”

All the seniors cheered on happily as we all took our seats in the chairs arranged for us as all the other family and friends sat on chairs set behind us.

The ceremony began with our principal saying a speech, a few teachers and also a few of the seniors.

When they began calling out the names, was when all the excitement began. Especially when I heard my name. It took about fifteen minutes.

“Lexi Heather Monroe.” The smile on my face grew as I walked up the stage. With my long gown and cap, it felt odd and amazing at the same time that I was walking in front of people with something twice my size.


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