My Fake Lover


#Lexi’s POV:


Tyler and I walked into the cafeteria after the weird ass of a teacher came walking past again. I never even heard of her in my entire high school life and now I’m seeing her, when Tyler and I are having a special moment.

But that stupid teacher didn’t ruin my happiness. Tyler loves me! The Tyler Evans. The hot guy that every girl wants. And I get to have him to myself.

In your face Courtney! Ha!

Oh, yeah, and Brooke. They were both Psychos who were crazy after Tyler.

As we closely walked into the cafeteria together, Tyler’s hand brushed mine which caused the hairs at the back of my neck to rise. He noticed my reaction as I burned red and he grabbed my hand in his. He leaned in closer to my ear to whisper, giving me more chills. “Your beautiful.” He said before he pulled away.

Why the hell are you blushing Lexi?!

I tried my best to keep my face at a normal color but I couldn’t help it. Tyler just had that affect on me.

We sat down at a lunch table outside where Emily will soon join us, is she still at the bathroom? Geez, sometimes I worry about that girl. It’s been like twenty minutes already.

It’s a good thing nobody came out here during their lunch. We were the only ones out here, having some nice quiet time besides the chirping birds, probably singing because spring is finally here.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Thanks.” I managed to smile up at him, answering his last compliment. “You too, uh, you too as in your hot. Really hot. You’ve always been sexy-hot to me. Even when I wanted to burn your gorgeous eyes off and feed them too your cat.” I rambled in nervousness. I always tend to do that when I’m nervous. I just say weird stupid things and the worst part is that I don’t even know what in saying half the time. Does he even have a cat?

“Oh really?” He asked charmingly, a smirk evident on his lips as he slowly moved towards mine. I nodded. What did I just say? “I don’t have a cat.” He whispered when his lips where centimeters away from mine, just as my breathing stopped. He then pulled away after his lips nearly touched mine, it only brushed them, making my heart skip a beat.

“You did not just do that.” I glared at him. He was freaking teasing me by making me think that he was going to kiss me. That jerk!

“Did what?” I rolled my eyes at his reply.

“Once a jerk, always a jerk.” I smirked as I reached into my bag and grabbed a packed cookie that I had brought from home. Since the school cafeteria food is not always as good, sometimes I bring my own little snack.

I quickly ate the cookie, realizing how hungry I was.

“Want a piece?” I asked Tyler but he shook his head.

“Good, cause I wasn’t going to give you any.”

“Very nice of you.” He rolled his eyes.

I smirked up at him when I finished the last bite, leaning towards him so I put my arms around his neck. He moved me off my seat and put me on his lap. Suddenly my ears blocked everything and focused at Tyler. My eyes slowly drifted from his eyes to his perfectly, and very kissable made lips.

I moved my gaze back to his eyes only to see that he was looking at my lips too. He moved his thumb up to it and brushed a cookie crumb away. I suddenly felt embarrassed that I had a freaking cookie crumb on my freaking lips!

“Don’t be embarrassed Lexi-Poo.” He obviously noticed my reaction. And he just had to have the adorable smirk! Right?!

I let out a nervous laugh. “Um-” before I really had the chance to say anything, Tyler cut me off by placing his lips on mine. Even though we kissed a lot at the hallway earlier, it still felt so new and like its the most amazing kiss I’ve ever shared. It was just so amazing, it’s even hard to explain it. And it gets better by the minute. I wish I just could ditch all my other classes to stay out here with Tyler. “I love you.” I whispered when we pulled away.

“I love you more.” He smirked.

“Well, I loved you first.” I was going to cross my hands over my chest challenging, but decided it’d be better for my hands to stay around his neck. It feels good to be so close to him.

Tyler raised an eyebrow looking up at me since I was the one sitting at a higher level.

Before Tyler had the chance to say anything else, Emily slammed herself on the seat in front of us, clearly stressed out.

Her hair was all over the place as if she put her hands through it one too many times and her cloths weren’t on properly, like she was in a rush to put them on this morning. And the thing that stuck out most was her swollen eyes and tear stained face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her, as I slid off Tyler’s lap, not feeling very comfortable when Emily was right there, sitting on her own chair, having freaking problems!

“Um-” she let out a nervous laugh, glancing at Tyler. I was about to ask her if she wanted to go to the ladies room and talk but then she just like, exploded, with words pouring out of her mouth. “So I didn’t really need to use the bathroom. I called Caleb to come here at school because I couldn’t wait any longer to tell him the big secret, because you know, I’m pregnant with his baby. And it’s a pretty big secret. Huh, what am I saying? It’s a huge secret! It’s a living thing growing inside of me! His living thing! And I just couldn’t spend another second feeling knots in my chest because of how anxious I was. Especially after I knew a hundred percent because of the doctors appointment I had. So I just couldn’t wait any longer. So I called Caleb and told him to come to school and meet me at the front parking lot. So he came and-and-” Emily let all that in one breath. She stopped to breathe and mumbled the last part. “I told him I was pregnant.”

I glanced over to the right to look at Tyler. And I can barely explain his expression right now. It’s like confusion and shocked at the same time.

“What the actual f-” before Tyler finished, I grabbed his hand and smiled at him sadly.

“Uh, she’s pregnant Tyler. With your cousins baby.” I explained even though I think he actually knows what’s going on.

“I know but-” he started. “Caleb?” He asked.

Emily and I both nodded, Emily being on the verge to cry.

“I’m so sorry.” He shook his head. “But I’m going to kill him for you.”

“N-no-” Emily said, barely able to speak because of her cracked voice. “It’s not all his fault.” She said.

“Don’t worry Emily.” I let go of Tyler’s hand and grabbed hers in comfort. “Don’t be upset.”

“Why not have an abortion? Or adoption even?” Tyler asked. I turned around and slapped him hard o the shoulder, giving him a nasty glare. “I was joking.” He rolled his eyes.

“This is not the time for jokes.” I glared at him though it was fake. I just loved him so much, I forced myself not to jump on top of him right now.

“So what did he say?” I asked Emily.

“He um- thought I was joking at first. Like this was some type of prank, but then I cried so then he was very shocked. He said he needed to go home and think about things.” Emily explained.

“Actually I already have.” Emily turned around as Tyler and I looked up in front of us, seeing Caleb.

“I love you Emily, I love you so damn much. And I’ll do anything for you and that baby.” He said with a frown.

Then ya know, all the mushy stuff happened. Emily ran and hugged him, and then shared a happily ever after.

Not only did Emily get her happily ever after, I did too. With my Prince Charming.



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