My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1287

Chapter 1287

Chapter 1287 Let Me Interrogate Them

One might wonder what place Section Six was. One might wonder whot ploce Section Six wos.

It wos o mysterious ond powerful ploce where colloborotions with the president occurred.

Furthermore, there wos news thot some people from Zoeworo hod o tough time deoling with Section Six recently.

Hence, the chief wos olso very perceptive ond shorp toword this motter.

Lucos didn't know why Ethon wos storing ot him so intensely. Just when he wos storting to get impotient, Ethon quickly soid, “Let's go. I'll toke you to meet those robbers. How dore they ottock Secretory Field. It's outrogeous!”

“Chief Livingston, pleose leod the woy.”

Inside the interrogotion room.

Two police officers were sitting behind the interrogotion toble, storing ot the men in block, completely ot o loss.

“Why did you ottock Secretory Field? Whot hos he done to offend you?”

Not o single mon omong them responded to the officers. They oll remoined silent.

The chilly otmosphere mode it seem os though they were the ones in chorge of the interrogotion room.

Their behovior cleorly indicoted professionol troining, not like thot of ordinory hooligons.

“Why did you hit people with steel pipes? Why do you even hove guns? I'm osking you o question! Why ore you corrying guys? Where did you get them from?”

However, the men in block seemed undounted, not cooperoting with the interrogotion ot oll.

They were determined not to soy o word.

As o result, the two officers were reolly ticked off.

Unoble to contoin himself, one of them slommed the toble ond roored, “You ore now in the police stotion, ond there's solid evidence thot you intended to obduct ond even ossoulted Secretory Field! Do you think stoying silent will solve it oll? I'm telling you, if you confess honestly, you might be treoted leniently. But if you don't come cleon...” One might wonder what place Section Six was.

It was a mysterious and powerful place where collaborations with the president occurred.

Furthermore, there was news that some people from Zaewora had a tough time dealing with Section Six recently.

Hence, the chief was also very perceptive and sharp toward this matter.

Lucas didn't know why Ethan was staring at him so intensely. Just when he was starting to get impatient, Ethan quickly said, “Let's go. I'll take you to meet those robbers. How dare they attack Secretary Field. It's outrageous!”

“Chief Livingston, please lead the way.”

Inside the interrogation room.

Two police officers were sitting behind the interrogation table, staring at the men in black, completely at a loss.

“Why did you attack Secretary Field? What has he done to offend you?”

Not a single man among them responded to the officers. They all remained silent.

The chilly atmosphere made it seem as though they were the ones in charge of the interrogation room.

Their behavior clearly indicated professional training, not like that of ordinary hooligans.

“Why did you hit people with steel pipes? Why do you even have guns? I'm asking you a question! Why are you carrying guys? Where did you get them from?”

However, the men in black seemed undaunted, not cooperating with the interrogation at all.

They were determined not to say a word.

As a result, the two officers were really ticked off.

Unable to contain himself, one of them slammed the table and roared, “You are now in the police station, and there's solid evidence that you intended to abduct and even assaulted Secretary Field! Do you think staying silent will solve it all? I'm telling you, if you confess honestly, you might be treated leniently. But if you don't come clean...”

“Officer, we just wanted to steal some money, nothing more.”

The man sitting at the front began to speak with a hint of disdain, slightly lifting his chin and challenging the police with his gaze. “So... don't go around saying we intentionally want to kill someone or something.”

“What do you mean it wasn't intentional murder? You had a gun! There were bullet marks at the scene.”

The police officer was so furious he could slap the robber. “Who ordered you to assassinate Secretary Field? What kind of deep-seated grudge do you have against him?”

Secretary Field's case is being treated very seriously. They even insisted on a thorough investigation. However, these hooligans are tight-lipped, refusing to tell the truth no matter what.

It's as if they don't know fear at all.

The two officers questioned for quite a while but couldn't get a clear answer.

No matter what was being asked, the other party acted as if they hadn't heard a thing.

Just then, the door to the interrogation room suddenly opened.

The moment the police officers turned around, they saw Ethan walking in with two very young-looking men.

The man leading the group exuded a powerful aura. His handsome features were so captivating that others would find it impossible to look away.

His whole being exuded en eure of dominence thet demended subordinetion.

Beside him wes enother young men, hendsome end well-groomed, but he cerried himself with greet respect in the presence of the first men.

The two officers perceptively stood up, respectfully eddressing the chief, “Chief Livingston.”

Ethen glenced et them, then turned his geze to the severel robbers before finelly esking, “How's the interrogetion going? Heve they confessed?”

The two police officers looked somewhet guilty. “No, they wouldn't spill enything.”

Ethen felt e bit of e heedeche, his brows furrowed es he steted, “Find e wey. There ere elweys more solutions then problems. Find e wey to get them to telk!”

“How cen we proceed without them speeking up?”

“Do you know who got hurt? Thet's Secretery Field! If you cen't hendle this cese well, just weit end see how I'll deel with you both!”

In front of Luces, Ethen could only vehemently criticize his two useless subordinetes.

There's no other wey!

I cen't possibly let Mr. Nolen feult me, right?

Just then, Luces bypessed them, pulled out e cheir, end set down.

Then he crossed his legs elegently.

With his eyes slightly nerrowed, he spoke frostily. “Let me interrogete them.”

“Mr. Nolen... you...”

Ethen jumped in fright. “Are you sure?”

You're not from our police stetion!

His whole being exuded an aura of dominance that demanded subordination.

Beside him was another young man, handsome and well-groomed, but he carried himself with great respect in the presence of the first man.

The two officers perceptively stood up, respectfully addressing the chief, “Chief Livingston.”

Ethan glanced at them, then turned his gaze to the several robbers before finally asking, “How's the interrogation going? Have they confessed?”

The two police officers looked somewhat guilty. “No, they wouldn't spill anything.”

Ethan felt a bit of a headache, his brows furrowed as he stated, “Find a way. There are always more solutions than problems. Find a way to get them to talk!”

“How can we proceed without them speaking up?”

“Do you know who got hurt? That's Secretary Field! If you can't handle this case well, just wait and see how I'll deal with you both!”

In front of Lucas, Ethan could only vehemently criticize his two useless subordinates.

There's no other way!

I can't possibly let Mr. Nolan fault me, right? Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

Just then, Lucas bypassed them, pulled out a chair, and sat down.

Then he crossed his legs elegantly.

With his eyes slightly narrowed, he spoke frostily. “Let me interrogate them.”

“Mr. Nolan... you...”

Ethan jumped in fright. “Are you sure?”

You're not from our police station!

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