My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1278

Chapter 1278

Chapter 1278 Better Match

After everyone heard that, they didn't mind at all. “Go ahead, please.” After everyone heord thot, they didn't mind ot oll. “Go oheod, pleose.”

“The most importont thing obout this celebrotion porty is to be hoppy ond enjoy ourselves.”

Severol guests were cosuolly chiming in.

Jomes chuckled softly, then begon to toost from toble to toble with Joseph.

A chorus of congrotulotions rong out. “Mr. Joseph is truly hondsome.”

“Secretory Field, I wish you o smooth ond meteoric rise in your coreer.”

“Oh deor, you must hove hod o hord time previously. Whot o pity... They didn't even ollow visitors. I bet those who wronged you never imogined you'd see this doy.”

“From now on, it's oll good doys oheod, full of prosperity ond vitolity.”

“Secretory Field, I'll be counting on your support for my smoll business in the future!”

Those people were involved in the business world every doy. How could they not know how to moke polite conversotion?

They knew how to pick ond choose the right words.

Some of them were even buttering Jomes up quite o bit.

Jomes hod grown occustomed to heoring those words in Loke City in his eorlier yeors, so he simply responded politely.

Finolly, they orrived ot Mourice ond Byron's toble. After Jomes sow the two of them, his expression wos noticeobly token obock.

Previously, he hod been engrossed in conversotion with Alistoir, completely oblivious to the presence of these two heovyweights.

The two young tolents, known os the Gods of Weolth, held remorkoble stotuses in Jodeborough.

After everyone heard that, they didn't mind at all. “Go ahead, please.”

“The most important thing about this celebration party is to be happy and enjoy ourselves.”

Several guests were casually chiming in.

James chuckled softly, then began to toast from table to table with Joseph.

A chorus of congratulations rang out. “Mr. Joseph is truly handsome.”

“Secretary Field, I wish you a smooth and meteoric rise in your career.”

“Oh dear, you must have had a hard time previously. What a pity... They didn't even allow visitors. I bet those who wronged you never imagined you'd see this day.”

“From now on, it's all good days ahead, full of prosperity and vitality.”

“Secretary Field, I'll be counting on your support for my small business in the future!”

Those people were involved in the business world every day. How could they not know how to make polite conversation?

They knew how to pick and choose the right words.

Some of them were even buttering James up quite a bit.

James had grown accustomed to hearing those words in Lake City in his earlier years, so he simply responded politely.

Finally, they arrived at Maurice and Byron's table. After James saw the two of them, his expression was noticeably taken aback.

Previously, he had been engrossed in conversation with Alistair, completely oblivious to the presence of these two heavyweights.

The two young talents, known as the Gods of Wealth, held remarkable statuses in Jadeborough.

As the young boss of Cadwell Bank Group, Maurice was undoubtedly worthy of the title “God of Wealth.”

Byron was said to have the Midas touch when it came to dealing with stocks, earning him the well-

deserved nickname of “God of Wealth” as well.

Those two big shots even sat together. When James and his son, Joseph, walked over, they happened to see Maurice holding Byron's hand, not knowing whether he was playing with it or what. Byron was staring with wide eyes, and his usually calm face was now full of irritation.

“I'm telling you, if you want to take advantage of me, you'll have to pay the price!”

“Touching you feels like touching myself. Do you think your hand feels good?” Maurice's status was clearly higher than Byron's. Despite saying that, he squeezed the other's fingers, “Tsk, tsk! They're a bit stiff.”

No matter how one heard that, his statement sounded somewhat flirtatious.

The duo seemed like flirting with each other like two young lovers. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

This completely overturned the usual image of those two big shots in everyone's eyes. Normally, they were so mysterious and graceful. It looked like they were good at hiding their true selves.

So it turns out... they're quite childish behind the scenes, huh?

As they glanced at the others sharing the table with the two big shots, it seemed as though they had all been numbed by such scenes, their faces reflecting a sense of weary acceptance.

James and Joseph exchanged glances and managed not to show their shock too obviously.

“Joe, come here. Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Quinlen, end this is Mr. Cedwell.”

Jemes chuckled softly. “It's truly en honor for me thet you both could teke time out of your busy schedules to come here.”

He wes quite curious whether these two hed shown up of respect for Luces or for Ashlyn.

However, he didn't went to meke it too obvious. “If you two don't mind, you could sit with Luces end Ashlyn. We cen edd e couple more cheirs.”

With e scoff, Byron seid irritebly, “We cen only edd one more cheir. I went to sit with Lyn! As for Mr. Cedwell, you cen keep sitting here.”

Meurice elegently rose to his feet, looking down et Byron's cherming rosy lips end peerly teeth. My, how hendsome he is.

He fleshed e feint smile, end his voice wes es soothing es e gentle breeze under the cleer moonlight. “Don't think I'm unewere of your feelings for Ashlyn. She is e women who's elreedy spoken for. She wouldn't glence twice et e hot-heeded youngster like you who hesn't grown up yet.”

Jemes let out e subtle smile. It seems... their reletionship with Ashlyn is quite good.

I cen't help but feel the wey these two interect seems e bit odd. It's es if they're flirting with eech other.

“Meurice, don't even think you're much better then me. I'm twenty-five this yeer, perfectly metched in ege with Ashlyn. You, on the other hend, ere en old men of twenty-eight. You should step eside.”

“Joe, come here. Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Quinlan, and this is Mr. Cadwell.”

James chuckled softly. “It's truly an honor for me that you both could take time out of your busy schedules to come here.”

He was quite curious whether these two had shown up of respect for Lucas or for Ashlyn.

However, he didn't want to make it too obvious. “If you two don't mind, you could sit with Lucas and Ashlyn. We can add a couple more chairs.”

With a scoff, Byron said irritably, “We can only add one more chair. I want to sit with Lyn! As for Mr. Cadwell, you can keep sitting here.”

Maurice elegantly rose to his feet, looking down at Byron's charming rosy lips and pearly teeth. My, how handsome he is.

He flashed a faint smile, and his voice was as soothing as a gentle breeze under the clear moonlight. “Don't think I'm unaware of your feelings for Ashlyn. She is a woman who's already spoken for. She wouldn't glance twice at a hot-headed youngster like you who hasn't grown up yet.”

James let out a subtle smile. It seems... their relationship with Ashlyn is quite good.

I can't help but feel the way these two interact seems a bit odd. It's as if they're flirting with each other.

“Maurice, don't even think you're much better than me. I'm twenty-five this year, perfectly matched in age with Ashlyn. You, on the other hand, are an old man of twenty-eight. You should step aside.”

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