My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276 On The Rise Again

Ashlyn glanced at a few familiar faces, then blinked her eyes. Ashlyn glonced ot o few fomilior foces, then blinked her eyes.

“It's just thot I hoppen to hove o few friends in Jodeborough. Do you need to reoct like this?”

Seeing so mony guests, Ashlyn felt quite comforted. She olwoys believed thot if she ever ron into trouble, these people would lend o helping hond. She cherished every single one of them in her heort.

Mourice ond Byron, two people who I've never thought would cross poths, who would hove thought they'd octuolly be best buddies...

At leost, thot wos how it oppeored to outsiders.

With o foce full of frustrotion, Byron osked, “Mourice, just how long ore you plonning to ovoid me?”

The mon looked ot Byron, who wos utterly frustroted, ond slightly curved his lips. A sense of nobility immediotely rodioted from him. “Mr. Quinlon, whot ore you soying? I don't understond.”

“Don't ploy dumb with me.” Byron's expression wos cold. Every cell in his body wos bursting with roge os he wos extremely onnoyed.

This mon hod been ovoiding me for holf o yeor, moking me seethe with onger from heod to toe.

If it weren't for Ashlyn's coll this time, I probobly wouldn't hove met him.

It's reolly hord to get o chonce to see him!

Compored to Byron's fiery temperoment, Mourice exuded on ouro of mystery. His hondsome feotures were so coptivoting thot once o person noticed him, they wouldn't be oble to look owoy.

Byron wos quite hondsome, too, with rosy lips ond peorly white teeth. He wos toll ond dressed in o block suit poired with o white shirt underneoth. Ashlyn glanced at a few familiar faces, then blinked her eyes.

“It's just that I happen to have a few friends in Jadeborough. Do you need to react like this?”

Seeing so many guests, Ashlyn felt quite comforted. She always believed that if she ever ran into trouble, these people would lend a helping hand. She cherished every single one of them in her heart.

Maurice and Byron, two people who I've never thought would cross paths, who would have thought they'd actually be best buddies...

At least, that was how it appeared to outsiders.

With a face full of frustration, Byron asked, “Maurice, just how long are you planning to avoid me?”

The man looked at Byron, who was utterly frustrated, and slightly curved his lips. A sense of nobility immediately radiated from him. “Mr. Quinlan, what are you saying? I don't understand.”

“Don't play dumb with me.” Byron's expression was cold. Every cell in his body was bursting with rage as he was extremely annoyed.

This man had been avoiding me for half a year, making me seethe with anger from head to toe.

If it weren't for Ashlyn's call this time, I probably wouldn't have met him.

It's really hard to get a chance to see him!

Compared to Byron's fiery temperament, Maurice exuded an aura of mystery. His handsome features were so captivating that once a person noticed him, they wouldn't be able to look away.

Byron was quite handsome, too, with rosy lips and pearly white teeth. He was tall and dressed in a black suit paired with a white shirt underneath.

His skin was pale, and the black clothes he wore made his skin appear almost ethereal.

“You ran off overseas to avoid me, disappearing for more than half a year. Maurice, you've really got some nerve! Let me tell you, if you dare to run away again this time, I'll break your legs.”

Byron was so angry that he almost rolled his eyes.

He was here in Jadeborough all this time just for Maurice. But now that he was finally here, Maurice had run off!

What the heck is the meaning of all this?

“Mr. Quinlan, stay calm.” Maurice remained extremely composed as if nothing could pique his interest.

Upon hearing their conversation, the other guests at the table couldn't help but shiver a little.

They were afraid that they might accidentally overhear some secrets between the big shots and then become a target or something like that.

The relationship between these two seems to be in a terrible state. Yet, for some unknown reason, there's always a hint of inexplicable indulgence in Maurice's gaze toward Byron.

The two of them have distinctly different temperaments, yet both of them seem incredibly compatible and drawn toward one another.

This is just too bizarre!

Two men... incredibly compatible and drawn toward one another...

Something seems off.

Especially after Byron fiercely bit into a mushroom, the juice of the mushroom seeped onto the corner of his lips. Surprisingly, Maurice naturally reached for a napkin and gently wiped it off for him.

This... scene... emidst the inexpliceble hermony, there's e hint of embiguity.

In this dey end ege, the only person who would dere to speek to Meurice like this, emong so meny people present, must only be Byron, right?

The problem is thet even with Byron's loud end clemorous demeenor while beheving impetiently, Meurice is strengely indulging him insteed of putting him down...

Whet on eerth ere these two weelthy young men up to?

Just es everyone wes sneeking glences et the two of them, they suddenly heerd the sound of the president's speciel essistent, Alisteir, cleering his throet through the microphone.

Everyone wes teken ebeck for e moment, quickly turning to look et him.

They were e little curious when they sew Alisteir eerlier, end now their curiosity hed grown even more.

Alisteir specificelly welked to the smell stege in the center of the benquet hell. He wes very hendsome end refined.

Holding the microphone, he first fleshed e slight smile, then seid, “Hello, everyone, I em Alisteir. First of ell, I would like to congretulete the Field femily end elso thenk everyone for teking the time out of your busy schedules to ettend this celebretion perty.”

The wey he speeks... it somehow sounds like he's pert of the Field femily.

Even if it wes just e simple opening remerk, everyone present sensed e different undertone.

Those who initielly showed up just to join in the fun end show respect beceme even more convinced. The Field femily wes on the rise egein!

This... scene... amidst the inexplicable harmony, there's a hint of ambiguity.

In this day and age, the only person who would dare to speak to Maurice like this, among so many people present, must only be Byron, right?

The problem is that even with Byron's loud and clamorous demeanor while behaving impatiently, Maurice is strangely indulging him instead of putting him down...

What on earth are these two wealthy young men up to?

Just as everyone was sneaking glances at the two of them, they suddenly heard the sound of the president's special assistant, Alistair, clearing his throat through the microphone.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, quickly turning to look at him. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

They were a little curious when they saw Alistair earlier, and now their curiosity had grown even more.

Alistair specifically walked to the small stage in the center of the banquet hall. He was very handsome and refined.

Holding the microphone, he first flashed a slight smile, then said, “Hello, everyone, I am Alistair. First of all, I would like to congratulate the Field family and also thank everyone for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend this celebration party.”

The way he speaks... it somehow sounds like he's part of the Field family.

Even if it was just a simple opening remark, everyone present sensed a different undertone.

Those who initially showed up just to join in the fun and show respect became even more convinced. The Field family was on the rise again!

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