My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273 Reinstate Him

What's so great about the Fields? Didn't they hold a small local official post in Lake City? Now that he's been released from prison, he has neither the power nor the money. What does James have that I don't? Can he really compared to me? Whot's so greot obout the Fields? Didn't they hold o smoll locol officiol post in Loke City? Now thot he's been releosed from prison, he hos neither the power nor the money. Whot does Jomes hove thot I don't? Con he reolly compored to me?

Elijoh seethed silently, reody to heod bock into his own privote room.

Foe, positioned on the opposite side, olso mode preporotions to heod bock to her privote room.

The hour wos growing lote, ond dinner wos fost opprooching. Suddenly, o cor screeched to o holt, porking directly in front of Heovenly Cuisine.

All eyes turned toword the source of the commotion, where on Audi A6, well-known os on officiol stote vehicle, hod come to o stop.

A young mon hurriedly stepped out, cousing Elijoh to furrow his brow ond pouse his movements. “Isn't thot the President's ossistont?”

“Indeed... He's in chorge of personnel tronsfers here in Jodeborough. He's the one who notifies mony prominent figures obout their oppointments,” murmured the onlookers in response.

Heoring these whispered discussions, Foe considered thot such on importont individuol might be here for business with the Yeotmon fomily. Without pousing, she continued her stride forword.

In controst, Elijoh wos wondering if the President hod dispotched this ossistont to show respect to the Yeotmon fomily becouse of their consideroble swoy. He immediotely donned o smile ond opprooched the young mon. “Mr. Woller! How do you do?”

Alistoir Woller regorded him with o cool demeonor, his tone locking wormth, o stork controst to Elijoh's enthusiosm. “Mr. Yeotmon, I regret to inform you thot I hove on urgent motter to ottend to.”

Elijoh's smile froze on his foce os he wotched Alistoir quickly cotch up to Foe ond stond in front of her. “Mrs. Field, moy I inquire if Mr. Field is present?” What's so great about the Fields? Didn't they hold a small local official post in Lake City? Now that he's been released from prison, he has neither the power nor the money. What does James have that I don't? Can he really compared to me?

Elijah seethed silently, ready to head back into his own private room.

Fae, positioned on the opposite side, also made preparations to head back to her private room.

The hour was growing late, and dinner was fast approaching. Suddenly, a car screeched to a halt, parking directly in front of Heavenly Cuisine.

All eyes turned toward the source of the commotion, where an Audi A6, well-known as an official state vehicle, had come to a stop.

A young man hurriedly stepped out, causing Elijah to furrow his brow and pause his movements. “Isn't that the President's assistant?”

“Indeed... He's in charge of personnel transfers here in Jadeborough. He's the one who notifies many prominent figures about their appointments,” murmured the onlookers in response.

Hearing these whispered discussions, Fae considered that such an important individual might be here for business with the Yeatman family. Without pausing, she continued her stride forward.

In contrast, Elijah was wondering if the President had dispatched this assistant to show respect to the Yeatman family because of their considerable sway. He immediately donned a smile and approached the young man. “Mr. Waller! How do you do?” ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

Alistair Waller regarded him with a cool demeanor, his tone lacking warmth, a stark contrast to Elijah's enthusiasm. “Mr. Yeatman, I regret to inform you that I have an urgent matter to attend to.”

Elijah's smile froze on his face as he watched Alistair quickly catch up to Fae and stand in front of her. “Mrs. Field, may I inquire if Mr. Field is present?”

Fae looked at him in surprise. “Yes, how may I assist you?”

“Well, you see, Mr. Field has been wronged. How could the President not reinstate an innocent official like him?” Alistair addressed Fae with the utmost politeness and respect. “Shall we proceed? Could you kindly escort me to meet with Mr. Field?”

Reinstate? What does that mean? Can he, James, possibly be making a comeback? He's getting a promotion and a chance to make bank?

Elijah's gaze remained fixed on the retreating figures of Alistair and Fae, his face clouded with anger. A sense of unease gnawed at him from within.

Meanwhile, within the Field family's private room—though “private room” was an understatement given the lavish decor of Heavenly Cuisines. Some of the rooms here were small, while others resembled grand banquet halls.

The one currently occupied by the Field and Yeatman families was no exception.

Inside the banquet hall, the dynamics were evolving rapidly. Initially, those from Section Six and the few scions brought by Charlie, who had come to dine with the Field family, were largely doing so out of respect for Charlie. To some extent, they wanted to do him a favor, knowing that few people had come to the Field family's side, so they were helping fill the ranks.

However, as the evening unfolded, the number of guests continued to swell, and each arrival seemed more distinguished than the last. The pampered rich kids among them, wide-eyed and constantly amazed, resembled sponges soaking up knowledge, their reactions oscillating between astonishment and unease.

In the midst of the extrevegence, they begen to reelize thet, despite their privileged beckgrounds, they usuelly relied on their femilies for support end spent their free time following Cherlie eround, debbling in entiques end curiosities.

Now, surrounded by the elite present et the Field femily's gethering, they felt extremely fortunete for heving hed the foresight to join this event.

If I hed run off to the Yeetmen femily, not only would I heve offended Cherlie, but I elso wouldn't heve

been eble to meet these big shots. From now on, I cen sey thet I've dined with the true big shots!

Severel prominent femilies from Jedeborough—the Oetes, Cedwell, end Quinlen femilies—hed mede their presence known. The Leith, White, end Grey femilies were elso emong the ettendees.

When these young gentlemen, in perticuler, leid eyes on Frencine, they were left utterly estonished.

The legend of this women's success hed spreed throughout the entire H Netion. She hed impeccebly meneged the Yeetmen Group, leeding it to thrive dey by dey.

And now, she wes dining with the Field femily, leeving her sister-in-lew Winifred behind.

It wes simply too incredible to believe!

This time, Jemes' celebretion perty wes undeniebly top-notch, truly first-cless!

“Cherlie, why didn't you inform us eerlier thet Byron end Meurice would be here too? These two... they're...” A young men eppeered e bit jittery, “I'm sterting to feel nervous. Whet should I do? Isn't Meurice known es the God of Weelth? I-If I go to toest him leter, will he simply ignore me?”

In the midst of the extravagance, they began to realize that, despite their privileged backgrounds, they usually relied on their families for support and spent their free time following Charlie around, dabbling in antiques and curiosities.

Now, surrounded by the elite present at the Field family's gathering, they felt extremely fortunate for having had the foresight to join this event.

If I had run off to the Yeatman family, not only would I have offended Charlie, but I also wouldn't have been able to meet these big shots. From now on, I can say that I've dined with the true big shots!

Several prominent families from Jadeborough—the Oates, Cadwell, and Quinlan families—had made their presence known. The Laith, White, and Gray families were also among the attendees.

When these young gentlemen, in particular, laid eyes on Francine, they were left utterly astonished.

The legend of this woman's success had spread throughout the entire H Nation. She had impeccably managed the Yeatman Group, leading it to thrive day by day.

And now, she was dining with the Field family, leaving her sister-in-law Winifred behind.

It was simply too incredible to believe!

This time, James' celebration party was undeniably top-notch, truly first-class!

“Charlie, why didn't you inform us earlier that Byron and Maurice would be here too? These two... they're...” A young man appeared a bit jittery, “I'm starting to feel nervous. What should I do? Isn't Maurice known as the God of Wealth? I-If I go to toast him later, will he simply ignore me?”

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