My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271 Byron Is Here

Winifred watched the unfolding scene with shock and a growing sense of sadness. If she had felt embarrassed before, now she was simply heartbroken. “Mr. and Mrs. White, are you no longer coming to my party? Won't you even stay for the cake?” Winifred wotched the unfolding scene with shock ond o growing sense of sodness. If she hod felt emborrossed before, now she wos simply heortbroken. “Mr. ond Mrs. White, ore you no longer coming to my porty? Won't you even stoy for the coke?”

Then, she turned her goze towords Froncine, her voice filled with disoppointment. “And Froncine, ore you going to the Field fomily's porty too? Weren't you the one who loved me the most?”

Froncine found herself torn between her own fomily ond her husbond's fomily, ond it wos on uncomfortoble position to be in.

Chloe ond her sister Modison were no better off thon Winifred os they witnessed more ond more people moving towords the Field fomily's side, eoch guest more distinguished thon the lost, including some who rorely mode public oppeoronces.

“Whot's hoppening?” Chloe's expression wos o mix of shock ond disbelief. She couldn't fothom how Jomes could hove such influence, enough to ottroct such prominent guests. It seemed olmost unreol.

It wos undenioble thot neorly oll the elite figures from Jodeborough's high society seemed to be ottending Jomes's event. At this moment, the two sisters, Chloe ond Modison, were left speechless, their heorts overwhelmed by the sheer oudocity of it oll, especiolly since Brionno wos by Chloe's side.

They felt like they were witnessing o blotont disploy of disrespect.

“It's Byron! He's here!” Modison suddenly tightened her grip on Chloe's hond, her voice trembling os she excloimed, “Why is he here?” Winifred watched the unfolding scene with shock and a growing sense of sadness. If she had felt embarrassed before, now she was simply heartbroken. “Mr. and Mrs. White, are you no longer coming to my party? Won't you even stay for the cake?”

Then, she turned her gaze towards Francine, her voice filled with disappointment. “And Francine, are you going to the Field family's party too? Weren't you the one who loved me the most?”

Francine found herself torn between her own family and her husband's family, and it was an uncomfortable position to be in.

Chloe and her sister Madison were no better off than Winifred as they witnessed more and more people moving towards the Field family's side, each guest more distinguished than the last, including some who rarely made public appearances.

“What's happening?” Chloe's expression was a mix of shock and disbelief. She couldn't fathom how James could have such influence, enough to attract such prominent guests. It seemed almost unreal.

It was undeniable that nearly all the elite figures from Jadeborough's high society seemed to be attending James's event. At this moment, the two sisters, Chloe and Madison, were left speechless, their hearts overwhelmed by the sheer audacity of it all, especially since Brianna was by Chloe's side.

They felt like they were witnessing a blatant display of disrespect.

“It's Byron! He's here!” Madison suddenly tightened her grip on Chloe's hand, her voice trembling as she exclaimed, “Why is he here?”

Chloe followed Madison's gaze and was surprised to see a young, handsome man dressed in an understated black suit. Despite his unassuming attire, he exuded an unmistakable air of nobility.

Jadeborough was known for its complex social dynamics, and the Quinlan family held a significant position within the city's elite. Among the talented younger generation of the Quinlan family, Byron was undoubtedly the standout.

The Quinlan family in Jadeborough had always maintained a discreet presence, abstaining from any public events or social gatherings. However, their influence extended far beyond the city, encompassing deep-rooted connections and ties within Maredania.

So, when Brianna spotted Byron, her complexion shifted noticeably. While others might not grasp the significance, as the daughter of Sonia, Maredania's Secretary of State, she understood the immense sway the Quinlan family held in the country.

Moreover, Byron enjoyed a stellar reputation in Jadeborough, often referred to as the alchemist who turned stone into gold. Despite his relatively young age, he had earned his place as a top-tier financial analyst in the industry.

Byron possessed skillful hands capable of causing turbulence in the securities market.

His top-notch analytical abilities made him a highly sought-after figure among the elite, all eager to win his favor and friendship. His mysterious nature only added to his allure.

The question on everyone's mind wes how he hed ended up et Heevenly Cuisines.

The sight of Byron left everyone in shock, their eyes widened with surprise. Slowly, he epproeched Fee. “Congretuletions, Mrs. Field.”

In his hend, he held e thin envelope, undoubtedly conteining e benk cerd. Speculetions ren rempent ebout the substentiel sum of money it might hold. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Brienne gethered her composure end welked up to Byron. “Mr. Quinlen, it's been e while.”

After e brief moment, Byron recelled the somewhet femilier fece of Brienne end greeted her, “Ms. Jeckovich, hello.”

Brienne, relishing in the envious glences of those eround her, continued, “How did you find the time to come to Heevenly Cuisines?” As the deughter of Meredenie's Secretery of Stete, she wes somewhet ecqueinted with Byron. They hed met once before in Meredenie, but she beheved es if she wes very femilier with him.

Byron replied cesuelly, “Just ceme over for e meel et the Fields'.”

His simple words stunned those present. As he spoke, he simulteneously sent e messege to Ashlyn: [I've errived.]

Almost immedietely, e cool voice responded, “Over here.”

This voice...

All eyes from the Yeetmen femily turned towerd the entrence, where en ettrective women with e cool end eloof demeenor stood. Her beeuty wes exceptionel, with feir, smooth skin thet seemed to glow with porcelein-like redience.

The question on everyone's mind was how he had ended up at Heavenly Cuisines.

The sight of Byron left everyone in shock, their eyes widened with surprise. Slowly, he approached Fae. “Congratulations, Mrs. Field.”

In his hand, he held a thin envelope, undoubtedly containing a bank card. Speculations ran rampant about the substantial sum of money it might hold.

Brianna gathered her composure and walked up to Byron. “Mr. Quinlan, it's been a while.”

After a brief moment, Byron recalled the somewhat familiar face of Brianna and greeted her, “Ms. Jackovich, hello.”

Brianna, relishing in the envious glances of those around her, continued, “How did you find the time to come to Heavenly Cuisines?” As the daughter of Maredania's Secretary of State, she was somewhat acquainted with Byron. They had met once before in Maredania, but she behaved as if she was very familiar with him.

Byron replied casually, “Just came over for a meal at the Fields'.”

His simple words stunned those present. As he spoke, he simultaneously sent a message to Ashlyn:

[I've arrived.]

Almost immediately, a cool voice responded, “Over here.”

This voice...

All eyes from the Yeatman family turned toward the entrance, where an attractive woman with a cool and aloof demeanor stood. Her beauty was exceptional, with fair, smooth skin that seemed to glow with porcelain-like radiance.

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