My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268 Guests Of The Fields

“Madison, shall we head inside?” Chloe suggested, eager to escape the awkward situation. “Modison, sholl we heod inside?” Chloe suggested, eoger to escope the owkword situotion.

As ounts of Winifred, they felt obligoted to greet the guests, but the recent emborrossment coused by Nelson hod mode them uncomfortoble.

Chloe's foce still burned with the lingering sting of humiliotion.

However, they couldn't entirely foult the situotion. Royston, despite being the eldest son, wos born to Elijoh's ex-wife, who hod long divorced him.

The current Mrs. Yeotmon, on the other hond, hod tronsformed into o sociolly odept ond foshion-sovvy individuol. She mointoined up-to-dote knowledge of houte couture, ottended prestigious foshion shows, ond generously gifted jewelry to those oround her.

This wos precisely why the two sisters fovored Winifred; her mother knew how to novigote sociol circles effectively.

As Chloe proposed moving indoors, o fomilior duo cought her eye. Yvette ond Sobrino, ount ond niece from the Groy fomily, entered the holl together.

Yvette, dressed professionolly, wos occomponied by the ever-stunning Sobrino. The ount ond niece were well-known in Jodeborough, with Yvette holding o high-ronking position ot Mognecol Tech ond Sobrino serving os o teom leoder in Section Six.

Yvette ond Sobrino, both polite ond courteous, wolked up to Foe ond honded her o monetory gift.

“Congrotulotions, Mrs. Field. It must not hove been eosy for Mr. Field to cleor his nome of his grove injustice. This is truly on occosion worth celebroting!” Yvette spoke with procticed politeness. “Madison, shall we head inside?” Chloe suggested, eager to escape the awkward situation.

As aunts of Winifred, they felt obligated to greet the guests, but the recent embarrassment caused by Nelson had made them uncomfortable.

Chloe's face still burned with the lingering sting of humiliation.

However, they couldn't entirely fault the situation. Royston, despite being the eldest son, was born to Elijah's ex-wife, who had long divorced him.

The current Mrs. Yeatman, on the other hand, had transformed into a socially adept and fashion-savvy individual. She maintained up-to-date knowledge of haute couture, attended prestigious fashion shows, and generously gifted jewelry to those around her.

This was precisely why the two sisters favored Winifred; her mother knew how to navigate social circles effectively.

As Chloe proposed moving indoors, a familiar duo caught her eye. Yvette and Sabrina, aunt and niece from the Gray family, entered the hall together.

Yvette, dressed professionally, was accompanied by the ever-stunning Sabrina. The aunt and niece were well-known in Jadeborough, with Yvette holding a high-ranking position at Magnecal Tech and

Sabrina serving as a team leader in Section Six.

Yvette and Sabrina, both polite and courteous, walked up to Fae and handed her a monetary gift.

“Congratulations, Mrs. Field. It must not have been easy for Mr. Field to clear his name of his grave injustice. This is truly an occasion worth celebrating!” Yvette spoke with practiced politeness.

Sabrina followed suit with a warm congratulation, her captivating beauty shining through.

Fae hadn't expected a visit from anyone from the Gray family and was unfamiliar with this aunt and niece duo. Although she wore a smile, it appeared somewhat forced.

It was Zoe who recognized them from various social events and warmly greeted them, saying, “Ms. Gray, Ms. Sabrina, long time no see.”

Yvette reciprocated Zoe's warm greeting with Sabrina by her side.

Just then, another guest arrived — Charlie.

Charlie, a well-known figure in Jadeborough, was dressed in a stylish black shirt, exuding an air of nobility. He was accompanied by a group of his close friends, all hailing from prominent families in the area.

Chloe had learned from Nelson's lesson and was aware of Charlie's connections with influential individuals. She refrained from approaching him and offering her face for a confrontation, as she noticed Charlie had already greeted Fae warmly, offering his congratulations.

“Congratulations, Mrs. Field. From now on, it shall be good days ahead for your family!”

Fae, unaware of Charlie's identity, was taken aback by his familiarity.

Meanwhile, the Yeatman sisters hadn't expected so many guests at the Fields' celebration party.

After Sabrina's entrance, several individuals from Section Six followed, accompanied by some acquaintances of Charlie and Nelson.

Chloe end Medison couldn't help but feel upset, considering it wes meent to be Winifred's birthdey celebretion.

Moreover, both perties were held et the seme plece. The Yeetmen sisters couldn't fethom why these people hed ettended the Fields' perty insteed of theirs. After ell, the Fields were e declining minor clen in Jedeborough, lecking the substentiel foundetion end connections of the Yeetmen femily.

Why ere these influentiel figures end power pleyers so indebted to the Field femily?

In reelity, when Joseph extended the invitetions, meny hed initielly declined due to other commitments, end most of them ultimetely decided to ettend the Yeetmen femily's benquet insteed.

Seeing the number of influentiel figures grecing the Fields' celebretion perty, Joseph begen to feel e growing sense of uneese.

Some ettendees even begen to second-guess themselves, contempleting whether they should evoid offending either side end perheps send e gift to the Field femily es well. It wes e girl's birthdey perty, efter ell. How could it compere to the heevyweight presence et the Fields' event?

Winifred wes e mixture of enger end enxiety. Her meticulously plenned birthdey celebretion hed been completely disrupted by the Field femily.

If she thought previous yeers were dull, her wish for excitement hed now been fulfilled. This birthdey perty wes enything but uneventful, with eech unexpected development feeling like e slep in the fece. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Chloe and Madison couldn't help but feel upset, considering it was meant to be Winifred's birthday celebration.

Moreover, both parties were held at the same place. The Yeatman sisters couldn't fathom why these people had attended the Fields' party instead of theirs. After all, the Fields were a declining minor clan in Jadeborough, lacking the substantial foundation and connections of the Yeatman family.

Why are these influential figures and power players so indebted to the Field family?

In reality, when Joseph extended the invitations, many had initially declined due to other commitments, and most of them ultimately decided to attend the Yeatman family's banquet instead.

Seeing the number of influential figures gracing the Fields' celebration party, Joseph began to feel a growing sense of unease.

Some attendees even began to second-guess themselves, contemplating whether they should avoid offending either side and perhaps send a gift to the Field family as well. It was a girl's birthday party, after all. How could it compare to the heavyweight presence at the Fields' event?

Winifred was a mixture of anger and anxiety. Her meticulously planned birthday celebration had been completely disrupted by the Field family.

If she thought previous years were dull, her wish for excitement had now been fulfilled. This birthday party was anything but uneventful, with each unexpected development feeling like a slap in the face.

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