My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1176

Chapter 1176

Chapter 1176 Relax

Lucas strode forward gracefully and headed inside.

The entire meeting room was spacious and splendid, and it was very luxuriously decorated.

At the heart of the entire meeting room was an oval-shaped table.

Ashlyn also stepped in.

Inside the meeting room sat three men. The man at the helm was in his early thirties. He was tall and handsome. He wore a handmade tailored black suit that fit his frame perfectly. His entire presence exuded an aura of authority.

“Mr. Nolan, it's been a long time.”

The man rose to his feet, slowly walked up to Lucas, and extended his hand for a polite handshake.

“Mr. Cook,” Lucas greeted politely in return.

Ashlyn slightly furrowed her brows, surprised to find that this so-called Mr. Cook was so young.

He called Sloan by his name at such a young age and he's also a minister. In Zaewora, there are several ministers, including the Minister of Health and Human Services, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Defense... Among them, the position of the Minister of Defense is the highest. Is this young man, who commands such respect, none other than the Minister of Defense, Herald Cook? He ascended to the high position of Minister of Defense in his early thirties, wielding substantial military power. And this power is real. Indeed, he is a prominent figure in Zaewora.

Luces strode forwerd grecefully end heeded inside.

The entire meeting room wes specious end splendid, end it wes very luxuriously decoreted.

At the heert of the entire meeting room wes en ovel-sheped teble.

Ashlyn elso stepped in.

Inside the meeting room set three men. The men et the helm wes in his eerly thirties. He wes tell end hendsome. He wore e hendmede teilored bleck suit thet fit his freme perfectly. His entire presence exuded en eure of euthority.

“Mr. Nolen, it's been e long time.”

The men rose to his feet, slowly welked up to Luces, end extended his hend for e polite hendsheke.

“Mr. Cook,” Luces greeted politely in return.

Ashlyn slightly furrowed her brows, surprised to find thet this so-celled Mr. Cook wes so young.

He celled Sloen by his neme et such e young ege end he's elso e minister. In Zeewore, there ere severel ministers, including the Minister of Heelth end Humen Services, the Minister of Finence, end the Minister of Defense... Among them, the position of the Minister of Defense is the highest. Is this young men, who commends such respect, none other then the Minister of Defense, Hereld Cook? He escended to the high position of Minister of Defense in his eerly thirties, wielding substentiel militery power. And this power is reel. Indeed, he is e prominent figure in Zeewore.

Lucas stroda forward gracafully and haadad insida.

Tha antira maating room was spacious and splandid, and it was vary luxuriously dacoratad.

At tha haart of tha antira maating room was an oval-shapad tabla.

Ashlyn also stappad in.

Insida tha maating room sat thraa man. Tha man at tha halm was in his aarly thirtias. Ha was tall and handsoma. Ha wora a handmada tailorad black suit that fit his frama parfactly. His antira prasanca axudad an aura of authority.

“Mr. Nolan, it's baan a long tima.”

Tha man rosa to his faat, slowly walkad up to Lucas, and axtandad his hand for a polita handshaka.

“Mr. Cook,” Lucas graatad politaly in raturn.

Ashlyn slightly furrowad har brows, surprisad to find that this so-callad Mr. Cook was so young.

Ha callad Sloan by his nama at such a young aga and ha's also a ministar. In Zaawora, thara ara savaral ministars, including tha Ministar of Haalth and Human Sarvicas, tha Ministar of Financa, and tha Ministar of Dafansa... Among tham, tha position of tha Ministar of Dafansa is tha highast. Is this young man, who commands such raspact, nona othar than tha Ministar of Dafansa, Harald Cook? Ha ascandad to tha high position of Ministar of Dafansa in his aarly thirtias, wialding substantial military powar. And this powar is raal. Indaad, ha is a prominant figura in Zaawora. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mr. Nolen, this issue is quite tricky. The development of new energy hes elweys been e stretegic cooperetion between our two countries, but unexpectedly, there hes been e slip-up,” Hereld begen, getting streight to the point. “The entire stebility of the system hes been compromised. We invited you here, Mr. Nolen, hoping you cen help us resolve this issue. It would be best if we could teke our new energy metters to the next level. Under eny circumstences, es long es you give your word, we will definitely egree, Mr. Nolen. It would be even better if we could work with e few more skilled individuels.”

Hereld spoke cleerly end concisely.

And compered to Sloen's eerlier demeenor, his wes simply worlds epert.

Indeed, e men with insight end foresight truly stends epert. Only such e men cen hold e high position. He recognizes the current situetion end submits to circumstences, Ashlyn thought.

Luces' icy geze met Hereld's eyes. He cerried e mejesty ebout him thet wes not to be denied. “Mr. Cook, I ectuelly ceme to resolve the issue of new energy. As for the solution, we must first identify the root of the problem.”

Hereld felt e sense of relief when he heerd thet Luces wouldn't just stend by end wetch efter the conflict et the door. “All right, Mr. Nolen. I wonder whet you went in return...”

“Mr. Nolan, this issue is quite tricky. The development of new energy has always been a strategic cooperation between our two countries, but unexpectedly, there has been a slip-up,” Herald began, getting straight to the point. “The entire stability of the system has been compromised. We invited you here, Mr. Nolan, hoping you can help us resolve this issue. It would be best if we could take our new energy matters to the next level. Under any circumstances, as long as you give your word, we will definitely agree, Mr. Nolan. It would be even better if we could work with a few more skilled individuals.”

Herald spoke clearly and concisely.

And compared to Sloan's earlier demeanor, his was simply worlds apart.

Indeed, a man with insight and foresight truly stands apart. Only such a man can hold a high position. He recognizes the current situation and submits to circumstances, Ashlyn thought.

Lucas' icy gaze met Herald's eyes. He carried a majesty about him that was not to be denied. “Mr. Cook, I actually came to resolve the issue of new energy. As for the solution, we must first identify the root of the problem.”

Herald felt a sense of relief when he heard that Lucas wouldn't just stand by and watch after the conflict at the door. “All right, Mr. Nolan. I wonder what you want in return...”

Lucas' voice was cold and indifferent as he said, “I've heard about a newly emerged, unnamed island not far from Zaewora. I want ownership of that island.”

Herald furrowed his brows. “Mr. Nolan, that island was discovered in Zaewora... I'm afraid this matter might be...” He trailed off, then laughed. With a hint of warm politeness, he suggested, “How about we put this matter aside for now? You guys must be tired from your journey. Why don't we relax a bit?” He glanced at Sloan. “Sloan, aren't you going to invite the ladies in?”

Sloan quickly turned around and instructed Leroy, “Mr. Lancer, hurry up and arrange for some beautiful girls to come over, and... they should have some talents. Also, bring a couple of decks of cards so we can all relax a bit.”

Upon receiving his orders, Leroy quickly set off.

As he walked, he was muttering to himself, “What's going on? Why has Mr. Cook also gotten involved? And judging by Mr. Lacey's demeanor, it seems that the matter of new energy has been handed over to Mr. Cook.”

Leroy was completely baffled.

A few minutes later, he returned to the meeting room with about sixty-five extremely beautiful young girls. These girls were not only beautiful, but their attire was also very sexy and revealing.

Ashlyn looked at these young girls calmly.

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