My Emotionless Goddess


The boys were very happy to hear that their new mother trusted them to keep her safe. It was what they could do after she took them in. Their new father could just relax and rest assured that they will keep mommy safe.

A certain someone was sulking at the corner. Gabriel felt bitter in his heart hearing the conversation. Why were they talking as if he wasn’t present at all? Why did they sound like he was good for nothing and couldn’t protect his wife? Yes, he was no pro in martial arts, actually, he knew nothing about that but he could make a variety of tools that could be used by Stacy for protection. Besides, did his woman need to be protected by those three little brats? She was very capable of keeping herself safe and he was proud of that.

Despite his complaints and grievances, he dared not make them known. He was afraid

his woman would find him petty and the last thing he wanted was to have a bad impression in his queen’s heart.

” Okay mother. If you put it that way, we are relieved. We promise to keep you and our young brother safe.” Kyle commented.

” Yeah, we will always keep you safe from bad guys.” Leo added. They were trained in martial arts from a young age. Their late sister always told them that in society, the weak were bullied and the strong were the ones who survived. She was the one who personally trained them because she was an expert. She ran a small martial school. That’s where she would coach others and get money to raise her siblings.

Their sister had taken them in after they ran away from an orphanage when they were just six years old. The matron of that orphanage had wanted to separate them, something they never appreciated. So, the night before Leo and Leon could be taken home by their adoptive parents, the three sneaked away and escaped successfully.

They roamed the streets for three days until they met their sister who took a liking to them and took them home. She enrolled them to school and took care of them until early this year she died of sickness and they were back to the streets again.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

” That’s good then, say hi to your daddy Gabriel.” Stacy urged them but…

” Mother, are you and uncle Gabriel married?” Leo asked. Without knowing why the boy asked, Stacy simply shook his head. After all, they were not married.

” Then we can’t call him Daddy until he marries you.” The boy, Leo Said and the two others nodded in agreement.

Stacy couldn’t help but smile at their words. They were too informed and preferred to employ logic in each matter but they were right. ” That’s right, then… You call him uncle Gabriel for now.” Stacy obliged. Stacy to spend the day with Gabriel. They visited old Mr Whiteman because Stacy wanted a favour from him. The Man accepted to help her handle the matters about adopting the three boys legally and their passports.

The following day, Stacy left the country. She left the boys at Gabriel’s house and assured them that immediately she could take them to another country, she would come for them. The boys promised to behave and be good to their uncle. Gabriel wanted to accompany Stacy back and even at the airport while sending her away, he was sulking.

” I promise, I will come back after everything has been settled.” She tried to pacify him.

” But you said I could come to visit your parents?” Gabriel questioned.

” Yeah yeah if I delay, you can bring the boys after the documents have been processed. Until that happens, stay here and wait for me… Of course, if you want us to get married, you should think of relocating. I can visit regularly but can’t definitely stay in this country.” Stacy said.

” That’s no problem. I’ll go wherever you go.” Gabriel answered quickly fearing that she might take back her words.

” Okay then, I need to leave. The plane is about to take off ” Stacy informed and moved to hug and kiss Gabriel. She then bid goodbye to the three boys and uncle AJ before walking to the checkpoint and disappearing in the airport.

Gabriel watched until she was not anywhere in the visibility. Even after she couldn’t be seen, he was still watching the direction she took. The moment she walked away, he felt like a part of him had been taken away, making him feel incomplete.

” Young Master, if you want to see young madam again, Why don’t you ask your grandfather to use his connections and get the matter done as soon as possible.” Uncle AJ advised his Young master who seemed like his soul had left together with the Madam.

” You know him, he will not agree to the matter.” Gabriel said, sighing helplessly. Was she punishing him? He wanted to see her as soon as possible, why did he have to wait until the boys could be allowed to leave the country? That was torturous. He turned to glare at the brats who were the cause of his misery right now.

Seeing their uncle glaring at them, the three teenagers could only hide behind uncle AJ wondering what was wrong with their uncle gab.

Seeing the situation, uncle AJ scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.. Why was the young Master being petty with the boys? ” Young Master, you should stop that. You are scaring the poor boys.” He tried reasoning with this adult baby.

” I am? They don’t look scared to me?” Gabriel stubbornly replied, surprising uncle AJ. He was very lazy to talk in the past? Where did he get all this eloquence from? Or was anger the trigger to it?

” They are scared. That’s Why they are hiding behind me.” Uncle AJ explained and seeing that the young master didn’t want to heed to his advice, he decided to use the only name that could tame him. ” I don’t think the young madam will be pleased to hear that you were bullying their children. You might have to wait for a year then without seeing her.” Uncle AJ said with a serious look.

Seeing the seriousness and the intensity of his uncle’s words, Gabriel withdrew his piercing look and even smiled at the boys. The transformation was so big that uncle AJ doubted that maybe his young master developed split personality disorder.

Looking at how their uncle changed after hearing their mommy’s name, the boys were wise enough to know that their mommy’s name was what it took to restrain their uncle. With that discovery, they smiled inwardly. Gabriel tasked uncle AJ with the obligation of persuading his grandfather to persuade the old man to fasten the issuing of the related documents to the boys. He took the boys with him because he did not trust Gabriel to take care of them.

When uncle AJ arrived at the Whiteman residence, the family was gathered for breakfast. Old Mr Whiteman, Andrew and Rose were all seated at the table enjoying their breakfast as a family. The family of three took an instant liking to the three boys, who wouldn’t be? They were pretty and charming even at their age. ” So this are the boys my granddaughter talked about? I must admit they are very lovable, not like some ice blocks i have for grandsons.” The old man said directing his gaze to his son who ignored his fathers mean remarks. He was used to it anyways. If the old man was not complaining about the presence of only one grandchild in the family, he would be complaining about how rigid the grandchild was which was true. Andrew could never have words to refute his fathers complains, he dared not.

His wife on the other and would silently watch him get roasted by his father as if the talk had nothing to do with her. “Grandpa, are you uncle Gabriel’s grandfather?” Leo found himself asking. Uncle AJ had informed that they were visiting Gabriel’s grandfather so he figured out that this should be the man. ”Yeah, i am. what is your name young man?” he asked.

” I am Leo’s grandfather.” Leo answered.

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