My Emotionless Goddess


” What are you doing here?” Ava asked, her voice hostile.

” Relax girl, I am here to inform her that it’s about time she walked down the aisle. We might not like each other but we share a common important person, Justin. He’s going to be your husband, he was my boss and my friend so how about we bury our differences for today. I don’t see why you would still dislike me, you have Justin now and he’s a great guy.” August Said in one breath.

” She’s right. I don’t hate her, I don’t have a reason to. Carlos Made the choice. It has nothing to do with her.” Miranda finally said. She never hated August for getting chosen by Carlos over her. Come to think of it, if it wasn’t Carlos’ rejection, that night, they wouldn’t have gone to the club and meeting Justin would not have been possible. It was in a way, a blessing in disguise.

” We should listen to Miranda, if she says it’s alright then let’s let it slide. But that doesn’t mean I like you.” Stacy reasoned.

” Okay, just for today. After today, I would prefer not to see your face. ” Lucia added.

Seeing that all her friends had been bewitched by the evil snake, Ava could only grit her teeth in hatred and finally give in. She would do this only for Miranda’s sake, otherwise she wouldn’t want to exist in the same space with this woman. Ofcourse Ava understood that it wasn’t the Ladies fault that Carlos chose her over Miranda but that did not ease the dislike in her heart.

Her presence in Carlos’ life was the reason Miranda was rejected and humiliated. She could still remember how downcasted Miranda was that night before they decided to go out and drink.

” You didn’t forget how harsh Carlos was to you because of her right?” Ava reminded Miranda of the bitter reality.

” How can I forget? But I also know that matters of the heart cannot be forced. Even if she was out of the picture, Carlos would have turned down regardless. So why should we blame her for what she can’t control?” Miranda patiently explained. It was until recently she understood the magical word of love. When you Love someone, you do everything to win their attention. You try harder to make them see the goodness in you. Love makes one wanna give his all for their special one. It was a sweet feeling, not something superficial. After meeting Justin, Miranda started to question what it is she felt for Carlos.

After getting together with Justin, she started experiencing foreign feelings, feelings she was sure she never felt for Carlos. That was when she realised that she never Loved Carlos. Maybe she admired him but that was all, no love existed even from her side.

” Okay fine. For your sake, I’ll shut my mouth.” Ava finally gave in.

“‘Thanks, I promise to make myself scarce From your life after today.” August Said gratefully. Despite knowing that they only relented because of their best friend, she was happy nevertheless they chose to be rational.

” We should be leaving, but before that,” removing a white blindfold from her porch, She used it to cover Miranda’s eyes.

” Is this necessary?” Ava grunted.

” Ofcourse, otherwise the surprise would be ruined.” August replied, leading the girls to the Bentley parked outside. It was decorated with flowers and balloons pink in colour matching the bridesmaids dresses.

The drive to the venue took exactly five minutes before August announced their arrival.

The girls were the first to step down and what they saw made their eyes widen, pleasantly surprised. They couldn’t control the gasps that escaped their mouths.

With the help of August, Miranda stepped out and the blindfold removed. She blinked her eyes repeatedly trying to adjust to the sudden invasion of light. After seconds, her sight was recovered. Looking ahead of her, she saw the most beautiful sight she had ever laid her eyes on.

A venue was magnificently erected at the beach with the blue ocean water reflecting countless colours to the White clothes tied beautifully on the poles. The White sand glittered under the dim light making the whole area flow beautifully.

An altar was erected a few centimetres above the ground. On both sides, six foot flower vessels could be seen. Flowers of different colours were then carefully arranged creating a beautiful contrast with the White covering the venue.

Two rows of seats were arranged, each covered with a white cloth and a Pink ribbon tied behind it. She could see that everybody was already seated and watching her with turned heads

Miranda’s eyes wandered to the Man standing before the altar in his black tuxedo suit which hugged his perfect and lean body. A white tie was carefully tied on his neck completing his looks. He was smiling at her, and she smiled back. Her heart skipped a beat seeing him all ready, waiting for her at the altar to make the marriage vows.

Miranda couldn’t believe she was the one about to take the steps down the aisle to the Man of her choice. She couldn’t believe that in a few minutes, she would become Mrs Miranda Sophia Justin. It was like a dream come true for her. She looked at the Man of her dreams with pure affection in her eyes. He was the man who taught her how to love and how it feels to be loved. He was the Man she chose amidst thousands of other male species, to love and cherish for as long as she lived. He was the Man who taught her how to be happy, how to Love. He was her Man.

” Go girl. Go to your Man.” August Said softly and only then did Miranda regain her senses. The three girls led the way looking all cute in pink dresses except for their bulging bellies which were making it hard for them to Walk properly. Then the music started, soft and soothing, bringing out wedding moods.

Heart beats fast colours and promises

How to be brave

How do I love when I am afraid to fall?

One step. Two steps. As Cristina Peri’s song, a thousand years played, Miranda took slow and calculated steps towards the man who was waiting for her by the altar.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

Looking at him she felt emotional. Today she will cease to be a Reign but nobody was besides her to Walk her down the aisle. Her father was no more. She was the only remaining descendant of the reign family and had no one by her side. But she was also thankful that her best friends were here with her on her special day. They were people she could always count on. Looking up at the sky, she said softly,” Dad, mom.. I am finally getting married. I wish you could be here but I Know you are watching me from the heavens. I promise to live happily, please give me your blessings.” She inwardly said and a lone tear slipped away from her eyes.

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