My Corpse Husband

Chapter 49

His Lucky Lady.

Yes, that was what Ella was to Xander. His Lady Luck who brought him back from the death!

Who compelled even the Devil to be obliged to acknowledge her!

His lady luck and his only lady love!

A smile escaped on the saddened Xander’s face when he looked at his life, who was his wife. He moved to her to the bed and knelt down on the ground, taking her fragile soft hand into his, rubbing it with both his hands.

“Xander didn’t know – I mean, I did not know why I was given a second chance to live. I did not know who that special person was who the wonders to bring me backed to my life. Although I was very grateful to that person I was also curious as to know who it was.” Xander stated to his wife, how he curious he was of the person who gave him a new life.

“My body which was buried six feet under was brought back to the ground all fresh and clean on one night and with the help of the God of death, I was able to claim my body again. But you know what Ella, from that very night, my body felt different to me. Though I was bearing the same body all my life, it felt unusual and detached. I did not understand why and I was even more determined to know what happened to me when my soul left the body.” He said pecking Ella’s hand every once in a wife and continued to rub the other hand.

Xander was not the usual person from that night. He felt a very distinct aura oozing out of him which made him astonished too. He clearly remembered his past. He clearly knew what had happened before he died and what led him to the depths of death but what he did not understand was why he was suddenly feeling incomplete.

“I felt incomplete and it was as if I was craving something so desperately. It was feeling that was making me apprehensive and paranoid because I never felt it before. I wanted to know why I was feeling that way but the Lord of underworld believed that it was not his duty to tell me the complete story. I went fanatical many times, that was when I met Dale.” He still remembered that night when the rejuvenated Xander was wandering through the town and an old man who looked poor but was kind enough to share his water with him.

“I was feeling thirsty with all the walking not to mention the abilities that I wielded made me weak easily. I met him on my way and when he saw me tired, he shared his water with me and I cannot still forget kindness. Though what he gave me was just water; not gold but just water, it was just what I need at that point of time. He said he was a going by town to town in hopes of looking for a work and shared how hard it was to get a work at his age. We talked for few more moments and you know what happened next? He told me about a cruel town where the members of town cruelly burned a maiden’s family alive and married her to a dead body just a night a ago due to their incongruous beliefs.” He somehow knew that somehow it was related to him.

“I was stunned to know that people stooped as low as to kill so cruelly for their cause but what took my attention was that that maiden was wedded to a dead body. When Dale said, it was in the nearby graveyard that they pulled out a corpse of a young man – buried just hours ago, to fulfill the ritual. That very moment I knew who was that person who brought me back to life and why was I given a second chance to live. I wanted to meet that maiden whose life was spoiled due to the town and somehow I felt partly responsible for her misery. After all, I was not the nicest guy out there.” He chuckled but a drop of tear left his eyes.

If the betrayal he has experienced is worse, then, all the horrible things that a maiden has gone through due to illogical people, was worst.

“I felt like I was struck by thunders and lightening and nothing made sense to me. I pleaded Dale to show me the girl who has faced terrible fate and Dale without any question took me to a hill where a lonely girl was building a small cabin on her own. We were hiding behind bushes and I was faced with the back of the girl who was struggling to put a roof on her head. But you what surprised me, Ella – I could feel her distress in my heart. I did not even see her face but the waves of her feeling were hitting me. I observed her struggling for few moments until she turned around and took my breath away.” The moment he laid his eyes on the girl was the most beautiful moment in his whole life.

“She was beautiful, eternal. Even her tear stricken distressed face oozed kindness, purity and love. She was an example of how a goddess would look and I fell head over for her the moment I took a glance at her innocent eyes. That beautiful little creature was my wife and he couldn’t believe my luck. Her red hair, her fair looking skin, her kind innocent eyes, her petite form, her little actions, her strength to go on with life even after facing such ordeal, everything – everything answered the craving my craving. It was that very lady I was feeling unusual craving for and I felt complete the moment I laid my eyes on her.”

“Her name was Ella.” Xander exclaimed tasting her sweet name in his mouth. He always loved how her name gave a sweet savor in his mouth.

“I love you so much, Ella. Not because you are gorgeous but because your heart is beautiful. You did not know how I struggled to keep you far from myself for four years. I was handling these new found abilities that I got from my death and it took me a very long time and an enormous patience to control them. Also before I could get you, I need to avenge my father’s death and mine. I need to save my family and the tribe from the greed chief and the Lord. If I took you then, I would be putting you in danger and that was the last thing I wanted.” He cupped her face and traced his fingers on her cheeks to clear the tears that were escaping her closed eyes.

“I had to be satisfied with seeing you from afar. There were many times I wanted to take you in my arms and whisper sweet things to you. It broke me when you tried to kill yourself several times and I had to save you without letting you see me. I felt like a disappointment for not being able to sooth you pain. Many a times I almost went to you to take you in my arms. But during all this time, I liked it when you used to share your day event to my tomb. You used to share the little food with the tomb and I felt your affection for your faceless husband. You respected him and stayed loyal to him which made me fall for you more. I killed both the chief and the Lord with the help of Dale and Lyndon and became the next Lord Knight when Lyndon said that I would rule fairly. I saved my family but still I was not happy because another person of my family was crying every day and was being humiliated, tormented, assaulted by everyone and I was silent. Every tear that escaped your eyes was like an arrow piercing my heart, Ella. Trust me when I say that your pain killed me more brutally than the actual death.” Xander took the frail body of Ella and embraced her tightly like she would disappear any moment.

“Please do not leave me, darling. I would die if you leave me. You are my everything. What would I do when you leave me? I have no reason to live on this land if you are not with me. Please come back to me, Ella. I love you, my sweet. Come back.” Tears continued to flow from the strong and powerful Xander’s eyes when he begged his wife to stay alive.

He wished he could get his Ella earlier than he did.NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

He wished he killed Knox Garrick the moment he laid his eyes on him.

He wished he burned the town like they did to her family.

He wished he confessed how much he loves her when she was well and fine.

He just wished he could see her mesmerizing eyes again if it means he had to sell his soul to the devil.


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