My Corpse Husband

Chapter 27

What was happening?

Ella could not understand what the Lord was trying to do. But what shocked her the most was she was there as a sacrifice to give up her virtue and Lord Knight was the person who took it from her without any hassle.

She gave in to him so easily and so naturally that it did not make her ashamed. Why? Why wasn’t she ashamed of herself? Why couldn’t she hate herself for stooping so low as to giving away herself without a do?

Ella looked over to Lord Knight with teary eyes unable to understand his plot behind wedding her. He got what he wanted then why, why does he want to have her as his wife?

She was confused with herself. Neither she could like the person who loved her the previous night nor could she hate him for taking her to his bed. Something… something about the Lord felt familiar to her. Something about the Lord felt deep and touching; felt linking to her.

“Come on darling, we have a wedding to do.” Lord Knight pulled Ella into his arms and took her to his throne where Father Alys was standing with the hands joined politely to his front.

“I – I don’t want to – ” Ella was not given a chance to complete her words and Lord Knight said something shocking to her which terrorized to her core.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Are you certain you do not wish for this, darling?” The lord enclosed her in his arms and whispered her ear with a naughty edge in his tone.

He was playing with her and she knew it. He found it amusing to play with her like all the other people did.

“I was already married.” Ella answered shortly and tried to pull out from his hold but his hold only tightened.

Ella could not be disloyal to her husband and moreover she did not trust the Lord. She somehow knew he wouldn’t hurt her. Not her. But still something inside was telling her to run away from him as far as she can. A voice inside her was warning her that the Lord has many more hidden shades inside him which she couldn’t abide with.

“Ah, the marriage. How can I forget that? You looked so beautiful, just like a goddess.” Lord Knight nuzzled her cheek with his nose and sniffing her face. “So beautiful and so sweet.”

Ella’s body stiffened and pulled her face away from him to look into his eyes. What was he talking about? He saw her on that night years ago? He was there that night?

She could only remember the villagers being present that night and no royal member or an noble was there to witness the slaughter of a young girl. Then how come he was there?

Why was she disappointed in him when he said he was there that night?

“I have your lovely friend in the dungeons ready to be pierced and tortured with my beloved pair of spears.” He leaned in and whispered in her hair, warning quite visible in his tone. “You still don’t want to marry me, Ella?” Tears rolled down from her eyes and terror spiked through her body.

Oh dear Lord, he has her friend in his surrender. How can he be so cruel? She thought he was a gentleman who was kind and affectionate but he turned out to be a beast. Lord Knight smirked towards her pulling her in front of the father.

The villagers were not able to talk back and question the Lord decision. They did not like the events that were taking place but not a person in the crowd has a gall to stop the Lord so they just witnessed the wedding with worried faces. They did not like a maiden like Ella who was nothing more than rubbish is going to be their Lady of Honor.

The priests after reciting several verses, he sprinkles holy water on both the groom and the bride before bringing the rings to them.

“Lord Xander Knight and Miss Ella Rosemane, have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?” Father Alys asked both of them. Lord Knight immediately answered with an ‘I have’ but they did not hear the acceptance of Ella.

Lord Knight could only raise an eyebrow in amusement where Ella stood with a blank face deep in thoughts. He nudged her shoulder with his, “You have to give your acceptance, love.” Ella was in a trance for a moment and whispered an ‘I have’ silently.

With that, Father Alys continued with the vows and Ella was warned about her friend time again whenever she had to say ‘I do’. It was not easy for Ella to contain the pain she was going through right at that moment.

Why was it always easy for the other people to coerce her into something she was not willing to? Was she such an easy prey?

The couple exchanged the rings before the whole town and was declared as wife and husband by the father.

“You may now kiss the bride.” The Lord was just waiting for the Father to say these words and when he finally did, the Lord pulled Ella in to his arms and sealed their matrimony with a heated passionate kiss.

It was a kiss of control and possessorship. It was a kiss to show the whole world that the lady in his arms is his and only kiss. It was a kiss to ward off men from his new wife. It was a kiss to show the people what their place was, drawing their limitations. The kiss was now just a seal of a matrimonial affair but it was a to people who was above whom.

“At last, you are completely mine now. Mine to love, mine to kiss, mine to cherish.” Lord Knight kissed her on lips incessantly without a stop. He was having a hard time putting his hands off her. His Ella was in his arms after long years of wait and he wouldn’t let anyone to take her away from him. He would show her the paradise of love and comfort. He would kill every distinct timidity she had and replace it with love for him.

He would make her his queen.

“C-Congratulations on your wedding my Lord” Knox Garrick greeted the Lord with a hesitant nod, looking down to the ground. He was seething from inside. A beggar girl has risen to the Lady of Honor position which should be his daughter’s place. That place was supposed to make him the ruler of the region and Ella has completely spoiled his plot.

“I wish you good luck, Ella.”Knox continued with an acid tone towards Ella. Ella palpitated at the look Knox gave her and in reflex she caught the Lord’s hand in a tight grip which the latter assured her by pressing his hand to hers.

“Ella? Did you just address your Lady of honor with no respect?” The Lord’s commanding bellow startled the crowd, particularly Knox. Knox gulped in fear and shook his head in negative, bowing down to Ella in apology.

“I heartily apologize, My Lady. Please forgive me.” Knox was burning with rage to be bowing down to Ella. But in the sequence, the only person who was enjoying it was the Lord. Making the people bow to his woman who had hurt her was fun.

Ah, look at the people bowing down to his Ella! Such a magnificent sight it was.

Rubbing the fact of Ella being their chief Lady on their faces would be a great way of avenging for the tears of his Ella. These vermin pained his wife for years and he would punish them, each and every one of them slowly. He would not give them a quick penalty, where is the fun in that. He would take his time and leisurely hurt them. Just when they would cope up with one wound, he would give another.

Everyone in Shadowvalor would experience hell on earth.

“Excellent. Lucy, take your Lady to my room and prepare her for the wedding night. Tell Miss Garrick to adorn the room as per Lady Ella’s wish.” The Lord’s smirk turned wider when he heard villagers gasp and Knox look up towards him utter shock.


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