My contract love story

Chapter 59

“Now that I see you, it makes sense why he’s like that,” Alexander remarked, studying her with a reserved gaze.

“What makes sense? Did you meet Adrian?” Ashleigh asked, stepping closer at the mention of Adrian.

Alexander observed the eagerness in her eyes and internally rolled his eyes. The couple seemed to share many similarities.

“I thought you said I was wrong earlier?” he mused, but Ashleigh ignored his teasing.

“Did he tell you about our relationship?” she pressed, her eyes gleaming with hope.

“He mentioned there was a relationship but didn’t specify the nature of it. I figured it out on my own,” he said, recalling his conversation with Adrian the previous night.

“Oh…” Ashleigh murmured, averting her gaze as she tried to hide her disappointment.

“By the way, I appreciate your help with my fiancee. Your timely intervention ensured her safety,” he said, and Ashleigh offered a weak smile in response.

“It’s nothing. Your girlfriend, however, doesn’t share the same sentiment,” she said, recalling their earlier conversation. For the first time, Alexander smiled.

“I apologize on her behalf. Megan can be quite rude at times,” he said, and Ashleigh nodded graciously.

“To show my gratitude, I’d like to extend a hand of friendship to you,” he offered, removing his hand from his pocket and extending it toward her.

Ashleigh looked at his outstretched hand and then at him with skepticism. She was unsure whether he was sent by Adrian or not, and if he had ulterior motives.

“Why would you befriend me? Aren’t you Adrian’s friend?” Ashleigh asked, eyeing him warily

“Well, it’s more about what you stand to gain. As Adrian’s friend, I think I can offer you some valuable advice on handling your relationship,” he explained. Ashleigh thought for a moment before accepting his offer and shaking his hand.

“I’m sorry, but I have to decline. I’m unsure of your true intentions, and I don’t see any issues with my relationship with my husband. I hope you won’t take offense,” she said. He smiled casually and raised his hands in a gesture of refusal.

“No offense taken. However, I’d still like to extend an offer,” he continued, signaling his bodyguard, who promptly handed him a business card. Alexander extended it to her.

“Here’s my business card. My office address and contact numbers are on it. The main desk will connect you to my office phone,” he explained. Ashleigh examined the card for a moment before accepting it.

Meanwhile , a car pulled up, and they both looked to see Arthur driving toward them.

“It seems your friend is here. Until next time then. Don’t forget to call,” Alexander said, turning to leave with his bodyguards.

Arthur stopped and got out of the car, attempting to rush past Ashleigh, but she held him back.

“Where are you going, Arthur? I’m right here,” she said. Arthur sighed in frustration, glancing over her shoulder at the now-empty hallway.

“Why did you stop me? I wanted to meet him,” he said, giving her a cross look. Ashleigh chuckled at his frustration and guided him back to his car.

“You can see him next time,” she consoled, buckling her seatbelt as he looked at her pointedly.

“Alexander Myron is not someone you meet casually. He’s a significant politician and industrialist. For him to come here, it must be something very important,” Arthur said as he started the car, reversing out of the parking lot.

“Well, his fiancee was nearly assaulted, so he came,” Ashleigh said absently, staring out at the road. Arthur gasped in surprise.

“THE Alexander Myron is your snotty roommate’s fiance!? That lucky bitch,” he exclaimed, shaking his head.

“What did you even talk to him about, looking like a hot mess?” he asked and she recalled the conversation was about Adrian.

“Nothing much. He just needed to know some details about what happened to Megan and what was done,” Ashleigh said, trying to sound casual as her heart still raced from her encounter with Alexander.

Arthur, finding no issue with her response, continued driving and discussing various topics. Ashleigh, however, was lost in thought. She remembered Arthur’s comment about the importance of Alexander’s visit and felt a bitter pang. Adrian’s lack of concern, especially when he hadn’t even bothered to call, stung. Whether or not Adrian knew about her situation, the fact that he didn’t care was troubling. She was involved in a life-threatening situation, so why was he so indifferent?

“Ashleigh!” Arthur’s voice cut through her thoughts. She looked up to see him regarding her with concern.

“What?” she asked.

“We’re at your hostel. I’ve been calling you for the past minute, but you seemed deep in thought. Are you okay?” he asked, worry evident in his eyes. She noticed his hand resting on her lap.

“I’m fine. I was just lost in thought,” she responded, unbuckling her seatbelt, grabbing her handbag, and opening the door to get out.

“Take care of yourself, Ashleigh. You seem frazzled. Make sure to rest and eat well; midterms are next week,” he said. Ashleigh nodded silently as she entered the hostel.


At the same time thousands of miles away in Italy, Adrian strolled through the vineyard, flanked by his assistant and Caelia, while two estate guides provided a thorough overview of the property. But their words barely registered-Adrian’s mind and Caelia had to nudge him several times before he snapped back to the conversation, and Mr. Turner quietly filled him in on what he’d missed. He was consumed by Alexander’s parting words from the night before about not suppressing his feelings and hearing Ashleigh’s voice. Unnerved by the nights events, Adrian abruptly decided to cut the event short and leave personally, instructing Mr. Turner to take Caelia home.

Unbeknownst to Adrian, Caelia had already spoken with his mother that morning about the previous night’s abrupt end. By the time morning arrived, his mother had arranged for him to accompany Caelia throughout the week, offering his advice as she prepared for her winery’s launch. Caelia smiled warmly at Adrian, accepting his apologies for his distracted demeanor, but beneath her calm exterior, she felt deeply hurt. She had meticulously prepared for today-early appointments for hair and makeup to achieve an effortless look-only for Adrian to barely notice or pay attention to the agenda if the day.

As the tour wrapped up, Adrian briefly discussed final arrangements with the staff. They were then guided to a secluded gazebo overlooking the vineyard, where a lavish spread awaited them, complete with local wine samples. Mr. Turner stood nearby as Adrian and Caelia took their seats. The atmosphere was serene, interrupted only by the quiet clinking of cutlery. After a moment’s hesitation, Caelia broke the silence.

“Thank you for spending the day with me,” she said softly as the wine was poured. “I’m a bit overwhelmed with the business planning, and my dad insists I manage it on my own. I hope Aunt Eleanor didn’t trouble you too much.”

“It’s no trouble,” Adrian replied, trying to sound reassuring. “I’ll handle any issues that arise. Your launch will be a success.” His words brought a small, appreciative smile to Caelia’s face.

As they began their meal, Caelia tried to make small talk, but Adrian’s responses were brief and distracted. Mr. Turner, holding Adrian’s phone, noticed a call from Alexander. He hesitated but, when the call persisted, handed the phone to Adrian.

“Who’s calling?” Adrian asked, raising his glass of wine.

“Mr. Alexander, sir,” Mr. Turner said, offering the phone. Adrian took it, pressing it to his ear.

“Adrian! Didn’t expect you to pick up,” Alexander’s voice rang out, light with a touch of mockery.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“What do you want, Alexander? I’m busy,” Adrian replied, his gaze flicking to Caelia, who watched him from across the table.

“Oh, I thought you’d be interested in hearing about my fiancee,” Alexander continued, his tone dripping with false innocence. “Considering it was right next to you I received the call.”

Adrian’s grip on the wine glass tightened. “How is she?” he asked, keeping his voice as steady as he could manage.

“She’s fine, though not too pleased to see me,” Alexander replied, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. “I also met her roommate, Ashleigh Hartman.”

Adrian’s composure slipped for a fraction of a second. “Is that so?”

“Yes, lovely girl. I even invited her to visit,” Alexander said, his words thick with insincerity. Adrian froze, the glass midway to his lips, his expression hardening.

“Why would you do that?” he asked, his voice low and controlled, though the irritation was unmistakable.

“Why not? She’s a bright girl. Wanted to thank her for helping my fiancee,” Alexander replied, feigning innocence. Adrian’s fist clenched under the table, fighting to keep his frustration in check.

“She seemed quite rattled, actually. It’s good her friend is there to support her. He seems like a decent guy,” Alexander added casually. Adrian rubbed his temples, trying to contain his growing anger, especially with Caelia sitting right across from him.

Caelia couldn’t ignore Adrian’s tense demeanor any longer. “Is something wrong?” she asked gently.

Her voice carried over the line, and Alexander’s satisfaction was evident as he caught the tension in Adrian’s reply. “I see you’re not alone. I’ll let you get back to your date. Enjoy,” Alexander said, his tone laced with smugness before he ended the call.

Adrian set the phone down with a barely contained sigh, struggling to regain his composure. Alexander’s remarks had hit the mark, and Caelia looked at him from the corner of his eye, wondering who was the girl they spoke about that changed his mood.

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