My contract love story

Chapter 53

“Alana’s family closely mirrors mine, but with a far broader network. Her grandfather served as the vice chancellor of the college in his early days and later became a major benefactor to the institution. Several buildings on campus bear his name, including the cafeteria where we currently sat. Her influence in Robin extends widely; she could easily make or break your career if she chose to.” Damien leaned in as he spoke, and his two friends nodded in agreement.

“Moreover, she’s in a high social position and has been mingling with the student body. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve heard of you since you arrived… Ashleigh, what did you say your last name was again?” Arthur interjected, his tone slightly condescending. Ashleigh felt her ears grow warm with embarrassment.

“Hartman. Not that it matters. I don’t think she’d go that far over a failed question,” Ashleigh replied, trying to sound dismissive, but her words were met with unblinking stares.

“If you say so. I’m just giving you a heads-up,” Damien said with a resigned shrug, and they all returned to their meal.

Once lunch ended, Damien and Ashleigh exchanged contact details before heading to their next lecture. As Ashleigh was about to board the bus, Damien stopped her.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, his tone puzzled. Ashleigh gestured toward the bus station, where a bus waited for students.

“The bus. We need to get back, right?” she responded, perplexed by his question.

Damien looked at her for a moment before shaking his head. He then produced a sleek key from his pocket and turned to walk away.

“Just follow me,” he instructed. Ashleigh followed him to the parking lot on the other side of the building, where cars were parked. Damien clicked a button on the key, and a sleek emerald green sports car responded, its rear lights glowing. He got in, leaving Ashleigh standing in stunned silence.

“Get in quickly. Are you going to stand there and gawk?” Damien snapped, and Ashleigh, still reeling, climbed in beside him. He drove off at high speed towards their faculty.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

As he navigated the streets, Ashleigh couldn’t help but marvel at the car. “You own this car?” she asked, unable to hide her astonishment.

Damien briefly glanced at her before returning his focus to the road. “You don’t have one?” he inquired.

Ashleigh fell silent. Damien’s observation hit home. “That answers my question. Owning a car is basic in Robin. It makes getting around easier and saves you from rude bus drivers,” he said as they arrived at the faculty. Ashleigh noted that most students arrived by car, explaining the sparse bus ridership.

They alighted from the car and entered the faculty, just in time for their elective courses. They parted ways as they headed to their respective lectures. Despite the change in setting, the earlier tension followed Ashleigh into the classroom.

“I’ve heard from the Professor that you’ve been too lax in your studies,” began the short, round lecturer. “I did not expect my top students to overlook such crucial information in their work. Therefore, we’ll have a quiz and debate session today.” The class groaned in unison.

“Do not complain! This is a reminder to prepare for mid-semester exams next week,” he said firmly, silencing the room.

The quiz session was as grueling as expected, with Ashleigh facing more technical questions than her peers. It quickly became apparent that the lecturer was comparing her with Alana. When Alana answered effortlessly, Ashleigh faced more challenging questions and corrections. This disparity did not go unnoticed by the class, which began to vocalize their observations.

“Of course, it’s expected from Alana. She’s consistently set the record for the class. Maybe the new girl just had a lucky streak yesterday,” Ashleigh overheard a whisper. Her grip tightened on her pen as frustration simmered within her.

Alana sat confidently, her posture rigid and a faint, almost ghostly smile on her lips as she observed Ashleigh’s struggle. Her gaze occasionally met the lecturer’s, who seemed to revel in the spectacle. The lecturer’s excitement was palpable; pleasing Alana promised substantial rewards.

Clearing his throat loudly, the lecturer sought to regain control of the room’s increasing noise. “I think this brief session has clarified where we stand regarding coursework. Expect similar questions for next week’s exams. To conclude today’s session, we’ll have a debate.”

He moved to the podium and retrieved two bowls filled with folded papers. “We’ll choose participants at random according to your seat numbers. The topics will be drawn randomly, and the two contestants will present their arguments. At the end, everyone will decide who made a stronger case,” he explained. The students nodded, eager for a change of pace.

The debate topics ranged from scientific principles to social and ethical issues. Some even drew on contemporary internet debates, which sparked laughter and engagement among the students. As midday approached, the professor signaled the end of the class.

“It’s time for the last debate session. The remaining two students, please come forward,” he announced. Ashleigh swallowed nervously as she stood, glancing back to see Alana approaching with a determined expression. Samantha discreetly began recording the moment on her phone.

The lecturer drew the final topic and announced, “The importance of allosteric regulation in enzyme function.” The class responded with an audible murmur of interest.

“Will you be arguing for or against?” the lecturer asked. Alana gestured for Ashleigh to choose first. Ashleigh chose to argue in support of the topic, and the debate began.

Ashleigh started by outlining the basic concepts and importance of allosteric regulation. Her clear and concise explanation captured the class’s attention. When it was Alana’s turn, she immediately went on the offensive.

“You made a point, but your view of allosteric regulation is rather simplistic. It’s just one of many mechanisms, and you’re overstating its significance,” Alana said sharply. Ashleigh raised an eyebrow, unfazed.

“It’s expected you’d view it that way as a novice biochemist,” Alana concluded, and the class eagerly awaited Ashleigh’s response.

“Allosteric regulation is central to cellular control. Without it, enzymes would lack proper regulation, leading to chaos. Its importance is not easily dismissed,” Ashleigh countered, her voice firm.

“Are you aware of other mechanisms like feedback inhibition? Relying on allosteric regulation alone oversimplifies enzyme regulation,” Alana retorted, her eyes gleaming with challenge. Ashleigh’s eyes sparkled as she leaned forward.

“That’s precisely my point, Alana! Allosteric regulation integrates with other mechanisms to form a sophisticated control system. Empirical evidence supports it as the primary mechanism controlling enzyme activity,” Ashleigh argued, her intensity evident.

“It’s textbook knowledge, Alana. Did you not know that?” Ashleigh finished, leaning back with a hint of satisfaction as Alana shifted uncomfortably.

The classroom fell into a stunned silence. The lecturer, caught between surprise at Ashleigh’s prowess and apprehension regarding Alana, quickly intervened. “That’s sufficient. Both of you have made compelling arguments. However, it’s up to your peers to decide who made the stronger case.”

He called for a show of hands. Several students raised theirs in favor of Alana, while a majority supported Ashleigh. The result was unequivocal.

“Congratulations to Ashleigh! Please give her a round of applause,” the lecturer announced. The classroom erupted in applause and cheers, much to Ashleigh’s delight.

Alana stormed to her seat, her anger palpable. Ashleigh, smiling graciously, bowed respectfully before collecting her belongings. As she left the classroom, Alana’s icy gaze followed her through the windows. Samantha, unsure of how to respond, sat quietly beside Alana.

“Alana…” Samantha began tentatively.

“Shut up and delete that video. We’re leaving,” Alana snapped, standing up in frustration. Samantha quickly gathered their things and followed her.

As they made their way down the hall, Ashleigh intercepted them.

“Alana, I just wanted to say congratulations as well. I learned a lot from your arguments,” Ashleigh said, extending her hand in a gesture of goodwill.

Alana and Samantha looked at her with disdain. “Can’t you see we’re on our way out? Please excuse us,” Samantha said with clear irritation, attempting to move past Ashleigh.

“That’s not very kind. Alana, can’t you tell your friend?” Ashleigh said, her disappointment evident as she glanced at Alana, who remained silent.

“Anyway, I didn’t expect much. I waited behind to let you know something,” Ashleigh said, leaning closer to Alana to whisper. “You don’t want to deal with my bad side.”

With that, Ashleigh straightened up and walked away. With each step she took, Alana’s expression grew darker

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