My Blind Wife Wants Divorced


Adrianna laughed amidst her words that seemed very chatty this time. Since her arrival two hours ago, she couldn’t stop looking at Chloe with gratitude. Finally, what she had prayed for in her nights came true. It’s not that Adrianna dislikes the idea of Chloe becoming a widow. Rather than seeing her friend as a submissive cow puppet? Getting hurt by her husband’s behavior? Not being valued as a wife?

Chloe should be on her own and pursue her career out there.

“Whatever you want to do, I’ll support you, Chloe.” Adrianna has said this countless times. Peni, who was sitting not far from Chloe, nodded in agreement. Occasionally, Peni’s voice chimed in, echoing Adrianna’s sentiments and encouraging Chloe.

“But the main focus is for you to recover, right, Mrs. Adrianna?”

“Yes, that’s right. But I’m sure Chloe will recover soon.”

Chloe smiled widely, and it grew wider with each passing second. Her happiness piled up. Her heart also inexplicably warmed. They were talking about a hated topic in the eyes of God regarding the relationship between committed opposite sexes who vowed to be faithful until death. But why does she feel so light-hearted? Is it because there’s no more love in her heart? Or is this her long-held desire?

“Enough, let’s not talk about that anymore. Now let’s discuss what you’re going to do after everything is settled,” Adrianna asked with a curious expression. “I’m sure you’re thinking about something in that head of yours.”

Chloe grinned. “You’re right, Adrianna. I am planning something. But my focus should be on getting better first.”

“When is your therapy again?”

“It’s scheduled for tomorrow, but they said it’s been moved up because Darren has something to attend to.”

Adrianna nodded as if understanding. “I’ll accompany you. Tomorrow is my day off.”

“Don’t you have any extra assignments from your school principal?” Chloe asked mischievously. Sometimes Adrianna likes to talk about her world at school. Full of laughter and the innocence of children. Also, their intelligence in their favorite games. Not to mention their parents, who have started to have more open-minded thoughts about school-age children.

If Chloe is blessed with a child one day, making Adrianna a personal consultant for child-related issues wouldn’t be strange, considering her friend’s experience in dealing with children. Sometimes stories slip about how annoying the headmistress at her workplace can be.

Once, Adrianna frowned and complained about the actions of the school principal, Yana Harja.

“Why am I always asked to make so many models? The other teachers don’t have to, you know, Sa!” she grumbled with irritated eyes. “I’m tired too; you know if I have to take on tasks that shouldn’t be mine.”

“Maybe she needs help,” Chloe said at that time, sitting together, enjoying a cup of lemon tea, where her eyes could still see the garden’s beauty that she had rearranged just a month ago. She was also adding some new types of plants, including the sudden fascination with bonsai racks.

“What kind of help?” Adrianna still grumbled with a dissatisfied tone. “I’m working on the mid-semester grade list for five classes, Chloe.”

Chloe, who didn’t know the details of the administrative work Adrianna had to do, could only grimace at the thought of how many tasks were on Adrianna’s shoulders. Not to mention when the girl with long wavy hair at the end always had to be ready to face the children in her class.

“She just has no important work other than asking me to do tasks that should be her job.” Adrianna grew sullener. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly to ward off the displeasure that haunted her. “Having someone like that in my work environment is so annoying.”

“Unfortunately, she’s your boss, right?”

“Damn it,” Adrianna said, complete with a slight growl. “Damn, my life working there.”

“But whether you like it or not? Don’t do your work reluctantly, okay? It’s not good.”

“Oh, my goodness.” Adrianna sighed. Her eyes immediately stared at Chloe, who was now enjoying her snack. The cookies she made were always delicious to enjoy in a relaxed atmosphere like this. Adrianna also had her portion of the cookies Chloe made. She could bring one or two jars home as souvenirs when visiting Chloe’s house.

“You know, I’m close to those kids, right? I love the world of children, Sa. They’re innocent. Naive. They don’t hide their feelings. They’re not good at lying. Their souls are pure.”

Chloe knew that very well.

“It’s just that one man who annoys me.”

Chloe laughed at Adrianna’s confession this time. “Or maybe Mr. Yana has a crush on you?”


That memory made Chloe smile because it was still vivid in her mind how Adrianna’s face turned bright red. Whether it was out of embarrassment or suppressed anger, Chloe didn’t want to dig too deep. She was afraid it would offend Adrianna in the end.

“Work is always there. You know Yana always makes things difficult for me,” Chloe chuckled.

“From then until now, she still bothers you?” Adrianna grumbled.

“It feels like I have no energy left to protest.”

“Have you talked about your objections?” Chloe asked cautiously.

“I have, but she still insists that I’m competent enough to complete the tasks,” Adrianna complained, unwilling to accept it. “As a result, I always go home late and often have to work overtime. I sleep later and later. Not to mention the messages and calls from her. Oh my God!”


Chloe appreciates all of her mother-in-law’s efforts. Truly, Chloe loves Agatha dearly. She feels like she has a kind-hearted substitute mother who always supports her-but giving Leonel another chance? Just as he asked, it felt impossible.

“What do you want to do after the divorce, Chloe?”

Chloe smiled faintly. Her mother-in-law still held her hand. The bright light of her room was becoming more evident. She could now see the blurred colors in the room’s corners and walls. Also, the faint black color hanging on one of the hooks for jackets or bags caught her attention. The custom-made dress for their upcoming birthday party was ready. Agatha took care of all the details, even the smallest ones, like the shoes and clutch that Chloe would wear. Chloe didn’t mind wearing something old, either. After all, she rarely wore evening dresses like this. Wearing designer clothes was something Chloe rarely did, even though she could wear them anytime and anywhere.

Despite living a luxurious life for the past five years, it doesn’t feel like Chloe. She prefers her activities at home rather than just spending the money Leonel gives her every month.

“It’s like what Mama asked earlier like Adrianna visiting?”

Chloe nodded softly. “Tomorrow is Chloe’s therapy appointment, and Adrianna wants to come. But she complains about having too much work, which makes me reluctant to let her accompany me.”

“What if Mama accompanies you?”

Chloe smiled again. “Isn’t Mama busy? Don’t you have a meeting with Papa’s clients?”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“That can be postponed, Chloe. Must want to spend more time with you.” Agatha said with a touch of sadness. Once again, she patted Chloe’s hand. She couldn’t imagine Chloe leaving this house. “Mama will surely miss you.”

“Where does Chloe want to go, Ma? Chloe is still in New York City, you know.”

Agatha pouted slightly. “This house is yours, Sa. The one who should leave is Leonel.”

Chloe winced. “Imagining living somewhere with traces of Leonel, I’m afraid I’ll be too sentimental about the past, Ma.”

Agatha fell silent.

“I want to move forward. I can’t rely on Leonel’s love, right? I don’t want to live at the mercy of a man I love, Ma. It hurts to imagine that, in the future, I won’t be waiting for someone’s return any more. But simultaneously, that person will be busy being affectionate with another woman. I feel like I’m holding a very sharp knife, Ma.”

Agatha nodded softly, understanding Chloe’s grievances. “I apologize for Leonel, my dear.”

“Mama is not at fault. Mama doesn’t need to apologize. What has happened in our marriage is not Mama’s or Papa’s fault. You both have been very kind to accept Chloe. So if Chloe leaves, I’m begging Mama and Papa not to forget about me just like that.”

Agatha blinked in disbelief. “Why are you saying that, dear? Mama would never do that. Mama wants to know what you want to do after divorcing Leonel. Let Mama support you. If needed, after you have recovered, Mama will support whatever you choose to do. Whatever you need, tell Mama.”

“It’s not because Mama pities me, right?”

Chloe accepted the gentle caress on the side of her head. “Mama supports you not out of pity, dear. Mama only asks for one thing if it’s your decision to divorce.”

Chloe listened carefully.

“After the birthday party, dear. Take care of everything first.”

Chloe hesitated for a moment. After all, the party was just a week away. There’s no harm in it. Chloe knew that Leonel might have already prepared the divorce papers. She just had to sign them.

“Yes, Ma.”

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