My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

It had only been less than ten minutes since Theon had left, but it felt like years. I was trying to think of what to do. I had no way to contact anyone… Whatever he had done to the palace guards and staff was beyond me. No matter how many times I shouted trying to wake them up, it didn’t work.

Think, Yileyna…

Shouting and the orange glow of fire seeped through the small, barred windows,

Time was running out.

I took a deep breath, I needed to get out of here now.

Letting Zarian’s words guide me, I began to focus.

Focus from within, right now my abilities were sealed and so I needed to channel my emotions. That wouldn’t be hard anyway. With a surge of determination, I strode to the bars, gripping them tightly and closing my eyes

I let every heartbreak and pain I had ever felt out; the pain, the sadness, the bittersweet moments. My eyes stung with tears as I used the pain that I had buried within me out. The temperature dropped, I felt the ice spreading beneath me and through my fingertips.

My parents’ death..

Theon’s rejection…

His betrayal…

His lies…

A violent wind whipped around me and using every ounce of willpower I could muster, I pulled at the bars. The metal groaned, the pull in my shoulders and arms aching, then there was a violent tug in the pit of my stomach before they were ripped from the ground.

My eyes flew open as I dropped the bars that were now distorted entirely. The thick heavy metal clanged as it hit the ground, making it shake slightly. I rushed out, glancing at the other cells.


Spotting him, I glanced around looking for the keys, but they were nowhere in sight.

What do I do…

Taking a deep breath, it took me a moment to channel my abilities once again, to break the bars of the cells. I rushed inside, spotting Gamma Grayson and Ryan here too. “Raiden!” I shook him but he was unconscious.

Whatever Theon had done to them, there was no sign of them waking up. I went over to Charlene, fixing her position so she was lying on her back, and planted a kiss on her forehead.

“I’m going to try to fix this, my queen.” I whispered.

It was me alone.

I ran up the stairs, pushing the door. I grunted as I slammed into it, but it refused to open. Locked. I backed up and ran into it again, this time trying to focus on my rage.

The door was slammed off its hinges by a violent wind.

“Hey!” A deep gravelly voice came, and I saw two other men who were getting to their feet.

They were wearing black attire with the amber-coloured insignia on their left arm.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Members of the Obsidian Shadow Pack…

“I’m afraid I don’t have time to play.” I growled, not wanting them to mind link anyone. I ran at the first one, spinning around and aiming a kick at his neck. A flash of ice spread across the ground, making the other one slip. I turned, snapping the man’s neck as the other one grabbed my hair, yanking me back and throwing me against the far wall. I groaned as I hit the floor and got to my feet.

“Seems like we have a violent one here.” He growled, yanking me by the back of my tunic. “I’m afraid I need to resort to violence when we are under attack.” I hissed, snapping his neck He wasn’t dead but he would be out for a while, the other man punched me, throwing me to the ground. I twisted, turning and knocking him back with my foot. He slipped on the ice, so I took the chance to pin him down and punched him across the face. His eyes flashed as he growled, his canines coming out before he shifted. I shoved him back, a thick layer of ice began encasing him, spreading from the tips of my hands and soon he ceased struggling

I wasn’t sure if he was dead but…

The screams were growing from outside, I took one of the discarded swords and ran up the rest of the stairs to the main floor.

A child’s cry made my stomach lurch, and as I rounded the corner I saw two bleeding guards enter. I knew them by name but I wasn’t acquainted with them, holding none other than Rhys. His leg was bloody, and he was in obvious agony. “Princess!” Kyle said, relief flooding his face.

It took me a moment to realise he meant me. “You need to hide.” Valen whispered urgently, coming over, as I looked at Rhys. Luckily, apart from an injury, he was ok. I gave him a small smile, which he returned with a brave one. “That’s my boy, stay strong ok? I can’t hide, I need to go out there.”

“No, you don’t understand. It’s Theon, he betrayed us.” Kyle escaped quietly.

“I know…” I said quietly. “I need to stop him.”

I was about to run past, when Valen grabbed my arm, something that would be considered disrespect in normal circumstances.

“Princess, he’s taken over, he is currently holding the Alpha and Luna in the centre courtyard! The entire city is under their control now. We need to get you out of here.” “And abandon everyone down in the dungeons? No. Take Rhys to safety. Where are the


“Gamma Henry is wounded; lady Andrea and Zoe are captive. As for Gamma Grayson, I have no idea.” 1

“He, Raiden, Ryan and Charlene are in the cells. Get those four, plus Rhys, out of the city,


“What are you planning, Princess?”

“I’m not sure. There’s not much I can do about those outside, but if they are going to take over by killing the families in power, those will be their first move. Take the way through the lower gutters, I know Theon knows every way out but it’s the only chance we’ve got. If you can, mind link any guard to come help-”

“The king gave the order to protect you, and to get you out of Westerfell immediately. He said you need to live.”

“They need me, they won’t kill me,” I said firmly, “but I can’t guarantee anyone else’s life. The king is currently is in their hold correct? Then I’m in charge, you will obey me.”

They hesitated, exchanging looks. “Princess, please-”

“Don’t waste time, leave now.” I commanded, and they lowered their heads, before they ran towards the cells.

I ran in the opposite direction and out into the open, stopping in my tracks. The entire courtyard was covered in flames, every tree… every flower bed was lit ablaze. The heat beat against my skin, my heart pounded as I realised the flames were beginning to spread across the stone, making their way up the doors and windows. Everyone in the cells could die…

I stared at the sky, the rain was falling but it was doing nothing to stop the fire. This time when ice began spreading from beneath my feet, I focused on it, letting it encase the entire castle. The flames hissed and fizzled as they touched the ice, yet I pushed further, pulling at every ounce of power I could from within.

The desire and urgency to protect those whom I loved fuelled me, and the ice became thicker, blindingly bright at it withstood the flames that sought to destroy all in their wake. I felt connected, feeling every part of the castle that was covered in ice, almost as if the ice was my sight. I enforced it in areas where the flames felt stronger.

I looked at the castle behind me. No longer was it dull stone, but a shimmering castle with the illusion it was carved from ice alone.

“What is going on?!” Someone shouted, and I broke into a run, as the rain began pouring faster.

Two guard’s came in my way and I spun around, swinging the sword and slicing off their heads before they could even react. Another came and shifted but I raised my hand, encasing him in a tomb of ice before I continued on my way.


I had no idea how I was able to pull at my powers, but with the emotions that were a storm inside of me, I was able to focus on what I was trying to do. The will to protect our people stronger than anything. I stopped the moment I reached the main courtyard, my heart thumping in my chest at the sight before me… Bodies covered in blood were strewn across the ground, in the midst of the ever- lasting flames. I could smell the oil used to fuel the fire, and the terrifying flashback to the night my parents died returned to me, making my blood run cold.

My heart rang in my ear as I tried to differentiate between my memories and the present. Men and wolves of the Obsidian Shadow Pack seemed to have slain anyone who put up a fight, whilst others cowered to the side in fear.

Where were the children?

I raised my hands, sending a wave of water over the bodies of the injured, stopping the flames from burning them.

Suddenly, a terrifying roar filled the air, and one of the largest black wolf’s I had ever seen launched itself at me.

An Alpha

I jumped aside, spinning on my heel and driving my sword into its left flank, but it did nothing to the wolf that took the blade in its teeth and threw it aside. One swipe at me sent me flying into the air, before I twisted, ignoring the agony in my body as I landed on my feet, a strong wind whipping around me. His burning orange eyes were filled with rage as he launched at me once more. I jumped to the side as a bolt of lightning almost struck him, he jumped back watching me with fury and rage in his eyes.

I wouldn’t win this battle…

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