My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

78. These Moments

I awoke to the sound of something knocking against the window. I sat up, looking around, Charlene was still asleep on the other side of the vast bed.

I stared at the window, seeing the shadow reflected on it. I frowned, getting out of bed and going over to it slowly. My senses were on alert as the figure stopped moving, and I could tell from the outline that it was a muscular man. My heart skipped a beat upon realising who it was.


What was he doing here?

I quickly glanced back at Charlene and the closed door to the bedroom, my heart skipping a beat as I slowly unlocked the window. He instantly pulled it open, letting in the cold.

Charlene stirred, and I frowned, looking at him.

He smelled of alcohol…

Was he drunk?

“I need to talk to you.” He said huskily, despite his voice being as cold and emotionless as ever, I could tell from his eyes that he may be slightly intoxicated.

“Theon, I don’t want to do this right now.” I whispered.

“We are running out of time, Yileyna. We need to do this now.” He replied quietly.

I frowned, glancing at the rainy sky outside. He was already drenched, his shirt sticking to him and water trickling down his face and neck.

I bit my lip, trying not to focus on how sexy he looked right now, and instead gazed down at myself. I was wearing a black satin nightdress that Charlene had given me, with thin straps. I didn’t have any other clothes to wear… not that the cold bothered me…

“Theon, I already have the king trying to control my every action, can I at least sleep in peace? “I frowned.

I almost expected him to argue, but seeing the struggle in his eyes I knew I needed to hear him



Theon didn’t say please, that one word made up my mind. My heart thundered with worry, before I looked out at the narrow ledge where he was balanced with ease.

“Theon, you’re drunk and you’re taking such a risk?” I hissed. “Then come with me, before I end up falling.” He whispered softly, teetering slightly on the ledge. My heart leaped into my mouth, and I grabbed onto his shirt. “Goddess, Theon!” “Better hurry up, Little Storm.” He whispered.

I glanced back into the room, hesitating, the rain was already beginning to soak me. Taking a deep breath, 1 slowly climbed out onto the ledge. The sky was dark and cloudy, and it seemed as if the castle grounds were empty.

What time was it?

“Careful.” He said, placing a hand on my thigh, making my heart skip a beat.

“So, how do we get down?” I asked.

He smirked as he slid the window down, his arm slipping around my waist.

“Just don’t scream.” He said, pulling me against him. I raised my eyebrow questioningly as I wrapped my arm around his neck, before he jumped. The wind rushed through my hair, and he flipped me, carrying me bridal style just before he landed agilely on the courtyard ground.

“That worked.” He said, standing up and placing me down.

I took a moment to get my breath back.


He smirked slightly before he took hold of my hand and pulled me along. I was barefoot, unlike him, and the rain was still pouring down, soaking me thoroughly.

Now that the sleep had lifted from my eyes, I wondered if agreeing was a good idea…

“Getting cold feet?” He asked when he pulled me into the shadows.

“In a literal sense, yes, but I am wondering why I should listen to you at all.” I replied, looking up at him.

He clenched his jaw but said nothing, leading the way from the palace, taking one of the paths that only had one guard at the gate. The man didn’t bother sparing us a second look, well he wouldn’t care until tomorrow when I was announced as future Alpha.

That still felt weird. “Where are we going?” I asked, my heart thundering as I wondered if he was taking me to the cabin.

There were far too many memories there…

“The Moon Goddess’s Temple.” He replied after a long moment, when I thought he wouldn’t.

His place..

We continued in silence until we got there. We climbed onto the roof of the temple and I stared up at the rainy sky.

It looked beautiful.

I could feel his intense gaze upon me, and I wondered if this was just a dream… I turned slowly, looking into those gorgeous amber eyes.

“What is it?”

“The Obsidian Shadow pack are gaining more and more control of this city with every passing day… Their Alpha has vowed to destroy every one of the Silver Storm Pack. As future Alpha… you will become a target.” I wasn’t expecting that, of all things. His words sent a chill through me, my chest heaving at the confidence in his voice. As if he was absolutely sure that would happen. “They won’t be able to infiltrate this city. We will never let them win.” I replied with confidence.

He tilted his head and gave a small nod, as he stepped closer and cupped my face.

“But If they do… you will become the target… Until you have unlocked your powers, let me take you away from here.” 1 I pulled away, looking at him with utter confusion and surprise. “Ok, I think I am dreaming,” I said, brushing my wet locks back.

“I’m serious, Yileyna. You cannot be here.” Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

I shook my head

“I don’t get it, why shouldn’t I be here? As the heart, it is my duty to unlock my powers and to protect this pack, this kingdom. Theon, I can’t leave.”

He ran his hand through his hair. “If I said…” He swallowed hard before looking away and exhaling, and then tilted his head back sharply. “If I said that I cared… that you mean something to me, no matter

how many times I tell myself that you don’t. Would you believe me then?” My heart squeezed and the weakness that washed through me scared me. How did just a few words weaken my resolve?

“Why now?” I whispered, unable to get rid of the fear within my chest. He had broken me so many times that I was terrified.

“Answer me. Would you or would you not?”

“I don’t know.” I whispered honestly.

My eyes stinging with tears.

He was silent before he turned fully back towards me.

“This city may fall. If there’s a part of you that believed in… us. Then you will let me take you far away, just for a short while, until you learn to use your powers.”

I shook my head determinedly.

“No.I won’t leave this city, Theon. You’re scaring me, almost as if the Obsidian Shadow pack is going to attack soon.” I whispered. “It looks that way… I don’t want you around when it happens.” “Who would have thought Theon of Westerfell cared so much? But I wonder… Is it me you want, or my title?” I asked, my words hurt me too, but I had to say them. The corner of his mouth turned up in a small smirk.

“I’m not asking you to marry me, Yileyna. We both know I could get you into my bed if I wanted.”

I frowned, shoving him. Any weakness that I was beginning to feel was wiped away by his cocky words. “Oh whatever, that’s not true.” I snapped, crossing my arms in irritation. “Oh yeah?” His voice sounded like a challenge before he grabbed my elbow, yanking me into his arms.

I gasped the moment our bodies collided, my hands automatically going to his shoulders. For a moment, our eyes met, and I could hear our racing hearts. The way we reacted to one another’s touch…

We were each other’s addiction, even when we weren’t ever meant to be… 1

“Theon… Fine, you don’t want my title, then why?” He became serious once more, but he didn’t let go of me. “Like I said, they will attack and this time it will be worse. We know they will infiltrate this city with only one aim, to destroy the Silver Storm pack.”

“I wish I knew why the Obsidian Shadow pack want to attack. Surely there must be another reason than simply for the power? If there was a way to resolve this without a war. Do they want to be given their land, to be recognised as one of the packs? I don’t get it. Surely there’s another way.”

His eyes flickered with an emotion that I thought was confusion or surprise… maybe both… “Only you would think that would resolve things. No one believes in false promises or that things can be resolved. No one can promise that.”

“I would, when I become Alpha, I’m going to be far better than the king. I will make this kingdom better; I will make it fair. One step at a time.”

His hand caressed my cheek.

“I can picture it, a crazy blonde going on a rampage trying to fix everything singlehandedly.” 1

I couldn’t resist a smile at his light joke.

“I won’t be alone, I’ll have my friends; Charlene, Raiden, Ryan and I hope… you.” I ended hesitantly.

I didn’t know what we were but…

“Friends… you know this entire thing between these packs started in the name of friendship.” He muttered, his finger grazing my jaw, leaving a sinful trail of tingles in its wake. My heart was pounding as I resisted melting into his touch. “What do you mean, friendship?”

“This is just a story I’ve heard outside of Westerfell, the other version of what truly happened between King Andres and the Alpha of the Obsidian Shadow pack…” He said hesitantly. “Tell me.”

He looked uncertain, “You know it’s treason to talk of it.”

“I don’t care, I don’t mind breaking rules. Remember?” He seemed to be searching for something in my eyes, before he let go of me and inhaled deeply as he turned his back on me.

“Fine, I’ll tell you, but be warned; it may change your views on this pack and your king forever.

I didn’t care, I needed to hear it. There were always two sides to a story… or as my dad used to say; three. The versions of both parties and then the ultimate truth. 1

“I’m ready. Tell me.”

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