My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

When I left the cells, my mind was spinning…

I had slept with the daughter of my enemy. She was the daughter of a siren… I was still able to deal with that somewhat, but his daughter? I felt sick and angry at myself for even allowing it to happen. I had never made the link between them… 1

Even those eyes that I loved were the same shade as his.

Fuck this.

I punched the stone wall of the pillar in front of me. Pain jarred up my arm and a crack appeared in the stone. I clenched my fist in anger.

Andres’ daughter…

A sudden thought came to me, and I frowned, deep in thought.

Her powers seemed to be blocked…

The heart was sealed…

Yileyna was obviously much more powerful than Charlene and held power, was there a possibility that she could be the heart?

The mage was blind…

My heart thudded as I turned, realising he had looked in the direction of….

Both girls, they had been together. ‘Remember, the heart of Kaeladia belongs to all.? An Alpha female… Yileyna was definitely more of an Alpha than her sister. Fuck, Yileyna was the heart… I was sure of it. The one thing my father was after… what we needed. 2

I exhaled, running my fingers through my hair, remaining silent when I heard the sound of footsteps. His scent reached me and I knew it was the king. He didn’t even seem to notice me as he walked out, looking like a man defeated. He deserved it…

He sat there on the steps, deep in thought and almost forlorn. I liked seeing him like this, and this was only the beginning. “So, she’s your daughter.”

He turned to look at me, and I was satisfied to see the glimmer of fear in his eyes.


I schooled my face into one of slight concern. “I’m sure it must be hard to get your head around, but fear not, we will find a solution.” I said

quietly. He visibly relaxed at my words and sighed. A sudden thought cropped into my head, and I stepped over to him. As long as he didn’t think Yileyna was the heart… This might work. I sat down on the stone steps a foot away from him and placed my hand on his shoulder. One day I will take his life with this very hand… “Alpha, don’t worry too much, we will come up with a solution. Perhaps we should move her to another city for now? Somewhere away from the accusation’s upon her.”

He shook his head.

“No, we can’t. Theon she… she might be the heart. Did you not feel her aura?” He looked at me seriously. Fuck. He had figured it out… I frowned smoothly, pretending to think before feigning subtle surprise. “You might be right. Then what is your plan?” I wouldn’t get to take her away without a fight or reason. “There is only one option… I announce the truth: That she is my daughter, but we keep her… other side, a secret.” He said, frowning coldly. I raised an eyebrow. “You will let everyone know?” “Yes, if she proves to be the heart, then I will.” He said quietly.

“And if she isn’t?”

Maybe if we could make sure it wasn’t revealed NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“She must be, she said a fae by the name Zarian said her powers were blocked.” “But if she is not, then?” I asked quietly. “Then… I’ll make sure she’s taken care of… Of course meaning, I’ll send her far away.” He replied, changing his sentence midway as he watched me warily. I frowned slightly. Would he really try to kill his own daughter? His eyes met mine, but apart from anger, I felt nothing.

She was his daughter. Why should I care about her fate?

I tried not to think of her, not wanting those foreign emotions to consume me. “Zarian… the fae, he may know more. Find him and bring him to me immediately.” I nodded curtly. “I know who he is. I’ll bring him to you immediately.” I stood up. The fact that Andres had realised she may be the fucking heart still irked me. However, I needed to listen to him… I needed to keep this façade up… If Yileyna’s powers were awakening, it meant victory was ever closer. My stomach twisted as I realised what I was implying. Dad wanted to manipulate the heart…

But unlike Charlene, I couldn’t see Yileyna bending to anyone… Maybe, just maybe, she’d listen to me, but I wasn’t so sure. The dark truth was that she was already part of all of this long before any of us realised it.

I left the castle, and shifting, I went to find the fae bastard, my mind still reeling with the weight of the revelation.

What kind of sick game was this? Not only did I get involved with a siren hybrid, but also with someone who was the daughter of the man I hated the most. The mere thought repulsed me. 2

I first went to the café, but Zarian wasn’t there, and so I got his address and headed to his home. I knocked on the door, scanning the garden.

He was richer than one would think. Why was he working as a waiter then? Something was off.

I shifted back, pulling on my pants that I had carried along, before I banged on the door with the golden door knocker once again.

Something was very off… Who exactly was he?

The door opened to reveal Zarian himself, wearing a black satin shirt and black leather pants. A flash of anger ripped through me, remembering how he and Yileyna almost kissed that night. “Ah, Theon of Westerfell himself. To what do I owe the pleasure?” The snow was falling fast, and it was extremely cold. “The Alpha king wishes to see you.” I said emotionlessly. He smirked as if he was expecting that.

“Oh?” He asked, crossing his arms. I glanced at him sharply as another thought came to mind.

Should I ask him not to reveal anything

But what if he was one of Dad’s men…

No, I couldn’t say anything, I couldn’t trust anyone.

“Yeah, so let’s leave now.” I said coldly.

“My, at this time of night… What is it regarding?” He asked, moving away from the door and grabbing a coat.

“He has some questions.” I answered shortly.

“Would you like a coat?”

“No.” I replied coldly.

He chuckled, pulling on the black coat as he stepped out and locked the door behind him.

“So how was the ball? Do I get to congratulate you on your engagement?”

My eyes blazed gold as I looked at the other man, trying to contain my rage. “You’re a little behind, are you not? There was no engagement.” I almost spat with resentment.

His smirk only grew. “Ah, she did look ravishing…” My eyes flashed and I grabbed hold of his coat. “Do not try to fucking antagonise me, before I end up killing you.” I threatened.

“You will do well to respect the people of your soon-to-be kingdom, no? As future Alpha, is it not your duty to your people to protect us?” He asked, still as calm as ever. “I am the one who dressed Yileyna tonight and she looked even better than I had envisioned, if me complimenting my work is an offence, then please do enlighten me as to how so.” “You dressed her?”

He smirked in response, and I let go of him roughly.

His words hit me hard, and I clenched my jaw, trying not to let my emotions show.

Trust no one…

I didn’t bother saying anything more to him. I wondered if he knew what she was… Fae were the one species that were immune to the siren’s song…

We soon reached the palace, and I led the way to Andres’s office, knocking on the door.

“Enter.” Andres’s voice came.

The two guards at the door looked at Zarian with interest that they tried to hide. Opening the door, I stepped inside and he followed. One of the guards shut the door behind us and I turned my attention to the king.

“Alpha Andres, it’s an honour to meet you in person.” Zarian greeted him with a gracious bow.

“Please take a seat.” Andres motioned to the seats opposite his desk, picking up his tankard of ale.

Was he drinking due to the revelation? “Yileyna De’Lacor. Do you know her?”

Zarian raised an eyebrow.

“I’m sure the Alpha king knows the answer to that.” He replied with a smirk.

Andres frowned.

“Then I will skip to the matter at hand. Tonight, at the ball, Yileyna De’Lacor displayed some rather… interesting powers. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

“Well, I’m sure the Alpha king knows the answer to that too, isn’t that why I was summoned? “He asked, raising an arched brow. 1 “Yes, you were helping her unseal her powers. Yileyna told me that you said there was a block on her abilities.”

For the first time, Zarian frowned slightly.

“Where is she?” He asked.

“In the cells for treason, and unless you can give us some answers, she will remain there.”

Andres threatened coldly. Zarian’s brows creased deeper as he glanced up at the king sharply. “I do not need to answer anything without knowing why. Why was she imprisoned for treason?” He asked sharply. “For wearing a possession from the Obsidian Shadow Pack.” Andres replied coldly.

“No, her ensemble is from Aerean. I assure you, I ordered them myself.” Zarian said, and I narrowed my eyes.

So he didn’t know about the amulet…

“She had a necklace which she said she brought on a journey at sea. Tell me about her abilities and this block that you assume is upon her.”

Zarian seemed to hesitate.

“She is a good person, Alpha…”

“I know, she is the daughter of someone who was a good friend to me despite turning out to be a traitor. I have always had a soft spot for his daughter.” Andres’ reply almost made me scoff.

Like hell you did. Aside from threatening, belittling, and isolating her, you did nothing more. Not that I was any better, but I had always been open with her and warned her that I would destroy her… 2

But now that just felt even more real. Avenge my family by wiping out the Aphelions. That included her too.

I pushed the thoughts aside, crossing my arms. “However, her having this amulet after what her parents did is no small matter. If you can help me with what you know, it can, in turn, help me to help her.” Andres continued.

Zarian cocked a brow.

“How would you knowing about her personal matters, benefit her?” He asked, almost mockingly.

If he wasn’t such a dick and didn’t try kissing Yileyna, I actually wouldn’t have minded him.

“I am her Alpha, and your reluctance makes me wonder what exactly you are hiding?” Andres’s eyes flashed as he looked at Zarian, slamming his tankard on his desk, the liquid sploshing everywhere. “I’m hiding nothing.” Zarian replied. His voice was dangerously calm, but I could tell he was tense. He knew her truth… I was sure of it. Otherwise, why would he fear telling the king if he presumed she was part fae or mage? “Then do you wish to rot in the cells?” Andres growled. “What is my crime?” Zarian

asked, his gaze flickering to me. “For defying your king’s command, I asked you what you knew of her abilities!”

“We know what she is.” I cut in, having had enough of this.

Zarian’s face dropped, I saw the worry in his eyes as he looked at the king and then at me. “She is innocent. She herself doesn’t know what she is.”

I hated how he was defending her. A flash of jealousy rushed through me at his defensiveness toward her, but I no longer cared. She was Andres’s daughter, and that was not someone I’d ever care for


Denying it felt like a lie… Don’t go there Theon, remember who she is.

“Then, tell us of her abilities that are blocked.” Andres growled.

Zarian sighed, seeming to realise there was no way out. “There seems to be a type of powerful sealing spell upon her. She’s able to draw some power by force, but I think this seal is suppressing everything about her. Only when she displays intense emotion is she able to draw upon her power.” He replied grudgingly. Andres frowned.

“The ability to bend the weather… Do you know the rarity of that?”

“Of course, only the imperial family of the sea are able to do so.” Zarian replied quietly as Andres nodded.

I frowned as I turned away, remembering that night from long ago, my stomach sinking as I remembered the sudden change in the weather. It had been so unpredictable that fateful night. It was meant to be a clear night, the sea was calm too.

The imperial family…

If Yileyna was from it, then that meant she was also related to the monster who had killed Mom and Thalia that night.

My eyes flashed as disgust consumed me.

Pale blonde hair…

The similarities, despite the Siren’s face being contorted with rage and her sharp teeth, were there… 1

I felt sick as the truth hit me.

I had become entangled with something that was related to what I detested the most. Andres and that monster, both of whom were responsible for destroying my family…

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