My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

4. My Worth


Last night’s events were fresh on my mind, along with Alpha Andres’s and Theon’s parting words, I hadn’t even been able to thank him for helping fix my arm. Something that I could have done myself, but it’s a lot easier when you’re not the one snapping your bones back into place. I hadn’t shifted yet, so I didn’t heal as fast as those who had.

I had woken up with Theon’s words playing on my mind and an ache between my legs that begged for only one man’s touch. As much as I was sure I could find a man to satiate the hunger, I didn’t want just anyone.

I had changed and come out to one of the smaller, less frequently used training fields. No one really came this far out often, and since the pack had in a way shunned me, I felt more comfortable training out here alone. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Rain had fallen heavily all through the night and it was still ongoing. The ground beneath my feet was muddy and my boots were completely covered in it. Squelching with every move I made as I punched the tree repeatedly, venting my frustration.

I was wearing a tank top with a leather jacket and pants; my hair was open, and I was completely drenched despite the overhead branches that partially shielded me from the rain. I didn’t mind it, I was simply relieved that there was not a soul in sight. I guess the regulars were all training in the indoor courts and halls.

I punched the tree again, the Alpha’s words ringing in my head.

‘Talent but no strength.’

The tone of his voice made it obvious I was just a failure…

I punched the tree harder, staring at the blood that streaked the trunk. Despite the bandages I had wrapped around my hands, I had still bruised them. The once white wrap was covered with dirt, water, and blood.


A failure…

I was a shame to the De’Lacor name… I was meant to be my father’s legacy… Someone who he’d be proud to call his daughter, the future Beta, but without my wolf, I don’t think that title was going to be mine.

It had been two months and I knew the rest of the ranked wolves wanted the king to pick a new Beta… No doubt the Gamma and Delta wolves had their eyes on that position. A position that was rightfully the De’Lacor’s.

I felt an all-too-familiar stinging in my eyes as I continued to hit the tree. My grunts, whimpers of pain and effort faded into the sound of the downpour. Weather that truly fitted my mood.

I kept going, no longer focusing on anything but the pain in my entire body, I knew I was going to end up in bed for an entire day after this.

I stumbled, my feet skidding in the mud. I fell forward, bracing my hands on the tree as my knees hit the ground.

“Now I think that’s the best position for you to be in.” A haughty voice from behind came.

Irritation flashed through me as I got to my feet, turning to look at the two young men who stood there. Nikolai and Kyson. Warriors that were of the same rank as Theon, but unlike him, both were trash in

my eyes.

It had been Nikolai who had spoken. With his dark hair and blue eyes, one might think he was handsome, but his personality was far from it.

“I don’t think anyone was asking you what the best position for me to be in is.” I replied, acting unbothered as I began to unwrap the bandage on my right hand. I was shaking from exhaustion and the number of splinters embedded in my hands were far more than I realised.

“Curvaceous, beautiful and wolf less, I think we have ourselves an Omega… and what are they good for, Kyson?” Nikolai remarked, a smirk on his face.

Anger flared inside of me at the insult, I was no Omega!

“Fucking.” Kyson added arrogantly, his brown eyes glimmering with lust.

“Exactly.” Nikolai replied, his voice laced with amusement.

“Say that again and I’ll show you what you will or won’t be capable of when I’m done with you.” I hissed, clenching my fists.

“Ah… I see you have quite the tongue on you, maybe we could put it to better use.” Kyson stepped forward; his shoulder-length blond hair was pulled back in a pony, displaying the scar that ran across his jaw.

If he carried on as he was, I wouldn’t mind adding another one to his face.

I scoffed as I stared at them in disgust. There was no one around for miles and in the exhausted state I was in, I didn’t want to be alone with these two…

“How about we do just that? Just looking at her makes me want to bury myself into the little whore.”

“Touch me Nikolai, and I swear by the goddess I will have you castrated.”

“I think you forget you have no rank anymore; don’t you know what they are saying in court? Theon might be taking the Beta title… and once he does, you become an Omega by default. But play for the right team and we might just make that experience very pleasurable for you…”

His words shook me, but I refused to admit that. Was it true? Theon may become Beta?

He advanced towards me, making my heart thunder. His eyes were predatory, like the animal he was. Unmarked women were just targets for men like them, and one without a wolf was the perfect plaything…

“I am Yileyna De’Lacor, and until the king himself strips me of my rank, I am still the Beta candidate.” I warned, my voice sounding breathless and shaky even to me.

“And a beautiful name it is for the flower you are. The king can strip your title but allow me to strip you of a little more.” Nikolai remarked, his eyes darkening with hunger as his gaze fell to my front and I realised my shirt was sticking to me, almost completely see-through thanks to the rain. In a flash, he grabbed my arm, spun me around and tugged my jacket off roughly.

I heard Kyson’s sadistic chuckle, and felt their eyes on me. Nikolai’s hand reached around, grabbing my left breast.

“Don’t touch me!” I hissed, ripping his hand from my body, twisting back towards them and yanking free from his hold only for him to grab my hand and squeeze it painfully. I winced as I felt something break, making me gasp in pain.

I needed to get away from here. Now.

He slammed me against the tree, the jagged edges of the splinters I had created in the trunk cutting into my back. I could feel them embedded into me, making my eyes water in pain.

I raised my hands, using both to try to push him back, but he was a wall of muscle and one that was not going to budge no matter how hard I tried. I was as weak as a pup, and he was a full-fledged werewolf.

My gaze flickered to Kyson, who stood there watching, a smirk on his face. As much as I wanted to plead for him to help me, I knew he was waiting his turn… The very thought made me sick…

“Let go of me, Nikolai.” I growled coldly.

He sneered in response and instead stepped right up to me. Reaching down, he forced my legs apart. I shoved him hard, but he didn’t budge.

“You will pay for this, Nikolai!” I hissed.

“Will I?”.

Probably not… he was the respected son of one of the highest-ranked families… No, he wouldn’t pay because I didn’t have my father to protect me anymore.

Right now, I was the one who was a no one… even if no one said it… I knew.

He pushed me back roughly, pinning my arms to my side as he forced himself between my legs, and I felt my stomach churn as I felt his hard shaft pressing against me.

Immense rage flared inside of me, like a brewing storm, as I struggled in his hold. Did he really find pleasure in this?

If there was a time to shift, now would be it. I was using all my willpower and strength to fight him, but I had worn myself down. I felt helpless… useless. Even though I tried so hard, and trained so hard, I was still weak.

“Calm down, beautiful, let’s put this body to good use.” He rasped huskily, making me glare at him in disgust.

Had he always been so… ugly and sick?

“Let me go!” I hissed, trying to kick him, but he had my legs clamped between his, restricting me completely.

He bent down, one hand squeezing my neck as he forcefully pinned my head back against the tree trunk, his eyes falling to my lips, as he licked his hungrily.

A move that could look appealing on one person’s face, but was sickening on Nikolai’s.

Using all my might, I tried again and pushed him, making him momentarily loosen his grip.

I needed to escape!

Taking the chance, I darted to the side, ready to make a run for it when a hand twisted in my hair and yanked me back.

“Now she wants to do this the fucking hard way.” Nikolai spat.

Something hit the back of my head and I heard Kyson murmur something as I fell to my knees. He tossed whatever he had hit me with to the ground.

“She’s done.” Nikolai’s voice came before I was pushed backwards into the mud.

My vision was slightly hazy as my top was ripped off, leaving me exposed in my bra. Nikolai climbed on top of me, pinning my thighs under his knee as he began to unbuckle his pants.

“The Alpha will not forgive you!” I shouted.

He scoffed.

“He won’t care… you aren’t even Beta’s Williams’s own blood… I think you were right Kyson, she was probably born from an Omega whore.”

His words hit me hard, my heart thumping in fear.

What were they saying… What did he mean?

“I’ll show you exactly what someone like you deserves…” He reached down, ready to unbutton my pants, but I forced myself up.

I’ll ask questions later, I needed to get away from here!

No matter how terrified and helpless I felt, I was not going to let this happen. My body screamed in response, I brought my knee up and kicked Nikolai in the leg, making him fall back onto the muddy ground.

I lurched to my feet and barrelled into Kyson. He staggered and I turned away, I needed to run as far and fast as possible before they succeeded in raping me.

“Grab her!” Nikolai growled at Kyson.

I ran blindly, the mud slowing me down, my feet squelching as they sank into the ground. Both men were gaining on me, but luckily being heavier, they were finding it harder to keep up, sinking deeper into the muddy ground.

“Don’t do something you will regret, you bitch!” Nikolai growled just as I stumbled, falling face-first into the mud.

“I would say the same to you too, Levin.”

My head snapped up as a pair of hands grabbed my elbows, lifting me from the ground. Wet strands of coppery brown hair fell over his forehead, rain water trickling down his perfect features and I found myself staring into a pair of seductive yet dangerous amber eyes.


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