My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

45. A Precious Surprise CHARLENE.

It was late when Theoden had entered the cells with a few men, pointing at a few of us and talking through the mind link. I wasn‘t sure what they were saying. My heart filled with fear as Raiden, Thea, and I were dragged from the cells, bound and blindfolded.

Where were they taking us? Gamma Grayson had been taken not long ago, and I was terrified to think where he may be. The beatings I had seen others go through terrified me, and just the memory of Raiden being tortured again made it hard to breathe. Luckily, Theoden hadn‘t seen my mark, the high– neck dress I had been wearing had hidden it, and when the guards had seen it afterwards, none cared about it. I was not a threat, but I knew if they even got wind of the fact that I was Hunter‘s mate, the consequences would be horrifying. Chosen or fated, they would not let me go. It was Hunter‘s name that was plastered across the resistance, and they hadn‘t hidden the fact they wanted him dead.

Now more than ever I needed to be safe, because I knew I was with child. I had missed my periods, but the slight nausea I had been feeling was the first sign. Although I had not thought much of it, it all fell into place when I had felt the faint butterfly sensation in my stomach. 5

I only wished that this had happened when I was with Hunter. We were going to become parents, yet here I was terrified, not knowing if my baby would survive or not. The wolfsbane and silver we were being injected with were of a high level, and although I prayed that our baby was ok, I was scared for its safety. 2

“Where are you taking us?” Thea hissed. She was the only one brave enough to argue with her father, and when I heard the sound of a resounding smack, I knew he had hit her.

What a monster he was.

“Thea.” Raiden warned, I could hear the anger in his voice.

I had seen them become closer over the last few days, and I hoped when things were better, he would accept her...

We were now led out into the open, but I couldn’t make out where we were being taken, the path was confusing and I held no sense of direction, far too weak to focus on anything. In my delirious state, I wondered why was he moving us personally? I could sense Arabella‘s darkness too, as it surrounded us and made me feel even more nauseous. We continued to walk for goddess knows how long, until I felt we were going downwards. Perhaps it was a slope... I wasn‘t so sure.

Tremained silent, not wanting to anger them. “Get in.” Someone hissed before I was shoved forward, feeling the temperature drop.

I didn‘t let a sound escape me, and I shuffled forward, until I knocked into someone.

Ryan. He nudged me behind him, and although I couldn‘t see him, I felt safer. I wanted to hide away to protect my baby.

“Let them rot in here, no one will find them.” Theoden growled. When the door slammed shut, I breathed a sigh of relief, now paying attention to who was here.

“Why not just kill us now? Dumb fools.” Ryan remarked. “We‘ve been through too much shit to die so easily though.” I smiled despite his words. Regardless of what he said, it was nice to hear another familiar voice.

“Dad, Mom?” Raiden‘s voice came.

“Raiden.” Andrea‘s voice came.

I felt someone pull the blindfold from my eyes and my heart skipped a beat when I looked into the eyes of none other than Zoe. Once again, feeling the guilt of my birth flit through me.

“Thank you.” I said softly.

I looked around, trying to see where we were. It was some sort of stone room. We were not in the vicinity of the castle, I could see that from the colour of the stone. Embedded in the stone were odd engravings. There was something wrong with this place. There was darkness here, and the markings that covered the walls gave me an ominous feeling. 2

Ryan went and rammed his shoulder against the stone entrance. I wasn‘t the only one who flinched at the sickening crunch of his bones, but it did nothing more than cause him pain.

Both Thea and I shook our heads at his antics.

“That sure didn‘t work.” Ryan muttered, making Raiden sigh before turning to his parents.

Andrea let out a sob as she walked over to him.

With his arms bound behind him, there was little he could do, save lean his forehead against his mother and tell her he was fine.

Both Andrea and Zoe were far too skinny, and I could tell they had seen many trials. They were covered in many scars and bruises that marred their bodies, yet they lived up to the titles of gamma females, for the fire still burned in their eyes.

Gamma Henry was in a worse state, but even he was still smiling.

“Rhys. Where is he?” Andrea whispered.

“Safe.” Raiden reassured her gently.

Zoe was kissing Ryan as he kept telling her how he was fine. Seeing their happiness made me feel happier, it gave me hope that not all is lost. They had been apart for so long, yet here they were, united once more. I hoped soon I would be reunited with Hunter too.

“Where is your father?” Zoe whispered.

Ryan shook his head and became serious. “I don‘t know. When we were ambushed, I think ne may have gotten away.” I hoped he was ok. Lately, I considered telling Gamma Grayson the truth, and I promised if I saw him again I would, but now seeing Zoe made me hesitate. I watched Thea observing the Boltons curiously, her intense stare made Andrea notice her.

“This is...” Raiden smiled slightly as he motioned with his head for Thea to step forward.”


“Thea Hale.” Thea added, not ashamed of her name as Zoe and Andrea tensed, but Gamma Henry sighed heavily. “And yet he has you imprisoned. You are not one of his, but one of us.” He said with a small smile.

She smiled back as she stepped up close to Raiden, her cheeks heating up as she poked her eyes out at him. If it wasn‘t for the bruises on them, or the fact they were collared and cuffed in silver, one would think they were just a young couple shy and in love.

“What?” Raiden whispered, but we all heard.

“Won‘t you introduce who I am?” She asked, stressing on the ‘who‘.

“You want me to?” Raiden asked quietly.

I smiled, watching them as Ryan scoffed.

“Seriously, we might die any minute, and you two are taking forever to make one damn announcement? They fell in love, I guess.” He shrugged, and I shook my head.

This man was so infuriating at times.

“Wrong actually, I mean... We... we‘re fated mates.” Raiden announced proudly, smiling down at her as she smiled equally proud.

Yes, they were going to be ok. Andrea gasped before she congratulated them both and kissed Thea‘s cheek. Smiling, I slowly slid down the wall, feeling exhausted as I tried to control my laboured breathing. From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you ok?” Ryan asked, looking down at me sharply. I forced a smile and nodded.


“You don‘t look it.” Raiden added, coming over as he crouched down next to me.

All eyes were on me, and I felt my heart thud nervously. I didn‘t like all attention on me…

“... I might be pregnant.” I shared, making Raiden‘s eyes fly open before concern settled into them.

“Fuck.” Ryan added as Thea hurried to my side, her eyes sparkled.

“I‘m going to be an aunt?” She whispered. “Theon is the father?” Gamma Henry asked shocked..

“No!” I exclaimed, appalled at the very thought. “He is Yileyna’s!” 1

Goddess, how had I ever liked him?! Will I have to share that fact with Hunter... oh Goddess! “It‘s a long story, so how about we all settle down in this stone tomb where we may actually die and let‘s fill you in shall we?” Ryan suggested.

Actually I think we needed him here, because he was that annoying companion that you just couldn‘t help but love.

It was dark, with no light, yet the company that surrounded me filled my heart with a glimmer of hope and warmth. Hunter, Yileyna and Theon... They will save us. 3)

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