My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames of

His Vengeance chapter 131

41. Helplessness THEON. She protected US and let them take her.

She risked herself for US. Leaving me fuckingruined. Two days had passed.

Hunter and I were at Alpha Romeo's pack, we had snuck in last night, only to find that Raiden, Zarian.and Hunter's men had never arrived.

I was fucking sick with worry, for Yileyna, Thea, and somehow for the rest.

Knowing what Theoden was capable of only made things worse.

What had they told him? If any of them were smart enough, they would have madesure not to mention me, because right now, I was the only

one who would be able to get into Westerfell, and I was ready to kill him. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

We were now having dinner with Alpha Romeo, although all I wanted was to shift and go find Yileyna.

Each passing second felt like an hour, and with each moment, a thousand thoughts crossed my mind.

I hadn't slept nor rested, and no matter how much times Hunter told me I needed to, I couldn't.

I was going insane waiting.

I forced myself to eat, but I couldn't taste anything.

The memory of her soft lips and the way she tasted lingered in my mind.

I wanted to hold her again, fucking kiss her and tell her that yeah, maybe we could be something.

I was just too fucking late to even tell her that.

Romeo sighed deeply, pouring US some more wine.

"I never thought the day would come..." He murmured gravely.

Hunter, with a little input from me, had filled him in on everything.

He was the strongest of the alphas who was loyal to Andres, and someone who would now become a source of power.

"Why were you so loyal to Andres? He was not a great king." I asked after a moment, drinking some of the wine.

"He had his faults, but Andres was not a bad man.

He conquered the middle kingdom for the benefit of US all, he was young and I remember him fighting for not only his pack, but others.

That is why we supported him.

When we were too afraid to fight the Dark Ones, Andres was not, he and Theoden...

they were the ones brave enough to venture out, but Andres was a people's person, whilst Theoden...

something about him just wasn't right..." His words hung in the air ominously.


Even I could see Andres was just a fool in some ways, but Theoden was pure evil.

The lights from the lanterns flickered, as Romeo sighed again.

"My army is yours, but Theoden has the entire territory surrounded."

"I have a plan, don't worry about that, but it will take a littletime." Hunter replied with a frown, running his fingers through his beard.

I knew he was worried about Charlene.

His only reassurance was he didn't feel any pain, meaning Charlene was safe.

I just hoped I could say the same for my Little Storm.

"I leave at first light, Theoden's gathering is soon.

Something big is about to go down and I need to get there first." I said firmly.

"Theoden may be suspicious that you have strayed from his side.

Are you sure venturing in there alone is wise?" Hunter asked quietly.

I frowned.

My mind was made up, I was going to face him...

He had taught me to hide all emotions, but even then, I wasn't sure I'd beable to fool him, although I would still try.

I held onto the necklace with the small pouch at the end.

The pearl of the Sea Emperor...

Somehow wearing it gave me strength, and I was healing, my wounds no longer bled and the area around them was mending.

"It may not be wise, but even if he doesn't trust me, he won't try to get rid of me upfront.

I'm stronger than he is." "Theon, it's still a risk." Hunter said firmly.

I looked him square in the eye, placing my empty glass down.

"Our women, sister, and our people are in his clutches.

After what Thea has been through, I'm fucking going crazy not knowing what's happening.

Charlene may be safe, but what is the guarantee that the others are? I'm leaving at dawn, end of discussion." "I understandthat, but if anyone mentioned you were there with them." "Then he knows, I don't really care.

I'm going to Westerfell.

Alone." I said, standing up and storming out of the room.

My heart was conflicted, despite how much I wanted to simply shift and reach Westerfell, I knew I needed to atleast get a little rest before I made the journey.

I stared at the moon, the Alpha gathering he had prepared was so close, surely, he was planning something big...

But what was it? Then there was his plan for the sirens.

I didn't like them...

But they had protected Yileyna and were trying to change...

just like I was...

Everyone deserves a second chance.

Did I deserve a second chance? Could I be selfish enough to dream of a world where she was by my side?

No, Ididn't.

I rested my arms on the stone wall of the Romeo’s home and sighed.

I didn't...

but she was still willing to give me one.

I will save her, even if I die in the process.

She will be freed.

1 I looked to the moon once more, wondering if the gods were simply watching to seehow this shit played out, or did they know what was to happen? Well, I would show them, not only them, but everyone.

No one fucking messes with Theon Alexander Hale, or those whom he cares for and loves.

I pushed myself away from the wall and walked down the side of the house, towards our quarters.

I once told Yileyna I was Hell, and I stand by it.

I will unleash hell upon all those who deserve it, starting with Theoden Hale.

I would show him how far this monster he created would go.

I will avenge them all; Mom, Thalia, lyara, Thea, Yileyna, and all our people.

He will pay, the day for his fall was coming ever closer...

I know Hunter was planning a smart attack, and I'll let him, because my only goal was to kill the King who sat upon a throne thatdid not belong to him.

Your days are numbered, Theoden...


It was happening again; the beating, the torture, and the pain.

The smell of blood, sweat, and fear filled the air, as we lay here bound in silver.

I don't know how they had found US.

Not all of us were captured, some got away.

I hoped they found Theon and Hunter, but I wasn't sure if they made it away alive or if they had been killed.

My own father saw me when he came to see who was here, but he didn't even spare me a second glance.

That monster cared for only himself.

I wanted to be strong and brave, but the fear that consumed me seeing the barbaric guards terrified me, bringingback memories of everything I had suffered.

We had been thrown into tiny cells, and somehow by fate I was in the same cell as the mate who didn't wantme, but wanted my brother's woman.

1 It had killed me, seeing his gaze go to her that night, but maybe it was for the better.

I didn't want a man, did I? But then, why was he the one who awoke me from my nightmarewith concern in those gorgeous blue eyes of his? He was so handsome that sometimes I was tempted to ask him to give me a chance, but I am Thea Hale, and I beg no one.

I mean, will we even make it out of here alive? I wasn't so sure.

Night had fallen, something that the tiny window in the far cell showed.

The only source of light that we had.

Silence had fallen over the dungeons, everyone was quiet or asleep.

I could hear a few sobbing silently, and a couple of people snoring, somehow able to sleep despite the fear of the unknown looming above US.

Charlene was in the same cell as the two of US, and she was currently fastasleep.

The sound of crickets and the squeaking of rats seemed to be far too loud, and I sighed, rolling onto my other side, flinching when the chainsscreeched.

"Are you alright?" Raiden, my mate's, beautiful sexy voice came, sending my heart into a frenzy.

I nodded, refusing to look at him.

I'm sure my nightmares and my panic attacks had already told him how weak I was.

It wasn't like he had been harsh to me.

Even when we were travelling before the ambush, I often found him looking at me...

He may not have directly helped, but he always made sure one of the female warriors asked me if I wanted wateror anything to eat.

"Thea?" "I'm fine." I said quietly, my heart pounding when he moved closer to me.

He was shirtless, and I was doing my best to not stare at his sexy body.

I gasped when his hand touched my bare arm.

He was warmer than I was, but it was the sparks that rushed through me that made me jerk up, my chains clanging.

"Shit." I muttered as Charlene stirred.

She was tied on the opposite side, and even if we wanted, we were not able to reach her, the chains restraining US

"You're shivering." Hemurmured.

"I'm fine, the last dose of wolfsbane hurt like a bitch." I muttered, making him smirk.

Our eyes met and my heart skipped a beat.

"It's weird..." He sighed.

"Huh?" I asked as he sat against the wall next to me.

I wanted to curl into him, not only for the sparks, but for the emotions that he awoke withinme, and of course for the heat his body offered.

"What's weird?" "Well...

You look a lot like your brother, but not entirely...

It's just - never mind." He chuckled hoarsely, resting his head against the wall and stared out of the small window.

"What? Is it weird that you find someone who looks like Theon pretty?" I teased before I realised what lhad accidentally said.

Raiden didn't find me pretty.

Yileyna, the beauty of a siren, shamed US all...

Oh why was I so stupid to have said that?! "Pretty much." Raiden replied, glancing down at me.

My heart skipped a beat as our eyes met, and he gave me a small, wry smile.

I didn't know what to say as I slowly eased myself up against the wall, making sure not to make too muchnoise.

"I was kidding." I murmured, wrapping my arms around my knees for warmth.

"I wasn't." He replied quietly.

My heart soared, and with it, my confusion increased ten-fold.

I didn't understand this, the way the pull of the mate bond wanted me to forget everything and become his.

I looked at him.

He was handsome, even with the bruises and cuts that littered his body, he was still incredibly beautiful...

The guards had taken him several times, he came back bloody and bleeding every single time, and although Theoden knew thatsome of Hunter's people were with US, none of US mentioned Theon.

That had been Ryan's idea, something he had suggested on one of the nights when wehad almost been caught...

"If we're caught, keep the fact Zarian is a prince a secret, and do not mention Theon at all, no matter what.

Pin it on Hunter, because Theoden will know Hunter will have a hand in this, but Theon, he mayjust be the hidden trump card we may need.

Play smart, assholes." He was an annoying ass himself, but he made a fair point, and that was the storywe were sticking with.

Although Hunter's men had not been too keen on their Alpha taking the fall, Hunter’s Beta had saidit may be for the best, and in Hunter's absence he was in charge.

They had already sent word back to the Iron Claw pack to go into hiding.

Hunter was incredible, he had thought several steps ahead, and was smart enough to have planned a secret passage of safety for his pack.

My only regret is he didn't get to meet Thalia, she would have loved him...

I still missed her...

"I'm sorry." Raiden's voice was quiet as he turned to look at me.


"For that night...

I didn't mean to hurt you." He explained, his eyes filled with guilt and sadness.

"I'm not saying this to get back into your good graces, but I owe you an apology..." "It's fine, I am just not up to par." I murmured, staring atthe

cold stone floor.

"It's not that.

I have loved Yileyna for a while, those feelings don't just vanish...

You didn't deserve that, and neither did she...

What I did, hurt her too..." It hurt knowing he was thinking of Yileyna.

He still loved her...

and he felt guilty for hurting her...

I didn't reply, there was just nothing for me to say.

"If you wish to reject me, Thea, you may, but I'm hoping we can get to know one another.” Our eyesmet and I knew what he was asking for.

Asking for time to get over Yileyna, and if I would wait.

It was my choice now...

life was short...

and good men were like a needle in a haystack.

“You may not like me, but I guess we can be friends.” I replied nonchalantly, as I tossed my hair over my shoulder.

"Sounds good, but I never said I don't like you." He grinned, giving me a sexy wink that made my heart skip a beat.

Did I want him? I was certain if I did, I could win him over.

The bond was on my side...

but I didn’t want to push him...

He needed time, and indirectly, it was what he was asking of me.

"Then, as a friend, allow me to hold you.

It's cold and you will fall ill." He said, his face now serious as I shivered once more.

In the arms of my mate...

"Or do you just need an excuse to get close?" I frowned.

“Was that why you were trying to sweet talk me?” He looked surprised and shook his head, his black locks flopping over his forehead sexily.


I honestly had no bad intentions.” “So, you didn't think about feeling me against you?" I narrowed my eyes, glaring at him suspiciously.

To my surprise I heard the slight racing of his heartbeat, before he looked away.

"It was not my intention." He said quietly.

But he had thought about me in that way...

My heart leapt, and although I wouldn't dare show him that, it made me see some hope in this darkness.

"Really?" I asked tauntingly instead, leaning closer.

"Really, really." He replied challengingly.

Our eyes met, as we both tried to hide our smiles.

Something told me we were going to be ok...

Even in these dark cold cells, we were finding a glimmer of happiness.

Perhaps it was fate that placed me in a cell with Raiden...

"Fine then, you can hold me to keep me warm." I declared, before I scooted closer, closingthe gap between US.

"Understood." He replied, his voice sounding thicker than usual as he slowly placed his arm around me, gently, almost as if I might break.

My heart thudded as his strong arms wrapped around me.

I shivered, welcoming the warmth and the sparks that rippled through me.

He sat there leaning against the wall, pulling me between his legs as he held mein his arms, and I felt safe, as safe as I felt in Theon's


but how? When he was not someone I knew, was this the power of the mate bond or could I follow my intuition? The voicewithin me that told

me he could be trusted.

I discreetly took a whiff, his scent was intoxicating.

Even with the blood and other smells down here, he smelt divine.

Please, Goddess, I don't ask for much, just please let my mate be mine one day...

IL My gaze went to Charlene, who lay just out of reach, her face pale, her breathing shallow as she lay there shivering so close...

yet so far...

Raiden had given up his shirt and torn cloak, which was now on top of her,but it still wasn't enough.

Charlene wasn't well and none of US knew what was going on...

I just prayed we were found soon, because I didn't know how much longer she would last down here.

• Her life was also tied to my brother's, and I needed them both safe.

I didn't want to keep on expecting others to save me, but somehow, I always ended up in such situations...

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