My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames of

His Vengeance chapter 123

33. In the Comfort of Another HUNTER. All evening the unease within me was growing, the full moon was glaring at me, mocking me and

taunting me.

No, I didn't want a chosen mate...

but deep down a part of me selfishly thought of the possibility of a dream coming true...

A dream where I was mated to none other than Charlene...

I was avoiding facing her under the full moon, but it didn't matter, she was mine. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

She always would be, but the fear of the slight chance of someone stealing her from me would remain.

I had sent Raiden to deliver them some drinks, but it was high time I went to find her and bring her to bed.

I was about to mind-link her when I saw her flaming hair as she walked towardsour tent.

My heart thundered as an intense scent filled my nose, and my wolf howled.

The urge to rush to Charlene's side consumed me, and then she suddenly froze, sniffing the air before all colourleft her face and she turned,

about to rush away when I ran over and grabbed hold of her arm.

4 Blinding sparks coursed through me as I tried to focus.

"Not so fast, Princess..." I whispered huskily, spinning her around towards me.

One truth was crystal clear.

Even in the eyes of Selene, she was fated for me.

5 "Hunter..." She breathed, letting out a breath, and I realised what she had been trying to do, run from her mate.

She gripped my arms, resting her head against my chest.

"Thank you, Goddess." She whispered.

I let go of her arm and cupping her face, forced her to look up at me.

“You're mine and no one can steal you from me." I said quietly.

The bond was complete, and the rush of it strengthening jarred me.

I never thought our love and connection could get stronger.

She shook her head.

"No one could steal me from you, even before this bond.

I would never have left you, and I never will, bond or not.

I love you, Hunter." My Luna...

'I love you far more than I can ever express through words, Princess.' I replied through thebond as my lips captured hers in a deep kiss.

This was a kiss I would always remember, deep, intense, yet full of love.

There was a time I didn't want my fated mate because I didn't want it to be the reason to love someone...

but I was blessed to have fallen in love with my fated mate before she was even shownto be mine...

My true mate, my Luna, my love, my intoxication...

We broke apart, and for a while, I simply held her, until she moved back and smiled softly.

"I don't want to ruin this moment but..." "What's wrong?"

"Thea’s mate is here, and he...

hesitated.' She whispered, making anger rush through me.

The urge to protect my sister from anything made my eyes blaze.

"Name?" I growled menacingly.

2 "Hunter, calm down...

He just needs time." "So, you know him well? Is he one of your previous packmembers?" She cupped my face, tilting her head.

"Calm down, my love." She whispered, tugging me closer and kissing my lips." Shall we go watch over Thea? I'm worried." "She sharesa tent

with the Queen, does she not?" "She isn't there." She replied, but she was worried, I could see that in her eyes.

I frowned but nodded, and we walked towards the tent.

Thea was awake so I sat outside the tent, pulling Charlene down in front of me.

"Let me tell you a story about the first time I fought a Naga...." I suggested clearly, knowing Thea would not be able to ignoreus even if she wanted.

Wrapping my arms around her shoulders and kissing Charlene's neck, I settled back.

As much as I wanted to fuck her all night, I knew neither of US would be able to focus,knowing what Thea was going through.

"Oh, I'd love to hear that!" Charlene replied, looking up at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.

'I love and adore you.' I said through the link.

She simply smiled, clutching my shirt, and curled into me as I began telling the tale of my first endeavour...

9 YILEYNA I felt terrible, Thea had been through so much and to find her mate, who wasan incredible man and one who I knew could heal her, look away from her? I closed my eyes, feeling awful.

I didn't mean for this to happen...

I leaned against a tree and stared at the moon.

Please help Raiden to move on and accept her.

She deserves nothing more than to be loved wholeheartedly.

"Why do you look so upset?" His husky voice came, and I turned to see none other than Theon standingthere.

My heart clenched when I noticed his eyes were red and his hair was a mess.

Still as handsome as ever, but there was something that had caused him pain.

"Why do you?" I asked softly.

"I don't look upset." I I shook my head, smiling slightly.

"You would never admit it, would you? Then tell me, what's on your mind?" He leaned against the treeopposite and crossed his arms.

"You." I raised an eyebrow.

"I asked you why you looked so upset.

Surely it can't be because your precious friend will be gone tomorrow?" I rolled my eyes.

"Always jealous of her, are you not?" "You wish." 1

I smiled but it didn’t reach my eyes, myheart hurt...

"Didn't the days back at the cabin feel so calm? Although...

I guess not for you, since you were there with an aim...

but you know, back then all I wanted was to live happily and play house.” I whispered, feeling my emotions intensify.

"You're a good cook, but you're made for far more than playing house." I looked up at him, my vision blurringwith tears that I refused to let fall.

"But all I wanted was to be with you, be the perfect woman for you...

I wanted to cook for you, take care of you...

Just spend the cold nights before that hearth with you.

I was a fool, wasn’t I?" I whispered.

2) He frowned, looking down for a moment before his gaze snapped up to me oncemore.

He pushed himself away from the tree, approaching me.

"No, you weren't.

You were just naive...

innocent and full of love...

I'm sorry.” He murmured, cupping my face.

I took hold of his wrists, my heart yearned for more.

The pain within me was suffocating me, all I wanted was to crumble in his arms and cry,but I couldn't...

I knew he wouldn't leave me, but I couldn't show him my weakness...

I was made for so much more...

"I was a fool is all..." I turned my gaze away from those amber orbs of his and stared up at the moon.

"They say the Gods test those whom they love...

this pain, this burden, it is nothing but a trial..." “You think so? I doubt it...

Selene has done nothing but destroy it all..." "But did she? It wasn’t her doing, she created US, but itis up to us to do the right thing." I responded, looking back into his eyes.

His touch still sent those beautiful tingles through me.

His fingers brushing my cheeks made me feel light-headed.

This closeness, this feeling...

It was breaking me, I wanted to scream how I was feeling, my confusion, my pain, all of it...

but I couldn't.

"What has triggered these thoughts tonight?" He asked quietly.

"Is it the full moon?" "Kind of...

I just feel as if all I do is ruin things for others."

"Where is this coming from?" Hefrowned, forcing my face up to look at him.

Would he hate me when he learned I had ruined his sister’s happiness? "Thea found her mate tonight buthe...

he may have feelings for me." I whispered, unable to tell him the name.

Theon's eyes flashed, and I looked down.

"He's a good person but...

She's been through a lot, they are perfect for one anoth

"Enough." His voice was cold, making myheart squeeze in pain.

He let go of my face and pulled me tightly against his chest.

One arm wrapped around my shoulders, his other hand cupping the back of my head as he held me close.

I could hear the rhythm of his heart, smell his intoxicating scent, feel his warmth and the cold reminder from the faint smell of blood...

"That is not on you." He said softly.

"Raiden can make his choice, and as much as I feel for Thea, she'll be fine.

Perhaps it's too soon for her to take a mate anyway.

Don't hold yourself accountable, Yileyna.

You don't control the people who fall in love with you."

I couldn't stop the tears from falling, his words comforted me, and I gripped his shirtgently.

I wanted this, I wanted him to hold me and shield me from the world, but I couldn't ask for such.

My path was to the throne, to rule this kingdom and be strong for its people....

But still, was it so wrong that I wanted to be loved and cherished?

He stroked my hair, and I didn't move, leaninginto him.

I loved the feel of his body, not only did it drive me crazy, but it felt like...


I wanted to stay here forever.

"I think Selene is really trying to fuck with me." He mused after a while when my tears had dried.

"Hmm, how?" I asked, knowing I should move away, but I didn't.

"Hunter chose Charlene, I know you love her, but she always annoyed me, and now Raiden...

so fucking perfect.

Can't stand the both of them." 3 I smiled, sarcasm dripping from his voice, but I didn'tblame him for thinking that.

"Well Hunter is lucky to have Charlene and she is lucky to have him.

They are perfect together, in love, happy...

and united."

Something we could never have...

2 I slowly moved away.

"What is on your mind Theon? I shared mine." I asked softly.

He frowned and looked into my eyes.

"I learned from Hunter that my father had the ship damaged, to make sure not many of usmade it back alive.

He killed her, Yileyna, and he most likely wanted Thea and Thalia dead too...

Remember the sacrifices needed to control a Dark One?" My stomach dropped as I stared at him.

"Killed his own mate and child..." My heart was thumping as I ran my fingers through my hair.


pure evil.

How can he do this? I wish there was more on the Dark Ones...

The previous king never said anything either.

I can only imagine how you must be feeling.

I'm sorry." I reached up, uncertain of my actions, but no matter how strong he acted, surely he needed some comfort.

Would he pull away? Our eyes met and I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

He only hesitated for a moment, before his arms tightened around me, making my breath hitchas he buried his head into the corner of my


Our heart thumped and I closed my eyes, caressing his back.

I couldn't fathom the extent of his pain, but Theon had been through far too much, manipulated and blindedby a monster.

I just hoped he found peace someday...

---- The following day, we bid farewell to the rest, Thea acted normal as she stuck by Charlene's side.

Seeing Charlene say goodbye to Hunter, and Thea hug her brother's goodbye, was a dark reminder of how dangerous our mission was, but

one weinevitably had to embark upon.

Everyone knew Theon and Hunter were brothers, and it had caused people to trust Theon a little more, despite theinitial shock.

When I had found out Charlene and Hunter were fated mates, I had been over the moon for them.

I was delighted.

We were soul sisters and we had ended up mated to two brothers, even if our lovestories were so different, we were still destined for the two.

I wished her all the happiness and love in the world.

We had arranged a meeting point for our return, and if Hunter was corređ, we shouldn’t be gone more than two weeks max.

"My Queen, I will await your return." Zarian said with a charming smile.

"Might I add, you look beautiful in your armour?" I gave a small smile as he kissed my hand.

He had given me the armour I now adorned, one that was lightweight and beautiful.

— "I will look forward to the day that we are once again all united.

With this journey to Naran, I hope that we become one step closer to victory."

"I have no doubt." "In my stead, Beta Raiden will be my voice andcommand.

Obey and respect him.

ne final time.

A murmur of 'yes, my queen' followed, before I took a deep breath, ready for this journey.

I' Then to Naran we go." Hunter added as he sheathed his sword, looking at the distant hills covered with dense forest.

The borders of their kingdom...

I had already bid farewell to all, and I cast a final glance at Charlene, who gave me an encouraging smile.

I waved at her and Thea, giving Raiden a curt nod before turning away and falling instep between the two brothers.

My eyes met Theon's for a moment before I looked ahead, my stomach was a flurry of nerves, but I was prepared for whatever came our


To Na ran.

---- A/N: Due to certain deadlines I will be aiming to complete this book by the end of this month, as you all know Iplan my books so I know

how much chapters I need to write.

So starting tomorrow I'm going to be writing overtime to post double chapters for this book.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.