My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

13. A Transformation


It had been so much to take in, and although I was told to rest on it, I was unable to. Being underwater was daunting in itself, despite the fact that I was getting used to it.

Not to mention the dark–haired distraction that now stood in my room. His dangerously handsome looks did not help my nerves, he was staring at me with intrigue, and something more. Aquarius, that was his name. One of Deliana‘s guards. I had been mortified when she had said he would take care of me, and how our guards were meant to satisfy us if we wanted. A

I had gotten embarrassed, however none of the other sirens had even batted an eyelid.

I was given some clothing if you could call it that... it simply consisted of sheer fabrics or tiny jewelled pieces of metal for my breasts, and a sheer piece of cloth to wrap around my waist. I sat on the bed, swinging my legs as I watched the ripples in the water.

I felt frustrated. There was so much to take in, I first thought being the heart was stressful enough. Now throw in the seven seas!

I sighed, lying down on the bed, and stared at the glowing light around the edge of the ceiling, only for Aquarius to come over.

“Are you restless?” He asked.

“Umm, not entirely.” I replied, feeling very naked right now.

He nodded, his eyes raking over me as they lingered on my legs.

“You are beautiful… If you want to relax, I can help.” He whispered seductively, his dark navy shimmery tail whipping as he closed the gap between us. 5

Despite the coldness of the water, I was certain my cheeks burned at his words.

“1–I think I’m ok!” I mumbled, embarrassed as his fingers grazed up my inner thigh making me gasp. I quickly pulled away and tucked my legs under me, but my curiosity had piqued.

Sex with a merman… Imagine telling Charlene about that! 2

Theon‘s face came to mind and my spirits were dampened.

I did not want to let him get in the way, all he brought was pain, but I couldn‘t deny my heart still belonged to him. Or whatever was left of it.

“Well, I actually have a question.” I said, staring at Aquarius‘s perfect abs.

He crossed his arms, raising one of those dark arched eyebrows.

“Ask away.”

Well, I have always been a curious girl...

“Where is your... penis?” I asked confidently, ready for him to get embarrassed or think I‘m crazy, but hey! am a weird–legged thing anyway. 4

He smirked instead.

“You are a strange one. Isn‘t that obvious, or is it that you wish to see what I have to offer first?”

I pouted and gave him a look.

“No, I‘m just curious.” I think I did want to see it... “I want to see if it‘s like those above water.”

I shrugged haughtily.

Was I really asking a male to show me his manhood? Yes. Yes I was. 1

He smirked, then I saw where there was a slight curve to the front of his tail. The scales rippled before they moved aside, and out sprang a long hard dick.

I couldn‘t help but giggle, making him frown slightly, but I didn‘t care, I was far too intrigued to bother. I crawled closer, looking at the smooth cock. It was a bit darker in colour compared to his abdomen, with the scales blending around it. There was not one hair in sight. The tip was sharper, and it was rather long too, maybe twelve or eleven inches... Although it got thinner towards the tip. 1

“What do you find so funny?” He asked, as I smirked and moved back.

“Nothing, I just never thought I‘d ever see a merman‘s cock.” I said bluntly.

He raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly.

“So, how is it?” He asked in a lower, huskier voice.

I looked down at the merman‘s penis, blushing once more.

“It‘s nice and big.” I complimented, “You can put it away now.” 2

He seemed satisfied with my compliment, before slowly letting the sheath of his scales hide it away once more. He didn‘t seem too impressed I didn‘t want more, as he backed away and took his place by the door.

Yes, I actually asked a merman to see his dick, I think I am losing my mind. 4

The moment‘s distraction vanished, and I became lost in my thoughts once more.

It had been a while since Deliana and Lavina had begun to prepare the spell to remove the final seal. I was getting impatient.

Deep down I was scared... Would I become a monster? Would I start killing people?

A light knock came and the veil on the door lifted. Aquarius bowed his head to Deliana, and I wondered if he had slept with her too, since he was her guard.

Goddess, that would have been gross if I had accepted!

I looked up at Deliana once he had left the room. Her powerful gaze was on me, I tried to act normal but it was obvious she could see right through me.

“What troubles you?” She asked.

I looked down at my legs before I mustered the courage to speak the rather insulting question.

“I know sirens hate our kind... but when I shift, when the seal is lifted, will I too get the urge to enchant and kill men mercilessly?” I asked, flinching internally at how that sounded,

She raised a perfect eyebrow.

“If you hate them, yes, just as a werewolf would kill those they hate. I think you don‘t realise the damage your kind has done to us, we are sworn enemies and the death of the other pleases us. Do you know the only men that died at sea long ago were the ones who we fell in love with? Without realising the risk of our desires upon man, they drowned in our arms… So to answer your question; no, your desire to kill will not be stronger...” She replied, crossing her arms, “However, your sexual desire may be far stronger.”

Great... That was all I needed.

Now it made sense why they said to use Aquarius... 1

She smiled at my obvious worry and coming over, ran her fingers through my hair.

For a moment I tensed at the intimate move of tender care, seeing her eyes soften.

“You are so young and innocent. I feared you would become a monster, just like him.” She mused quietly.

I looked away, trying not to stare at her magnificent tail as she sat beside me.

It was interesting how both sides saw the other as the monsters...

“He didn‘t raise me. When my parents were killed and framed, he cast me aside... He only acknowledged me when he realised I was the heart.” I found myself telling her.

She frowned.

“Good. You didn‘t need him in your life, I am glad he didn‘t get to spend that time as a father with you.” She spat, her eyes flashing angrily. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

It was obvious the hurt she felt was still extremely painful, far more than she would ever let on.

“I don‘t know if it helps, but the woman he thought was his chosen mate, had a spell put upon him to think she was his chosen mate.” I said quietly. 1

I saw the flash of anguish in her eyes, before she tilted her head haughtily.

“I care not.” She said with a coldness to her voice, despite the fact that I could hear the denial in it.” Yileyna... when I chose your name, I chose it for its uniqueness and strength. In the old language of the

oceans, your name stands for light. In my darkest hours, you were the one keeping me from losing my mind, the temptation to end myself had grown stronger, but I was unable to, knowing I had you within me. “She ran her fingers through my hair once more.

I furrowed my brows and looked at her curiously.

“If you chose my name... Does that mean Ariella told my parents it, or did you leave a note?”

“We left a note.” She said, smiling slightly. “They are the only two werewolves that I may actually like, Ariella made the right choice.”

“Did they know what I was?” I asked, my heart skipping a beat with worry at what the answer may be.

She tilted her head once more, looking up at the glowing ceiling of the room.

“The note told them that you were the illegitimate daughter of the king and to keep you safe. However, when we needed to strengthen the spells, we sent Ariella to get you. We managed to take you, however, when she was on the way to return you, your father saw Ariella as she stepped out of the ocean. Although she was in her legged form, he would have surely known what you were. But he simply took you and told her that if she wanted to see you, she needed to be more careful, if anyone was to find out that it would put you in danger. You were still so young at that time...” 1

She sighed but I couldn‘t stop the smile that graced my lips.

My parents knew who I was, and they loved me. 2

Goddess, they loved me for me.

The tear that perhaps if they had found out and that they may have hated me, had been something I dared not face, but now hearing that they most likely knew... Remembering how Mom told me my voice

was just for her, to sing only for her... I covered my face as the tears of relief and sorrow flooded my eyes.

Could you even cry in water?

“What‘s wrong, my little tempest?” She asked, placing a hand on my back.

I don‘t know why, but I leaned into her, allowing her to hug me tightly. I couldn‘t explain it; yes, she was a siren, yes it was the first time I was meeting her, but somehow there was something about her gentle loving touch that reminded me of my mom, Hana.

“Hush, all will be well, you can see them soon.” She whispered soothingly.

I pulled away, my eyes full of pain. I realised she didn‘t know that they were gone. I shook my head.

“No... they were killed a while ago.” I whispered.

Her eyes saddened as she stroked my hair.

“I am sorry, I owe them a lot for taking care of you. Every time I sent Ariella to shore to observe, she said you were loved and well taken care of. I often thought she was lying to make me feel better, but they raised you well.” 1

“They did.” Then Theon took them from me. “Why do you call me Tempest? Even Ariella did when we were travelling by ship.”

A small smile crossed her lips, and she stroked my hair.

“It was my name for you. My little Tempest.”

Little Tempest...

Little Storm...

I smiled softly. “I like it.”

A knock at the entrance made us both turn, to see Lavina standing there.

“The preparations are done.” She said, motioning for us to come.

Deliana stood, taking my hand as she swam to the door, pulling me along with her.

The fact that the King had tried to kill her in her sleep... just imagine the person you love the most doing that... My heart squeezed painfully at the thought. I had been betrayed by my beloved too…

Stepping out into the room, there were several things set up on the ground, along with some colouring on the floor. I wonder how they got it to stay, rather than washing away... probably magic.

“Swim into the centre, Yileyna, this may hurt a little, but remember to stay calm.”

I had been in enough pain, I‘m sure I could handle this. I nodded before swimming into the centre of the spell markings. I glanced at Deliana, who was watching sharply, before she raised her hand and a trident appeared in it.

“One of the seven tridents of the sea, they hold immense power and can only be yielded by the rulers of the seven seas.” Deliana explained..

I nodded in understanding.

Taking a deep breath, Lavina began chanting something in a hissing voice, whilst Deliana simply raised her trident and pointed it towards the circle around me.

Her eyes turned darker as I felt the surge of power that enveloped me. I closed my eyes, feeling a sudden intense coldness encase me. It got tighter and tighter, until I felt like I wouldn‘t be able to

breathe anymore,

‘Stay calm.‘ Deliana‘s voice came into my head.


I remembered the fields that Dad took me to as a child, the buttercups and daisies I used to pick... The calmness I felt... His embrace, his laughs... Mom‘s kisses and cuddles... Her stories as she made me go to sleep...

Tears streamed down my cheeks as a sudden surge of emotions filled me, a wracking sob left my lips at the intensity of the emotions I was feeling. I missed them, I missed them so, so much.

‘She is in a lot of internal pain, yet she hid it so well...‘ Lavina‘s murmur came.

There was no way I was able to stop the sorrow that enveloped me.

Theon tickling me playfully... Him making me coffee... Him leaving me in the snow as I tried to give him the key to the cabin... Oh how naïve I was...

Suddenly the crushing pain of the cold that seemed to encase me vanished, and I gasped as I felt an odd heaviness wash over my lower limbs. Then to my surprise, right before my eyes, I saw a beautiful tail in the place where my legs were moments ago.

Lavina gasped in awe and I had to admit my tail truly was a sight, low on my hips was where it began, in a dangerous V that dipped right to my pelvis. Blended into a shimmering pearlescent silvery blue, that dazzled and glittered like a thousand crystals, was a darker stunning blue where my knees would be, and then it went into shades of stunning purples, blues and silvers, spreading across the pair of magnificent fins at the end. Instantly I realised my tail was longer than even Deliana‘s. 1

I could breathe perfectly too, before it felt a bit stuffy, now it was like fresh air was surrounding me.

“A true royal.” Deliana murmured with pride as she motioned to the mirror that hung on the wall. “She has the three fins at the back... Father will not be able to deny her...”

“And her eyes.” Lavina added with awe.

I approached the mirror, the swimming coming a little easier than I thought it would be, and stared into it. My waist looked narrower, and my breasts were slightly larger. My skin shimmered with a pearlescent sheen... I turned and saw the three little frilly fins at the back of my butt. My hair was much longer, it was blonde from the top, which bled into an icy blue, with the tips a stunning purple that matched the purple in my tail. 2

I looked into my eyes, framed by those lush long lashes, and saw the magical iridescent irises that stared back at me.

“... I can‘t believe that‘s me.” I whispered in a voice far more alluring and melodious than it used to be, turned back towards Lavina and Deliana.

“With your final seal broken. Vou will now be able to shift at will, to control the elements as you please, and become the queen you were born to be.” Deliana said with approval and confidence.

Somehow, those words no longer worried me, they didn‘t scare me… because I was ready to be the queen I was destined to be. 2

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